Iloilo Science and Technology University Honored for Outstanding Partnership in Employment Initiatives

Iloilo City, September 28, 2023 –Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) has been acknowledged for its efforts, in enhancing the employability of its students and alumni through a partnership with the Public Employment Service Office (PESO) during the 2022 Governors Award: Provincial Search for Best PESO event held at Zuri Hotel, Iloilo City.

ISAT U was recognized as one of PESO’s collaborators and partners in the region. The University received an appreciation award for its support in bridging the gap between education and employment. The OIC Director of Industry Linkages and Development Office, Mr. Francis Fritz B. Esportono, accepted the award in recognition of their dedication to improving the lives of ISAT U students and alumni.

The collaboration between ISAT U and PESO has made contributions to providing job opportunities for graduated students. This aligns with PESO’s mission to empower job seekers and bring changes to the community.

The award underscores ISAT U’s commitment to equipping its students and alumni with skills and resources for success, in today’s job market. This acknowledgment emphasizes the role that ISAT U plays in shaping the future of its students and alumni and making an impact on the employment landscape in Iloilo City and nearby regions.

By collaborating with PESO and similar programs, ISAT U remains at the forefront of equipping individuals for a promising career ahead.

ISAT U Welcomes International Students

Iloilo Science and Technology University welcomed five international students as participants to its Students Exchange Program on August 22, 2023. The students from Germany, Thailand and Japan made their courtesy call with the University President, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. right after the ASEAN Month Celebration program.

The Student Exchange participants are composed of individuals from the AFS Philippine Program, Sea- Teacher Project and Jasso Scholarship. These students joined classes in ISAT U for immersion and for international credit transfer program. For the AFS Philippine Program, the participant, Louissa Mottl, attended several classes in the University as immersion and stayed from August 17, 2023 until January 9, 2024. Nawaporn Srichai and Rinrada Sanguanpracha, both from Chiang RaiRabhat University (CRRU) in Thailand, had the chance to practice teaching at Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus from Auguxst 16, 2023 until September 12, 2023. Meanwhile the two Japanese students, Monato Hoki (BSECE) and Ryoma Fuchi (BSEE), observed classes and laboratory experiments in ISAT U for 32 days which started on August 20 until September 21, 2023.

The two students from Universitas Sebelas Maret, Indonesia, came as the 2nd batch of Sea-Teacher participants. The Indonesian Education Students, Muhammad Husein Arafat and Muhammad Ilham Faturrahim had their classes from September 16 to October 14, 2023. These two had the privilege to have teaching experience with the junior high schools students at the Laboratory School of ISAT U.

Meanwhile two students from Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA), another ISAT U’s partner in Indonesia, enrolled a number of specific courses from ISAT U which are being offered for the first semester (September 6, 2023 – January 6, 2024). Sherun Norma Azzahra  (BEED) and Daffa Mahendra (BSED Science) earned units from ISAT U and acknowledged by UNIPMA. Three other students from UNIPMA were also deployed in ISAT U Miagao Campus.

During their stay, these students had the chance to visit some of the external campuses of ISAT U, especially the Regional Yarn Production and Innovation Center at ISAT U Miagao Campus. They were also able to attend and be part of the celebration of the 118th University Foundation Anniversary. Before they went back to their respective countries, they experienced life and culture in Iloilo City by visiting historical and important places in the city and nearby municipalities.

The Student Exchange Program aims to enrich the students with academic and cross-cultural experience; expand the teaching and learning horizons of students, create opportunities for future mobility programs and collaborations, strengthen the working relationship between ISAT U and the participating universities and appreciate the value of international collaboration, understanding and empathy.

ISAT U, DILG VI ink deal for the BNEO Framework development

The Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) and the Department of Interior and Local Government VI signed a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) for the development of the Barangay Newly Elected Officials Framework to be rolled out this October.

The agreement taps the expertise of the University in developing modules which will be used to enhance the capability of newly – elected barangay officials not only in the region but also of the entire country. These modules will cover various topics such as the basics of R.A. 7160, General Welfare, R.A. 6713, Barangay Budget Process, and Barangay Development among others.

These topics are central to a well – functioning local government unit.

DILG VI Assistant Regional Director Maria Calpiza J. Sardua expressed her gratitude to the University for taking on the challenge of helping the agency fulfill its mandate. For his part, ISAT U President Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr. reiterated the commitment of the University in giving assistance and technical expertise to the LGUs to ensure that barangay officials are equippped with the basics of a transparent, accountable and effective local governance.

Also present during the Signing Ceremony are DILG Division Chief Christian Nagaynay, LGOO VI Medel Espinosa, LGOO V Dr. Marlon Ladia, LGOO II Mark Joenel Castillo and the Chief of the Finance and Administrative Division Marie Elanor T. Antiqueiera. VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal, VP for Administration and Finance Dr. Russ Allen Napud, Research Director Dr. Richard C. De Leon and PICO Director Dr. Heinz B. Gumaquil also attended the activity.

