IIPI Trains WVCST Technologists and Inventors

A two-day individual training was conducted by IIPI (International Intellectual Property Institute) to College Technologists and Inventors as part of the second phase training by the IIPI-UPSTO Innovation Opportunities Program. The training which was held on July 18-19, is just one of the benefits that the College enjoys after it was chosen as one of the six institutions leading in innovation and technology or ITSO institution in the country.

The Individual training which was conducted by Dr. Richard Cahoon, President of the Bio-Property Strategy Group, Inc. of IIPI, aims to further advance the skills and knowledge of our technologists and inventors in the College. Dr. Cahoon talked on the perspective of technology transfer and commercialization as well as its viability in the country. Before the training came to an end, the participants gave individual presentations on technology and were evaluated by Dr. Cahoon.

Director Richard de Leon of the Research Service Division headed the participants composed of faculty and researchers like Engr. Naci John Trance, Associate Prof IV, CEA; Prof. Roger Balderas, Faculty, Electronics Engineering Department; Prof. Lino Baldevarona, Faculty, Fashion and Apparel, Prof. Novelita Belmes, Faculty, HRT; Prof. Rene Celda, Faculty, Electrical Technology Dept.; Prof. Jogie Cubar, Faculty, Automotive Technology Dept; Prof. Sammy Daitao, Faculty, Automotive Technology Dept.; Engr. Godofredo Defensor, Chair, Center for Alternative Energy; Prof. Erman Gange, Chair, Center for Industrial Product Development; Dr. Rolando Jacuman, Faculty, HVAC –RT Department; Engr. Albert Janapon, Faculty, CEA; Engr. Norman Mabalot, Faculty, Electronics Engineering; Engr. James Emmanuel Malunda, Chair, Center for Robotics; Prof. Joselito Mendoza, Faculty, Science Dept; Engr. Salvador Senorio, Faculty, CEA; Prof. Madeline Subosa, Faculty, HRT Dept; Prof. Belinda Zamora, Faculty, Science Department. Other participants came from WVCST Satellite Campuses and outside clients.


After taking the qualifying exam and passing the final interview with the Toshiba Information Equipment ( Phils), Inc., 18 WVCST students qualified in the Toshiba Scholarship Award; 15 of which are from CEA, and 3 from CIT.

The company, Toshiba Information Equipment (Phils), Inc. will pay for the students’ annual tuition and miscellaneous fees. In addition they will also receive a monthly allowance of Php 3,000.00. However, they have to maintain a grade point average of 2.5 or higher (or its equivalent grade in school) per semester and with no failing marks in any subject. Furthermore, these students can also have the chance to get hired by the company upon graduating.

The College congratulates and is proud of the following students who are the recipients of Toshiba Scholarship Award.

1. Daguro, April Joy M. BSECE 2-A
2. Joven, Icon Mhyrel S. BSECE 2-A
3. Sanchez, Sherylyn G. BSECE 2-A
4. Sumalacay, Gia May S. BSECE 2-A
5. Chavez, Rashed R. BSECE 3-A
6. Cuñada, Rhavie Joy B. BSECE 4-A
7. Hismaña,, Rygilen E. BSECE 4-A
8. Paborito,Marvin S. BSECE 4-A
9. Reyes, Maricris S. BSECE 4-A
10. Umadhay, Jess Rey P. BSECE 4-A
11. Azunar, Fiji Marie B. BSECE 5-A
12. Balibado, Jeno Paulo L. BSECE 5-A
13. Condes, Ma. Helena T. BSECE 5-A
14. Gabrillo, Sheila V. BSECE 5-A
15. Silveo, Clarissa Mae B. BSECE 5-A
16. Parrel, Carl John A. BIT Electrical Technology 4-A
17. Palma, John Troy S. BS Electronics Technology 4-A
18. Valerta, Joseph S. BIT Electronics Technology 4-A

The students were awarded their scholarship certificates by Mr. Minoru Iriko of Toshiba Information Equipment (Phils) Inc. In connection with the scholarship program of Toshiba, a

WVCST Hosts AACCUP Training

The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc. or AACCUP is currently conducting a training-workshop hosted by WVCST at Punta Villa Resort.

