College Prepares for Foundation Anniversary

Comes September, WVCST is celebrating its 108th Foundation Anniversary with the theme “WVCST @ 108: Pushing Through the Frontiers of Science and Technology.” This year’s foundation anniversary which will be on September 2 – 7, 2013, is a big opportunity for the College to showcase talents, skills, sports and academic competitions among the different colleges as well as the satellite campuses.

In preparation, a steering committee was formed to take charge of the activities for the whole week. Here’s a sneak peek of what to expect on the College Foundation Anniversary:

  1. Academic Quiz Contest
  2. Field Demonstration
  3. Skills Contest
  4. Exhibits
  5. Robotics Competition
  6. Fashion Show
  7. Literary-Musical Contest
  8. Pahampang

The Pahampang will include team sports, individual and dual sports. Team sports include football, basketball, volleyball and sepak takraw. Individual and dual sports include chess, table tennis, badminton, combative sports, boxing and lawn tennis.

A thanksgiving mass will be held as well as a foot parade and caravan. The search for Mr. and Ms. WVCST will complete the celebration.

Definitely, this is something to look forward to and so goes our invitation to come join us and feel the fun and excitement as the College turns 108!

Infra Update

“A few of the infrastructure projects of WVCST are almost done and ready for the final evaluation.” This statement was given by Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr., Director, Planning Development and Auxiliary Services. During a short talk, the Director mentioned that a number of its projects completed the construction on their target dates and are waiting for the formal turn over. Some needs a little of finishing touches but expect that anytime soon they will already be functional. Several of these are the College Library Phase 3, the HRT Service Center and the Teacher Education Building covered walkway which is expected to be finished by next week.

While some of the constructions are set to be completed this year, another set of infra projects will be also be started. The construction of the three-storey Hometel (TLE Center) Phase 1 has started on August 12, 2013. It has a budget of Php 7,655,426.75 in which 15% of mobilization was already paid in the amount of Php 1,148,314.01. The Hometel TLE Center is in the main campus and is still a part of the improvement and modernization project of the College.

WVCSTEA Gives Honors to Retiree

WVCST employees took time out from work as they gave honors to Mr. Edgardo Esposo, who retired from office effective June 11, 2013. “Nonong”, as most employees call him, dedicated his life for the College as Administrative Aide IV for 27 years and 9 months.

                A small party was given by the employees’ association headed by Mr. Bonnie S. Arenal, Jr. in honor of “Nonong” Esposo as well as to his family who has always been very supportive to him. At the said event, a plaque of recognition was awarded to him by VP for Admin and Finance Dr. Nehema K. Misola and Mrs.Enieda G. Corona, Chief Admin Officer.  In addition, his colleagues from the Administration Office represented by Mrs. Elbe J. Sotito, Admin Officer V, handed him a portrait showing his love and dedication to his job.

                On the other hand, the newly job hired employees were also introduced at the party.

Pictures Gallery of the Event

College of ED and Guidance Center Holds Forum for Students

            A lecture on coping strategies and awareness on learning deficiencies was conducted today by the College of Education and the Guidance Center to help the students improve their performance in class, to cope up with their different problems in their studies and to avoid having failing grades, INC OR dropped subjects.

                Mrs. Bernadette F. de la Cruz, COE Guidance Counselor clarified before the lecture and forum started that as the Guidance Counselor of the College, she is just concerned about the grades of the students  and they were called to know their problems about their subjects and not to condemn them for getting Incomplete or failing grades. She wanted to help them before it becomes too late for them to  resolve or improved their performance in class.

                The College Registrar, Dr. Leah P. Montinola emphasized that the administration is very vigilant in monitoring the class standing of the students considering that WVCST is a government school and it caters to competent, unfortunate but deserving students. She reminded the students that the College had its curriculum review, giving a list of subjects which are necessary for the students’ courses and at the same time a schedule that is suited for everybody. Therefore she believes that there is no reason for anyone to get a failing grade.

                Dr. Ma. Asusina Asuncion E. Echaveria added that her office is always open should there be any questions or problems regarding their grades.  The Dean said that they should be more aware of the status of their grades because it might be the cause of delay in their practice teaching. She advised them to coordinate with her office when they have problems with their professors especially if the professors are not from their College. In addition she appealed to them to try their best to finish, comply and enroll the subjects in which they have failing grades, failures or even subjects that they dropped. She expects everyone to finish their courses in 4 years with no incomplete grade nor a 5.0 grade.

                On the other hand, Dr. John Eric Juaneza, Head of the TLE Dept. asked the students as well as their parents about the problems they encountered which were considered the reasons for getting failing grades and INC.  He pointed out that it is important for the parents to know their children’s problem in school so that they can also assist their needs. It is also expected that the students tell their parents of the same. The school including the professors, have high hopes that before graduation the students have already resolved all of these grades-problem.