International Events Foster Global Exposure for ISAT U

In today’s interconnected world, international events play a crucial role in fostering global exposure for educational institutions. This is particularly true for Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) which has been actively sending participants to various international events. These events provide a platform for the University to showcase excellence in instruction, share research contributions, and show appreciation for cultural diversity to a global audience. and at the same time learn from the best practices of world-renowned universities abroad.

Participating in international events offers numerous benefits for ISAT U. Firstly, it allows the university to establish collaborations and partnerships with other renowned institutions worldwide. These collaborations can lead to joint research projects, faculty exchanges, and student mobility programs, enhancing the overall academic experience for ISAT U students.

Secondly, international events provide an opportunity for ISAT U to showcase its research and innovation capabilities. By presenting research papers, projects, and inventions, ISAT U can gain recognition on a global scale and attract potential collaborators and investors. This exposure can also increase funding opportunities for the university’s research initiatives.

Furthermore, participating in international events helps ISAT U appreciate cultural diversity and heritage. This not only fosters a sense of pride among the ISAT U community but also promotes cultural exchange and understanding among participants from different countries.

ISAT U has been actively participating in various international events including the following:

The Belt and Road International Conference on Reform and Development of Vocational Education was held in Shenyang, China from September 22 to October 1, 2023. It was attended by Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs and Ms. Jieza J. Napone – External Affairs Marketing and Communications Officer who delivered a keynote speech about the System of Education in the Philippines and how China and ISAT U may be able to foster its partnership through collaborative programs on instruction, research, and faculty development among others. From this activity, ISAT U has formalized its partnership with Liaoning Jianzhu Vocational College and is currently working out the possibility of the Mozi Workshop on ISAT U.

Global Education Summit 2023 with the theme “Creating Professional Leaders for ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future” hosted by Chandigarh University, India on October 9-11, 2023. This summit was organized to bring together the prominent Chancellors, Presidents, and Vice Chancellors of International and National universities to jointly deliberate upon drawing out a roadmap for sensitization about human values and ways to create inclusiveness through the internationalization of education for universal well-being. This was attended by Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut – Vice President for Research and Extension. Dr. Ambut was given the opportunity to talk on “Global Collaborations in Higher Education for Achieving the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals”. 

            Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education & Training (KRIVET) held in Seoul, South Korea on October 17-19, 2023 attended by Ms. Lyza Belle A. Lagura – UNEVOC Coordinator. The KRIVET event served as a catalyst for future advancements in vocational education and training. The knowledge shared and collaborations formed during the event are expected to contribute to the development of innovative practices, policies, and research in the field. It is likewise expected that the event’s outcomes will have a positive impact on vocational education systems globally, leading to enhanced skills development and improved career opportunities for individuals.

ISAT U also hosts inbound students from its partner schools in ASIA for its International Credit Transfer program for one semester; students from Universitas PGRI Madiun (UNIPMA) arrived on August 6, 2023. The SEA Teacher participants from Chiang Rai Rajabhat University (CRRU) arrived on August 16 for their student exchange program and the JASSO Scholarship participants from the National Institute of Technology Sasebo (NITS) College, Japan arrived on August 21 of the same year for their Language and Cultural Immersion in the university. Most of these students stay in the university for a month to learn and immerse in Filipino culture.

Students from the ISAT U are also sent abroad for their academic and cultural exposure. John Joseph Tabladillo, Hannah Grace Ortegula, Geia Nicolle Espina, and Kristine Joy Cenit were sent to attend the Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha (UNDIKSHA) in Indonesia on July 22-31, 2023 – the third quarter of the year.

Participating in international events, outside the country and those being hosted in the Philippines, has proven to be instrumental in fostering global exposure for ISAT U which is anchored in the 10-point agenda of the second university president – Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. Through these events, the university has been able to establish collaborations, showcase its research capabilities, and promote cultural diversity. As ISAT U continues to actively engage in international events, it is poised to further enhance its global reputation and contribute to the advancement of education and research on a global scale.

Article by: Jieza J. Napone, LPT

Iloilo Science and Technology University Leon-Campus, Office of the Research Services Holds Special In-House Review on Dehydrator Machine

On Friday, September 22, 2023, ISAT-U Leon campus, Office of the Research Services held special in-house review on dehydrator machine. The concept proposal presentation is in relation to the installed dehydrator machines under the special in-house project entitled, “ESSENTIALS: Establishment of Support System for Education, Nurturing Research, Technology Development and Industry Competitiveness through Adept Laboratory Services.”

