“We intend to continue with our High School.”  Strong words of assurance from WVCST College President, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr. as he spoke in the oath taking ceremony of the High School PTA Officers held last July 12, 2013.

This assurance was made behind all the speculations and fear of phasing out the laboratory school once the College becomes a University.  Dr. Sorolla explained that although the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) recommended all SUC’s or State Universities and Colleges to focus on the Tertiary level and not to the Secondary level, it doesn’t mean that the existence of the high school is at stake.  He further said that CHED allows the existence of the high school provided we abide by the restrictions and conditions set by the commission. 

What are these restrictions and conditions?  One restriction that was mentioned in his speech is a close monitoring of the budget. Financial resources should be solely used for the Tertiary level and not for the Secondary level or High School.   CHED agrees to have the High School in some conditions – first, the total population for the whole system should not exceed 500.  At present, our High School population records only 384 students. The second condition that we have to follow is to find our own sources of funds for operating our High School.  According to the President, the school is really very happy with the support coming from the High School PTA especially with the facilities and other projects that they sponsor for the benefits of the students. The third condition mentioned is for the high school to serve as the laboratory school for education for the Teacher Education Students. 

By and large, if WVCST meets  all the requirements of CHED, as well as manage some few problems, the existence of the WVCST High School continues. With this, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr. appreciated the High School PTA for their commitment to the school and assured to work hand in hand with them for a better WVCST High School.


A Multi-Purpose Recreational Ground measuring 12m x 18m with two canopies of 6m x 8m plus a perimeter fence was turned over by the Parents Teachers Association for this school year 2013-2014 to WVCST High School headed by its principal, Dr. Meriam A. Ohao, after it was blessed today, July 12, 2013.

The project which was formally turned over by the officers led by their President Mr. Edwin Pasino, an alumnus of WVCST High School, has an overall budget of Php 249,200.00 (Php 147,800.00- Perimeter Fence & Concreting of the ground / Php 101,400.00 – 2 Canopies).

In his speech, the PTA President expressed his commitment to serve not just throughout his term as PTA President but to his full capacity as an alumnus. He believes that there is no other better laboratory school except WVCST High School, the reason why as a PTA officer and president himself, it is just proper to give what is the best for the school especially for its students.

Also present in this event was the College President Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., President Emeritus Dr. Renato V. Alba, VP for Aministration & Finance Dr. Nehema K. Misola, Mrs. Vicky Jeruta, Finance Director, Mrs. Jessica Genzola, Accountant III; Dr. Manuel Sanchez,Jr., VPAA; Mrs. Enieda Corona, Chief Administration Officer and Dr. Emma Paclibar, VP for Academic Affairs, who has just retired.

The blessing and turn-over of the said project is just a part of the whole day activity of the High School Department Acquaintance Party. Earlier, there was a Mass which was also followed by the Oath Taking Ceremony of the elected PTA Officers for the school year 2013-2014. The afternoon activities include Cheers and Yells Contest and parlor games.

PDMC Campus Administrator takes Oath

July 8, 2013 is a remarkable date for Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Dumangas Campus or better known as PDMC or Purificacion Dolar Monfort College. In a formal ceremony, Dr. Noel S. Quidato, took oath as its new Campus Administrator, with the hopes of making a great change and more developments for the College.

Under BOT Resolution no. 52-2013, Office Memorandum 47 series of 2013, dated  June 20, 2013, Dr. Noel S. Quidato is designated as the new Campus Administrator of WVCST, Dumangas Campus.  He is to perform his duties, functions and responsibilities as Campus Administrator effective July 8, 2013 to July 7, 2015.

Dr. Noel S. Quidato, is a Professor I, and is the 6th administrator of PDMC, following Mrs. Alma Demaala, the outgoing OIC, Campus Administrator. He is an alumnus of WVCST with a degree of Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology major in Refrigeration and Air Conditioning in 1987 as Cum Laude. He had his Masters of Science in Industrial Technology in 1991 and finished his Doctor of Philosophy major in Vocational Management in the University of San Agustin in 2001. Dr. Quidato has been with WVCST for twenty-two (22) years, a TRC (Technology and Research Center) Coordinator and has been the Department Head of Electrical Technology since 2009.