                Also present in the lecture was Dr. Susan Marie R. de la Cruz, Director, Office of the Student Affairs and Dr. Merlinda T. Tucar, Head H.E. Department.

College Conducts Work Ethics Seminar

To empower more the faculty and staff of the College in giving the quality service, a seminar on Work Ethics for Educators was conducted on July 31 at WVCST Board Room. Participants were members of the faculty and staff of different Colleges who were randomly selected.

This seminar is the third part of the workshop conducted by the Quality Assurance Management Office headed by the College Administrator, Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr. The trainer of the said seminar was Ms. Cynthia R. Ramirez, an Associate Management System Senior Lead Auditor of Certification International Philippines Inc. (CIPI). She is also a freelance Trainer and Consultant of ISO 9001 Management Systems.

According to Ms. Ramirez, a person has good work ethics when he works hard and exhibits a great deal of pride in his work. She emphasized that work ethics is a system within oneself, which means we define our own meaning of work ethics based on how we deal with our work.

Other topics discussed were the definition of work ethics, the rationale of work ethics and what should be possessed to have good work ethics (Inter-Personal Skills, Dependable, Initiative, Devotion/ Dedication).

WVCST Holds QM Training

To be able to deliver good services to customers, an institution or company must be able to satisfy them by having a quality management system. This is just one of the many things discussed in the training “How to Become an Effective Quality Management Representative”, that was conducted by the Quality Assurance Management headed by Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr., College Administrator, on July 30, 2013.It was attended by Campus Administrators, Directors, Deans, Department Heads and Internal Auditors of WVCST.

Topics discussed during the training were Management system requirements for the Quality Management Representative, Managing the MS Documentation, Implementation and Improvement, Facilitating Management Review, Liaising with Certification Body and the Competencies of the QMR. An Open Forum was also conducted in the afternoon and was followed by the awarding of certificates to the participants.

In her lecture, Ms. Cynthia Ramirez expressed that an institution that delivers education services, everybody should get involve in giving a satisfying customer service. The success of one department is the success of the whole College and it also follows the reverse. It was emphasized that the role of the Management Representative is crucial for an effective management system and its success rests on the leadership management and communication skills of the Quality Management Representative. It demands attention and commitment but needs everyone’s help in the organization for the QMS (Quality Management System) to be truly effective.

Ms. Cynthia R. Ramirez is an Associate Management System Senior Lead Auditor of Certification International Philippines Inc. (CIPI). She is also a freelance trainer and consultant of ISO 9001 Management Systems.

WVCST Celebrates Students’ Day

July 26, 2013 marked another day of observing the annual Students’ Day – a day that every WVCST student awaited. It started with a Holy Mass at 7:30am and was followed by the Mass Oath Taking of the officers of the different organizations in the College especially the Student Republic.

In his speech, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., WVCST College President, challenged the officers that as leaders they are the first in the group, therefore they have to serve and not to be served. As, officers they have to let their leadership work for the good of everybody. According to him, the College is trying its best to give every opportunity for the students to learn for the individual and collective development. He further encouraged them to take and make use of everything that the school is providing them to become better citizens of the future. Lastly, he reminded the officers that their positions require commitment and dedication for the betterment of the school as well as to their fellow students.

On the other hand, Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Admin and Finance, expressed her joy to see a new set of young leaders who someday will become pillars of the country. She reminded them that this is the start of a new stage in their College life wherein they can develop potentials that will help them initiate the journey to handle greater opportunities.

Mr. Noel Panaguiton, Asst. Chief Of Staff of the Office of Cong. Jerry Treñas, who was also the guest speaker encouraged the officers, not just to work for the good of the studentry nor the College but also for the good of the country.

As a response, the President of the Student Republic, Mr. Brandon Rivera, accepted the challenge and promised that he, together with the other officers will do their best to serve the students, to be the voice of every WVCST student and to provide them with activities that will develop their personal aspects.

On the lighter side, after the Mass Oath Taking Ceremony, the different Colleges gathered together for their luncheon. Activities that include games, cheering and yelling and presentation of talents per college followed. Later in the afternoon, a Showdown of Talents ala Showtime was held in the covered gym. The Solidarity night was enjoyed by the students in the evening.