Mr. Melchor C. Calaor, head of the Office of Instruction warmly welcomed the faculty, project leaders, and researchers. Prof. Hilario S. Taberna, a project leader and a senior researcher gave message on the importance of dehydrator machine. It is a good solution to the overproduction of fruits and vegetables. Dehydrated fruits and vegetables last longer. He also added the other research topics related to dehydration machine.

Dr. Eric James P. Talagon presented the “Effect of Dehydrator Machine on Physico-chemical Properties, Shelf-life and Storage Life of Dried Tomatoes. Other proponents of this proposal are Gwen D. Anuevo and Miss Joylyn C. Cabarles. The second concept proposal was about “Mulberry and Maluggay Tree” presented by Miss Joylyn C. Cabarles together with Miss Julie Ann C. Casido. Dr. Renerio S. Mucas , project leader/inventor of dehydrator machine and  Prof. Hilario S. Taberna, a project leader and a senior researcher gave suggestions and insights how to further improve the concept proposal. Prof. Hilario S. Taberna stressed that researchers need to go to the field to know the needs of the local farmers.

Dr. Renerio S. Mucas demonstrated how to use the dehydrator machine and it gave chance to other faculty and researchers to have hands on experience in operating the said machine.

Miss Julie Ann C. Casido, ISAT U Leon campus research coordinator expressed her gratitude to everyone who attended the said activity.

ISAT University Emerges Victorious In The Regional Sports Meet 2023

Iloilo Science and Technology University declared as an overall champion in the concluded REGIONAL SCUAA MEET 2023. ISAT-U garnered 45 Gold, 37 Silver and 20 Bronze held at Carlos Hilado Memorial State University, Talisay, Negros Occidental last September 10-15, 2023.

The result was followed by West Visayas State University with 35 gold medals as 2nd place and Guimaras State University with 24 gold medal as 3rd place.

ISAT – U had a great come back after beating 12 universities in the region. After resting because of pandemic, athletes’ perseverance is truly inspiring. They faced numerous challenges and obstacles on their journey to success, especially of a short period of rigid training. But their unwavering determination kept them going. Whether it’s recovering from injuries, facing tough competition, or dealing with setbacks, athletes demonstrated remarkable resilience and never gave up.

This is the 4th consecutive year that ISAT – U proved their unbeatable perseverance that drives athletes to push their limits, train relentlessly, and constantly strive every year to become a champion.

Many events such as Athletics, Badminton, Basketball, Chess, Football, Futsal, Sepak Takraw, Swimming and Volleyball advanced to National games.

The National State Colleges and Universities Athletic Association (SCUAA) Games 2023 will be held in Tarlac Agricultural University, New Clark City and Province of Tarlac on October 1-6, 2023.

ISAT U Celebrates 118-Year Journey

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) marked a momentous occasion as it celebrated its 118th Founding Anniversary with a three-day series of events and activities, commemorating its rich history and celebrating its remarkable achievements.

The celebration began with a Thanksgiving mass held at the Multi-Purpose Educational Center on September 6, 2023. Most Rev. Msgr. Meliton Oso delivered an inspiring message, urging everyone to use their knowledge, wealth, fame, skills, and positions to benefit society and make a positive impact.

“When we seek knowledge, wealth, fame, skills or even positions, let’s think of how we can use it to benefit people and society at large,”

-Most Rev. Msgr. Meliton Oso.

Prior the opening program, a parade around the campus was also done on September 7, 2023 which was followed by a captivating cultural presentation by the ISAT U Performing Arts group. 

While, a showcase of students’ intellectual prowess was never omitted by providing them a platform to compete in a challenging academic competition through the academic quiz bowl. 

Moreover, an open house exhibit featuring different Colleges and Departments’ products, remained a radiant reflection of ISATU’s dedication to fostering talent, embracing diversity, and pushing the boundaries of creative expression.

The founding anniversary celebration continued with robotics display, all running concurrently with professional lectures and student activities.

On the second day, ISAT U hosted “Isat U Blood Olympic 2023: Dugo Mo, Buhay Ko.” organized by the ISAT U College Red Cross Youth and Extension Services Division in partnership with the Student Republic, Alumni Association, and ISAT U Faculty and Employees Federation Inc. 

The celebration also featured the thrilling Skills Olympics, showcasing the exceptional talents and skills of the Tradeans.

Furthermore, a testimonial dinner was hosted, where retirees were honored for their dedicated service and loyalty awardees were recognized for their longstanding commitment to ISAT U. This special occasion provided a platform to express gratitude for the invaluable contributions of those who have made a lasting impact on the institution’s journey.

The University also celebrated Alumni Day with a job fair held at the AVR N Building on the third day.  The event capped with the awarding of winners for the open house exhibit. 

The founding anniversary served as a constant reminder of the commitment and resilience of ISAT U’s leaders, administrators, faculty, students, alumni, employees, and stakeholders, who have steadfastly supported the institution through a journey marked by both challenges and triumphs.