                 Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension  in his message during the ceremony, emphasized to the faculty and staff as well as to the students that life is a change and change is inevitable. He also challenged Dr. Quidato saying, “Everybody is expecting change, and that this change should be for the better. This change which is a new phase of your professional career, is about to start.”

                Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, WVCST President, likewise hopes that with Dr. Quidato as the new Dumangas Campus Administrator, WVCST will continue the journey towards academic quality and excellence and to achieve what is best for everybody in the WVCST family.

                Mayor Rollie Distura, of the Municipality of Dumangas together with the PTA President of PDMC- Miss Nita Dimzon; Mr. Richard Villaluna, President, PDMCEA; Mr. Nhy Donguines, President, Student Republic and the Faculty and Staff pledged their full support to Dr. Quidato as the new Campus Administrator.

                Mrs. Alma C. Demaala, the outgoing Officer-In-Charge, formally turned over the Campus Banner to Dr. Quidato with a commitment of continued support to PDMC especially to the new Campus Administrator. She also thanked all who in one way or another supported her throughout her designation as Officer-In-Charge.

                In closing, Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Administration and Finance, appealed to everybody to join efforts in uplifting and upgrading the Philippine standards of higher education to be at par with other countries of the world.

                Dr. Renato V.  Alba, President Emeritus of WVCST also graced the occasion together with Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr;  Mrs. Vicky Jeruta, Finance Director; Mrs. Enieda Corona, Chief Administrative Officer, Dr. Mergie Gasataya, College / Board Secretary, Dr. Rose Marie Prudente,Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Dr. Dominico Sergie Valenciana,Dean, College of Industrial Technology, Engr. Gabriel Salistre, Jr, and some of the members of the faculty.

College President Hopes CHED Evaluates Soon WVCST’s Credentials to Become University

“Let’s move forward towards the success and upliftment of WVCST…” Words of encouragement from Dr. Luis M. Sorolla,Jr.,  who recently gave a speech in the oath taking ceremony of the new WVCST-Dumangas Campus Administrator.

                The College President said that we still have miles to go and that we should continue to move and cooperate for the advancement of the College especially with the expected implementation of the bill signed by Philippine President Benigno S. Aquino III, converting the College into a University. He gladly announced that WVCST has already completed and submitted the new requirements asked by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)  and that the board is  just hoping that they will evaluate these documents soon for certification. According to him, as soon as the CHED gives their certification, the College can immediately implement the use of the new name – Iloilo Science and Technology University or ISAT-U. The old name Western Visayas College of Science and Technology or WVCST will be kept in the records of history and automatically the satellite campuses will also adopt the new name as ISAT-University, Dumangas, Barotac Nuevo, Leon and Miag-ao Campus respectively.

                Dr. Sorolla further emphasized that even if we enjoy the present status, we have to remember that we have responsibilities to do as well as  promises and duties to keep for the rest of our journey to be able realize our dream.

WVCST Enrollees Reached 7,399

A total of seven thousand three hundred ninety nine (7,399) enrollees were recorded for this academic year 2013 – 2014. (Comparative Enrollment Report of WVCST-Main and Satellite Campuses)

Based on the Five Year Comparative Enrollment Report prepared by Mrs. Hazel S. Bautista, AA VI, of the Registrar’s Office, there was a total of six thousand four hundred four (6,404) enrollees for the academic year 2009 – 2010 with a margin of nine hundred ninety five (995) to the enrollment for this year which must be brought by the non tuition fee increase of the College.  In 2010-2011, there were six thousand six hundred sixty two (6662) enrollees, seven thousand and four (7004) enrollees for the academic year 2011-12 and last year the College made a record of seven thousand three hundred ninety four (7394) enrolled students.

 Topping the record of the highest number of enrollees among the Colleges is the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) with a total of two thousand one hundred ninety six (2,196) enrollees. This is followed by the College of Engineering with two thousand and twenty six (2,026), College of Education with one thousand two hundred twenty four (1,224), College of Arts and Sciences with one thousand and twenty six (1,026) and the Graduate School with three hundred seventy eight (378) enrollees respectively.

Meanwhile, record shows that the Satellite Campuses increased their enrollees as well.  In the academic year 2009 – 2010 there were four thousand three hundred thirty six (4,336) enrollees and an increase of one thousand two hundred ninety one (1,291) enrollees for this year or a total of five thousand six hundred twenty seven (5,627) enrollees for the four (4) satellite campuses.