WVCST Students Qualify UCPB Scholarship

The Office of the Student Affairs is proud to present the students from the different colleges of WVCST who qualified in the UCPB-CIIF (Coco Foundation), Inc. Scholarship Program. 9 of these came from the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS), 6 from the College of Education (COE), 3 from the College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) and 1 from the College of Industrial Technology. The students will receive a subsidy of Php6, 000.00 per semester and Php1, 500.00 allowance per month. A general average of 2.0 should be maintained and a no failing grade, incomplete or dropped subject condition must be followed to keep the scholarship. Above all, the student must be a child of a small coconut farmer.

The following are the recipients of the UCPB-CIIF (Coco Foundation), Inc. Scholarship Program:

1. Calapa-an, Jade Faith C. BEED 1-A
2. Tampe, Jimmyrose E. BEED 1-A
3. Torres, Dena Jane T. BEED 1-A
4. Acayang, Heilen Joy D. BSCD 1-A
5. Calibara, Jerick M. BSEE 1-B
6. Tigayon, Joy N. BS Info Tech 1-A
7. Cacay, Jo-em Charles E. BS MarE 1-C
8. Napatal, Harry N. BS MarE 1-C
9. Pillon, Hazel May G. BSED PHYSCI 1-D
10. Lecoto, Rosalie L. BSED – TLE 1-A
11. Luiz, Devorah L. BSED – TLE 1-A
12. Agoniza, Mary Ann D. BS Info Tech 4-A
13. Aleganza, Charleen E. BSCS 4-A
14. Antonio, Michelle C. BS Info Tech 4-B
15. Baranda, Maycee V. BSCS 4-A
16. Elgaran, Mary Rose E. BS Info Tech 4-B
17. Once, Carmen F. BSHRT 4-B
18. Tamagos, Charry Rose T. BS Info Tech 4-A
19. Tayona, Fherlyn G. BS Info Tech 4-A

WVCST Joins INHS Career Guidance Week

As part of its commitment to serve, WVCST through the Office of the Student Affairs and Student Republic took part in the Career Guidance Week of the Iloilo National High School. This activity was designed to help the 4th year students of the said high school plan their career path as well as prepare for Higher Education.

WVCST participated in the Career Exhibit which was spearheaded by Dr. Susan Marie R. de la Cruz, Director of Student Affairs and assisted by the Student Republic Officers. Meanwhile, Ms. Kristine Bernadette C. Barrameda, former President of the Student Republic was requested to speak as an alumna of the College during the Career Talk.

The Career Guidance Week was held on July 22 – 26, 2013 at the Multi-Purpose Hall of Iloilo National High School.

WVCST Joins HRM Forum

WVCST College Administrators and Administration Officers joined a one-day Forum for Human Resource Personnel Officers conducted by the Iloilo Council of Personnel Officers together with the Civil Service Commission, Iloilo Field Office on July 24, 2013, at the Iloilo Grand Tower.

The said conference was designed for Human Resource Management Practitioners of National Government Agencies (NGA’s), State Universities and Colleges (SUC’s), Government Owned and Controlled Corporations (GOCC’s) and Government Financial Institutions (GFI’s).

The objectives of this forum are to empower Human Resource Practitioners through updates on the recent Civil Service Commission and Department of Budget and Management issuances, decisions and resolutions and to discuss and clarify relevant issues and concerns affecting human resource.

Topics discussed in this forum were updates on Department of Budget & Management (DBM) Issuances by Mr. Edgar L. Javison, Chief Budget Specialist, DBM, Regional Office 6 and updates on CSC Issuances, Decisions & Resolutions by Atty. Cherry G. de la Cruz, Chief Legal Division, Civil Service Commission, Regional Office 6. An open forum was also conducted on the Orientation on Strategic Planning and Management System by Ms. Jocelyn L. Lataquin, Chief Administrative Officer, Civil Service Commission, Regional Office 6.

WVCST was represented by the following:

  1. Ms. Enieda G. Corona, Chief Administration Officer
  2. Ms. Vicky D. Jeruta, Chief Administrative Officer for Finance
  3. Ms. Florence Cabunducan, AA III
  4. Ms. Maila Alparaque, AO II
  5. Mr. Bonnie Arenal, AO IV
  6. Ms. Mary Jean Nobleza, AO V
  7. Ms. Mylene Cababasay, AO V
  8. Ms. Ma. Eugenita C. Capaciete, Campus Administrator, Leon Campus
  9. Mr. Julius C. Catalan, OIC, Campus Administrator, Barotac Nuevo Campus
  10. Ms. Jeana Legayada, AO IV, Barotac Nuevo Campus
  11. Mr. Noel S. Quidato, Campus Administrator, Dumangas Campus
  12. Ms. Ironia P. Casco, AO V, Dumangas Campus
  13. Ms. Ma. Luisa F. Eiman, AO IV, Miag-ao Campus
  14. Ms. Richel G. Jacela, Job-hired

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