This workshop intends to train Senior AACCUP Accreditors in the Accreditation of Advanced Accredited Programs (Level III and Level IV) to further develop their competencies in terms of their knowledge of the program and the accreditation process, skill in applying the process , and their capability in making professional judgments in the accreditation of Advanced Accredited Programs (Level III and Level IV).

The AACCUP Training-Workshop is a series of workshops given to Presidents, Senior and new accreditors, professors and others who are identified and invited by AACCUP. The first in the series of training was conducted in June of this year, followed by the session on July 18 to 20 and another one on July 23 to 25.

At the end of the conference, participants are expected to have identified the strengths and areas needing improvement in the Accreditors’ performance during on-site survey visits, presented good practices of Accreditors in conducting accreditation and have been updated of the recent policies, developments and trends and the visions in SUC accreditation.

OSA Hosts Scholarship Orientation

To impart more information and instructions to WVCST Scholars sponsored by different agencies, a Scholarship Orientation Program was hosted by the Office of the Student Affairs headed by Dr. Susan Marie de la Cruz.

The Orientation Program was divided into 4 groups namely the Iskolar sang Iloilo Program, the CHED Scholars and grantees, DOST Scholars and the Barangay Grantees.

Different agencies conducted the scholarship orientation and represented namely by the following; for DOST, Ms. Arlene G. Torre, Section Head of DOST VI Scholarship and Ms. Mia C. Pielago, Scholarship Project Assistant II, for CHED, Dr. Christy B. Laurente, Supervising Education Program Specialist/ In-Charge of Student Services and Ms. Concepcion Jesusa Garrido, personnel from the Provincial Capitol represented the Iskolar sang Iloilo Program.

The said orientation program that ran for three (3) days took place at WVCST Ed Tech Center.

WVCST Infra Projects On the Go

A substantial line of infrastructure projects are on hand for the improvement and modernization of the main campus of WVCST. Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr., Director, Planning and Development, reports that for now there are 4 on going projects, 1 of which is 100% completed already and a handful of others waiting to be started.

According to the data, the construction of the College Library-Phase 3 with an awarded contract price of Php2, 403, 640.75 that began in March, is almost ready for occupancy. This project was completed on June 13, 2013.

The repair of the Teacher Education Building (TEB) and the Administration Building facades with covered walkway has a contract price of Php 1,805,173.00. It started in July and will be finished by next month while the construction of the CEA-ICT Building (College of Engineering and Architecture-Information and Communication Technology) with an awarded contract price of Php109,556,711.71is anticipated to be accomplished in December also of this year. The CEA-ICT Building is located at the new site facing the main campus.

Expected to be finished in August 12, 2013 is the Hotel and Restaurant Technology (HRT) Service Center –Phase 2 which was started on March 26, 2013 and is at its 67.87% of completion (as of July 10, 2013). In this construction, a contract price of Php4, 006,014.45 was given.

Other projects on queue are the Rehabilitation of N Building Phase 1 and L Building Phase 1, all located in the main campus to be able to cater the fast growing population of students. Meanwhile, in the Satellite Campuses, projects waiting to be started are the construction of the HRT Center in Miag-ao Campus, repair and expansion of the Convention Hall of Leon Campus and the construction of the Entrepreneurial Lane in Barotac Nuevo Campus. A total appropriated cost of Php27,667,000.00 is set for all these future constructions.



Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., WVCST College President was recently awarded by the World Education Congress Global Awards (For Excellence in Education, Leadership and Training) for his OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION TO EDUCATION in Mumbai, India.

Dr. Sorolla was commended by the World Education Congress for his leadership and contribution to the field of Education, thus making him a role model and a believer in change.

The World Education Congress Global Awards aims to recognize individuals and institutions with the best talent and highest standards, organized for a professional cause. The objective at core is benchmarking Educational Practices.

The World Education Congress is a meeting in which participants discuss evolving trends in education. They also examine modern as well as traditional knowledge system, explore on how education can help develop mental, emotional and physical skills to help facilitate personal excellence as well as psychological and socio-economic wellbeing that is being faced by the world now. Aside from networking opportunities, they also discuss unique in-depth approaches to understanding important academic issues that affect the viability of the institution. This year’s theme is “Teaching and Learning for Meaning in a Globalized World.”

Present during the Congress were Hon. Lee Ocran, Minister of Education of Ghana; Hon. Dr. Tim Gopeesingh , Minister of Education, Trinidad And Tobago; Hon. Magele Mauiliu Magele, Mminister of Education, Sports & Culture, Samoa and Hon. Mr. Aloizio Mercadante, Minister of Education, Brazil.


    Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST) was recently chosen as one of the six  (6) institutions in the country leading in innovation and technology or ITSO institution by the International Intellectual Property Institute (IIPI).

    IIPI or International Intellectual Property Institute which is based in Washington D.C. is an organization that provides education and guidance about Intellectual Property (IP) rights to leaders and innovators in developing countries.
    Hence, WVCST enjoys the support of IIPI on hands-on workshops, educational events and in depth research for the advancement of knowledge and skills on innovation and technology.

    The other universities considered as ITSO Institutions are Bicol University, De la Salle University, Southeastern University, University of Sto.Tomas and University of San Carlos.

    IIPI first visited the six institutions last April 2013 and last July 11 and 12, the team came back to the country specifically in Cebu City, to conduct the second phase of the training under the IIPI-USPTO Innovation Opportunities Program.

    Topics discussed in the training were patent filing and marketing strategies, setting up an invention disclosure system, conducting invention analyses, analysis to patent protection and building industry alliance.

    The experts from IIPI who conducted the training were Mr. Andrew Jaynes, Executive Director and General Counsel of IIPI; Dr. Richard Cahoon, President, Bio-Property Strategy Group Inc.; Dr. Stanley Kowalski, Professor of Law and Director of the International Technology Transfer Institute , University Of New Hampshire College of Law and Mr. Jason Nickla, Director of Intellectual Property, University of Nebraska Medical Center.

    Dr. Carmelo  Ambut, WVCST-VP for Research  and Extension, who headed the group representing WVCST said that the training was a good avenue to come up with ideas on commercialization as well as technology transfer.  The experience gave more knowledge and eventually will make us more matured especially on starting up business.  According to him, considering that the trainors were Americans and somehow there are cultural differences, this can help us plan our own strategies and give us a picture on how to identify our future investors and how to deal with them which can make a great impact on our economy. Dr. Ambut who is not just speaking for what he forsees for  the College said , “I am excited, not just for now but also for the future.”  

    The other participants from WVCST were Dr. Richard de Leon, Director Research Service Division; Engr. Naci John Trance, CEA Research Coordinator IPO; Ms. Lavinia Dulla, Statistician III, Ms. Andrea Pama, Science Research Assistant; Engr. Roger Balderas, CEA-Head, EE Dept.; Dr. Rolando Jacuman, CIT- Head Regular Evening DIT/MIT Program; Prof. Belinda Zamora, CAS Faculty and Prof. Rene Celda, CIT- Chairman, Electrical Technology Section.

    The training will have a follow up on July 18 and 19 here in WVCST, wherein the experts specifically Dr. Richard Cahoon, will conduct  a one on one tutorial that among our technologist in the College and ITSO links in the region.




“We intend to continue with our High School.”  Strong words of assurance from WVCST College President, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr. as he spoke in the oath taking ceremony of the High School PTA Officers held last July 12, 2013.

This assurance was made behind all the speculations and fear of phasing out the laboratory school once the College becomes a University.  Dr. Sorolla explained that although the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recommended all SUC’s or State Universities and Colleges to focus on the Tertiary level and not to the Secondary level, it doesn’t mean that the existence of the high school is at stake.  He further said that CHED allows the existence of the high school provided we abide by the restrictions and conditions set by the commission. 

What are these restrictions and conditions?  One restriction that was mentioned in his speech is a close monitoring of the budget. Financial resources should be solely used for the Tertiary level and not for the Secondary level or High School.   CHED agrees to have the High School in some conditions – first, the total population for the whole system should not exceed 500.  At present, our High School population records only 384 students. The second condition that we have to follow is to find our own sources of funds for operating our High School.  According to the President, the school is really very happy with the support coming from the High School PTA especially with the facilities and other projects that they sponsor for the benefits of the students. The third condition mentioned is for the high school to serve as the laboratory school for education for the Teacher Education Students. 

By and large, if WVCST meets  all the requirements of CHED, as well as manage some few problems, the existence of the WVCST High School continues. With this, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr. appreciated the High School PTA for their commitment to the school and assured to work hand in hand with them for a better WVCST High School.