WVCST- Chosen by DEP-ED as Service Provider for the Training of the K to 12 Basic Education Program

Western Visayas College of Science and Technology  (WVCST ) Teacher Education Institution  (TEI ) spearheaded by Dr.  Ma. Asusina Asuncion  E. Echaveria, was chosen by the Department of Education  in line with its K to 12 Basic Education Program as the service provider  for the Regional Mass Training of Grade 8 teachers in Mathematics and Technology Livelihood Education held last May 6 – 31, 2013.

WVCST  – TEI as the service provider facilitated the accommodation, food, venue as well as the  management of training programs and reproduction of Teachers’ Guides and Curriculum Guides for the trainees  that reached to 1,894 with a budget of Php 9,659,400.00, 25% of which coming from DEP-ED and 75% was temporarily provided by the College and soon to be reimbursed by the Department of Education. This training ran for 15 days from May 6-10, 2013 for Mathematics teachers, May 20-24 for TLE teachers first batch and May 27-31 for the second batch. The covered gym and some classrooms in the campus served as the venue of the training .  However,  the trainees were housed in different hotels in the city while the College provided the meals.

Grade 8 teachers all over Panay  and Guimaras participated in the said training and were trained by DEP-ED and also by the faculty of WVCST.

Despite the short notice, the College was able to come up with a successful training and accommodation.  To top it all, it  was rated by the Department of Education as EXCELLENT. As Dr. Echaveria  humbly says, “Though we were rated as excellent, we believe we still have a lot to learn and improve in facilitating and providing services in such kind of big trainings. However, we were also happy and proud to be rated as such.”

Technovator Staffers Join CEGP Nat’l Convention

Three staffers of the Technovator, the official college publication of Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST), attended the 73rd College Editors Guild of the Philippines-National Student Press Convention (CEGP-NSPC) last April 12-16 at the University of San Carlos, Talamban Campus, Cebu City.

Technovator staff writers Shernie Swannie Gustilo (BEED 3C), Dina Tomo (BSED 2C), Joan Mae Pascua (BSED 2C) together with their adviser Prof. Pedro Fontonalgo represented the college publication during the 5-day convention with the theme “Rock the Vote: The Campus Press and Active Youth Participation in 2013 Elections”.

Topics discussed were The Media and the Upcoming 2013 National Elections, Unfolding the Truths: Impacts of Oplan Bayanihan, The ABCs of Neo-liberal Education, Under PRESSure: The Philippine Media under Aquino Administration, and Counter Culture. Lectures and workshops on basic journalism such as editorial cartooning, photojournalism, layouting, news writing, feature writing, editorial writing and copy reading were also conducted during the convention.

The CEGP, which marks its 81st year of existence, is known as the oldest and largest organization for college student publications in the country. It is committed to promoting the advancement of campus press freedom.

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College Honor List 2013

College of Engineering and Architecture

Magna cum Laude
Armando Tayoba II (BSA)

Cum Laude
Abraham Porcal (BSECE)

Academic Distinction Awardees
Jean Michelle Tenefrancia (BSA)
Ma. Cherie Jean Artacho (BSECE)
Bernadette Hinguillo (BSECE)

College of Education

Magna cum Laude
Jeanette Manajero (BSED-Math)
Rosalyn Tompong (BSED-Physical Science)

Cum Laude
Hygenious Mirador (BSED-TLE)
Joan Talacan (BSED-Math)
Mary Ann Ca-alim (BSED-Biosci)

Academic Distinction Awardees
Guillermo Zambra (BEED)
Geneva Aldamar (BEED)
Rosie Montaño (BEED)
Alre Amor Celeste (BEED)
April Lyn Gange (BEED)
Gilbert Amistas (BSED-TLE)
Paula Jessa Caballero (BSED-TLE)
Yelaine Coopera (BSED-TLE)
Rene Rose Huervana (BSED-TLE)
Jade Suerte (BSED-TLE)
Gemma Molinos (BSED-TLE)

College of Arts and Sciences

Cum Laude
Neil Yurri Taclino (BS-Math)
Karen Joy Trabasas (BSCD)
Leona Joy Lacebal (BSIS)

Academic Distinction Awardees
Pamela Ganza (BS-Math)
Pricel Parcon (BSCD)