As ISAT U celebrated its 118th year, it not only reflected on its illustrious past but also looked forward to a future filled with innovation, community engagement, and continued excellence in science and technology education. 

ISAT U celebrates Commencement Exercises 2023

The Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) conducted its Commencement Exercises with the theme “2023 Graduates: Advancing Resilience, Innovation and Excellence” held at Iloilo Convention Center, July 3.

A total of 3835 degrees were conferred to students who successfully finished the Academic Year 2022-2023 requirements.

Of the graduates, 1999 from Iloilo City Campus completed the bachelor’s degree, 338 tradeans from Barotac Nuevo Campus, 242 from Dumangas Campus, Leon and Miag-ao Campus with 297 and 959 graduates, respectively.

In the Advanced Education Program (Graduate School) for Master’s Degree holders, 11 from the College of Education (COE), College of Arts and Sciences with 7 and 5 from the College of Industrial Technology.

For the Doctorate Degree completers, COE and CIT produced 7 and 2, respectively.

The 35 graduates from the Evening Vocational Course were also conferred.

In the morning, Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga, CESO II, Director, Department of Science and Technology, Regional Office VI and Member of the ISAT U Board of Regents was the guest speaker for ISAT U External Campuses.

Dr. Raul C. Alvarez Jr., CESO III, Director, Commission on Higher Education, Regional Office VI was the event’s commencement speaker in the afternoon. In his speech, Director Alvarez embraced the graduate’s two things “First, work and serve with your honesty. Second, love your parents because you are the scholars of the Philippines. Defend your country.”

He also eased the meaning of SUCCESS in the abbreviation of ISAT U. “I- Industry, S- Steadfast, A- Accountability, T- Truthfulness, and U- Unwavering Service.”

The presentation of candidates for graduation was presented by respective Deans and confirmed by Dr. Raul F. Muyong, SUC President III.

The investiture of Hoods and Awarding of Diplomas was assisted by Ms. Hazel S. Bautista, University Registrar together with Dr. Raul F. Muyong, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal (VPAA), Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr. (VPAF), Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut (VPRE), Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao (VPEA) and Deans of respective colleges.

The President Academic Excellence award was given to Stephen T. Soliman BSHM from ISAT U Miagao Campus and The event concluded with the pledge of loyalty led by Mr. Anselmo A. Mediodia III, President, Senior Supreme Council and induction of graduates to the alumni association by Atty. Leo S. Sombiro, President, ISAT U Alumni Association, Inc.

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ISAT U joins Region VI – Western Visayas Brigada Eskwela 2023

The Iloilo Science and Technology University joined the Brigada Eskwela Regional Kick-off Program with the theme, “Bayanihan para sa Matatag na Paaralan” held on August 8, 2023 at Iloilo City National High School.

SSEDMO Director Engr. Christian Misola and ESD Director Dr. Adrienne Veloso represented the University to the said event.

The activity started with a caravan, and it was followed by the messages from the City Mayor, Hon. Jerry P. Treñas, Hon. Arthur R. Defensor, Jr., Hon. Julienne Baronda, and Hon. James Ang, Jr.

The gathering aims to encourage various stakeholders in the community to be aware of the importance of the crucial tasks such as cleaning and repainting of the classrooms, cleaning the school grounds, and repairing the facilities, among others.

Brigada Eskwela is a nationwide initiative that engages volunteers, educators, parents, and stakeholders to prepare the schools for the upcoming school year.

ISAT U firmly believes that collaborating with different agencies such as the academe enhances partnerships and future engagements relevant to Sustainable Development Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

Prexy Salistre attends the flag raising ceremony and ExeCom meeting, marking his first official day

August 7, 2023 – Dr. Gabriel M. Salisre, Jr., the newly elected and the second University President of ISAT U, attended his first flag ceremony to mark his official day as the new prexy.

During his message he thanked everyone, especially the governing board for the trust and confidence given to him. He also expressed that the task entrusted to him is challenging, but he firmly believes that he is not alone in this great journey as president.

“I am very thankful to all of you for the trust and confidence as I embark on this very challenging endeavor. I am very humbled, and I know that this is not a one-man journey. We need to work together as one ISAT U community. As what Dr. Muyong reminded, there’s no other way for ISAT U but up,” Dr. Salistre said.

The University is anticipating for major activities in the coming days, especially that the opening of classes will commence very soon. With this, Dr. Salistre encouraged everyone to take an active part in all the assigned tasks.

In the afternoon, Dr. Salistre facilitated his first Executive Meeting (ExeCom), together with the different Vice Presidents and campus administrators, deans and invited resource persons. Updates from the different campuses and units, scheduled activities, pre-opening conferences, opening of classes, among others were reported and discussed.

There were 19 attendees during the said conference.

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