A Multi-Purpose Recreational Ground measuring 12m x 18m with two canopies of 6m x 8m plus a perimeter fence was turned over by the Parents Teachers Association for this school year 2013-2014 to WVCST High School headed by its principal, Dr. Meriam A. Ohao, after it was blessed today, July 12, 2013.

The project which was formally turned over by the officers led by their President Mr. Edwin Pasino, an alumnus of WVCST High School, has an overall budget of Php 249,200.00 (Php 147,800.00- Perimeter Fence & Concreting of the ground / Php 101,400.00 – 2 Canopies).

In his speech, the PTA President expressed his commitment to serve not just throughout his term as PTA President but to his full capacity as an alumnus. He believes that there is no other better laboratory school except WVCST High School, the reason why as a PTA officer and president himself, it is just proper to give what is the best for the school especially for its students.

Also present in this event was the College President Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., President Emeritus Dr. Renato V. Alba, VP for Aministration & Finance Dr. Nehema K. Misola, Mrs. Vicky Jeruta, Finance Director, Mrs. Jessica Genzola, Accountant III; Dr. Manuel Sanchez,Jr., VPAA; Mrs. Enieda Corona, Chief Administration Officer and Dr. Emma Paclibar, VP for Academic Affairs, who has just retired.

The blessing and turn-over of the said project is just a part of the whole day activity of the High School Department Acquaintance Party. Earlier, there was a Mass which was also followed by the Oath Taking Ceremony of the elected PTA Officers for the school year 2013-2014. The afternoon activities include Cheers and Yells Contest and parlor games.

PDMC Campus Administrator takes Oath

July 8, 2013 is a remarkable date for Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Dumangas Campus or better known as PDMC or Purificacion Dolar Monfort College. In a formal ceremony, Dr. Noel S. Quidato, took oath as its new Campus Administrator, with the hopes of making a great change and more developments for the College.

Under BOT Resolution no. 52-2013, Office Memorandum 47 series of 2013, dated  June 20, 2013, Dr. Noel S. Quidato is designated as the new Campus Administrator of WVCST, Dumangas Campus.  He is to perform his duties, functions and responsibilities as Campus Administrator effective July 8, 2013 to July 7, 2015.

Dr. Noel S. Quidato, is a Professor I, and is the 6th administrator of PDMC, following Mrs. Alma Demaala, the outgoing OIC, Campus Administrator. He is an alumnus of WVCST with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in 1987 as Cum Laude. He had his Masters of Science in Industrial Technology in 1991 and finished his Doctor of Philosophy major in Vocational Management in the University of San Agustin in 2001. Dr. Quidato has been with WVCST for twenty-two (22) years, a TRC (Technology and Research Center) Coordinator and has been the Department Head of Electrical Technology since 2009.

                 Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension  in his message during the ceremony, emphasized to the faculty and staff as well as to the students that life is a change and change is inevitable. He also challenged Dr. Quidato saying, “Everybody is expecting change, and that this change should be for the better. This change which is a new phase of your professional career, is about to start.”

                Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, WVCST President, likewise hopes that with Dr. Quidato as the new Dumangas Campus Administrator, WVCST will continue the journey towards academic quality and excellence and to achieve what is best for everybody in the WVCST family.

                Mayor Rollie Distura, of the Municipality of Dumangas together with the PTA President of PDMC- Miss Nita Dimzon; Mr. Richard Villaluna, President, PDMCEA; Mr. Nhy Donguines, President, Student Republic and the Faculty and Staff pledged their full support to Dr. Quidato as the new Campus Administrator.

                Mrs. Alma C. Demaala, the outgoing Officer-In-Charge, formally turned over the Campus Banner to Dr. Quidato with a commitment of continued support to PDMC especially to the new Campus Administrator. She also thanked all who in one way or another supported her throughout her designation as Officer-In-Charge.

                In closing, Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Administration and Finance, appealed to everybody to join efforts in uplifting and upgrading the Philippine standards of higher education to be at par with other countries of the world.

                Dr. Renato V.  Alba, President Emeritus of WVCST also graced the occasion together with Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr;  Mrs. Vicky Jeruta, Finance Director; Mrs. Enieda Corona, Chief Administrative Officer, Dr. Mergie Gasataya, College / Board Secretary, Dr. Rose Marie Prudente,Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Dominico Sergie Valenciana,Dean, College of Industrial Technology, Engr. Gabriel Salistre, Jr, and some of the members of the faculty.