College of Industrial Technology

Magna cum Laude
Analyn Trompeta (BSHRT)
Nove Jean Altillero (BSHRT)
Demetrio Beltran, Jr. (BSHRT)
Kim Kirby Panes (BSHRT)
Aileen Mae Doronila (BSHRT)
Genine Nebris (BIT-Architectural Drafting Technology/ Most Outstanding Graduate)

Cum Laude
Noveriam Calar (BIT-Architectural Drafting Technology)
Jennalyn Superioridad (BIT- Architectural Drafting Technology)
Joseph Ryan Tachado (BIT- Mechanical Technology)
Arlie Cabalfin (BIT -Furniture & Cabinet Making Technology)
Jose Alem Gango (BS-Electronic Technology)
Gilmore Moreno (BS-Electronic Technology)
Ma. Judy Anib (BS-Automotive Technology)
Randy Espora (BS-Automotive Technology)
Wizes Fritz Raquel (BFAT)
Mary Cris Ganadillo (BSHRT)
Rowena Villanueva (BSHRT)
Nerissa Tuden (BSHRT)
Mark Christopher Puertas (BSHRT)
Jazeris Solinap (BSHRT)
Ma. Dhara Cainglet (BSHRT)
Sheila Mae Rojo (BSHRT)

Academic Distinction Awardees
Mighty Dyan Dem Sejane (BSHRT)
Ginelyn Sabando (BSHRT)
Rico Buen Poblador (BSHRT)
Krishell kay Pesasico (BSHRT)
Nancy Tagolimot (BSHRT)
Annie Jane Pama (BSHRT)
Mia Medicielo (BSHRT)
April Nid Beran (BSHRT)
Marvie Oropel (BSHRT)
Robie Joyce Tan (BFAT)
Joerin Analista (BIT-Automotive Technology)
Rodny Cabalfin (BIT-Automotive Technology)
Rodgine Valiente (BIT-Mechanical Technology)
Fidel Sagaya (BIT-Architectural Drafting Technology)
Kelvin Bedaño (BIT-Architectural Drafting Technology)
Ma. Eden Cajilig (BIT-Architectural Drafting Technology)

Region VI Places 3rd in SCUAA Nat’l. Olympics


Delegates from Region VI finished third during the recently concluded State Colleges and Universities
Athletics Association (SCUAA) National Olympics held February 17-23 at the Jose Rizal Memorial Sports
Complex, Dapitan City, Zamboanga Del Norte.

Region VI garnered 46 golds, 48 silvers and 51 bronzes to earn the third spot after the football
championship match was cancelled due to bad weather and the medals distributed equally among the
three teams vying for the gold. Region IV placed second, copping 54 golds, 29 silvers and 55 bronzes.
The National Capital Region (NCR), over-all champion, brought home 110 golds, 60 silvers and 35

The gold medals hauled by the Region VI delegation came from Arnis, Athletics, Basketball, Boxing,
Karatedo, Soccer, Swimming and Taekwondo.

The SCUAA National Olympics is an annual sporting event participated in by the different state colleges
and universities in the country.

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ITSO Conducts National Seminar-Workshop

Innovation and Technology Support Offices (ITSO) conducted a two-day seminar/workshop on the Foundation Course on Intellectual Property (IP) last March 7-8 at the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology.

The seminar, which is the first in a series of seminars and workshops  to be conducted by ITSO this year, oriented the participants from ITSO-member institutions on the basics of IP.

 Atty. Ricardo R. Blancaflor, Director General of the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPhil), served as keynote speaker and talked about the relevance of IP in the academe.

Topics and resource speakers during the seminar were: Answering the Questions on Copyright, Ms. Carmen G. Peralta; Answering the Questions on Trademarks, Atty. Leny B. Raz; Answering the Questions on Patents, Engr. Epifanio Rey M. Evasco; Overview of Patent Information, Engr. Virginia F. Aumentado; and A Hundred Questions on IP, Mr. Dancel Arcel P. Hernandez. The seminar was capped off by a panel discussion on the topic The Case of the Missing Brain: An IP Case Study.

During the seminar, a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between IPOPhil and Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) was signed  establishing an ITSO network in the agency.

ITSO networks within institutions aim to strengthen local institutional capacity to access patent information and use the patent system. The WVCST is one of the six original host institutions of ITSO in the country. It is managed by Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut with Dr. Richard De Leon and additional staff members.  

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