Regional SCUAA VI Olympics

            The Philippine Association of State Universities and Colleges (PASUC) VI – Western Visayas is happy to announce that the Regional SCUAA VI Olympics 2014 is all set on February 15, 2014. The event which will be held from Frebruary 15-19, 2014 has the theme “SCUAA VI Olympics: Getting Stronger, Soaring Higher”.

                Participating SUCs are Aklan State University, Capiz State University, Carlos Hilado Memorial State College, Guimaras State College, Iloilo State College of Fisheries, Central PhilippinesState University, Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College, Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology, University of Antique, Western Visayas College of Science and Technology and West Visayas State University. Delegates are scheduled to arrive on February 14-15, 2014.

                There will be a Solidarity Meeting of all tournament managers, coaches, chairpersons and officiating officials at 9:00 am on February 15 to be followed by the opening parade in the afternoon from WVSU grounds to Iloilo Sports Complex. The opening program is set at 3:00 pm. A fellowship/solidarity night with Iloilo Governor Arthur Defensor will be held at 6:30 pm at the Iloilo National High School Multi-Purpose Hall. A showcase of talents and a cultural presentation will be the highlight with the theme “Ka PASUC ko, Responsibilidad ko”. The closing and awarding ceremonies will be held on February 19, 2013 at 5:00 pm at the Iloilo Sports Complex.



WVCST Students Join Inner Peace Preview

                Following the Guinness World Record breaking Light of Peace Event in Miag-ao, Iloilo on May 24, 2013 by flying simultaneously 15,185 sky lanterns, the Middle Way Meditation Institute Iloilo, will be hosting the Light of Peace 2014 in Savannah City, Oton, on April 14, 2014. In this connection, a preview on Inner Peace, was conducted at the EdTech Center yesterday, February 13, 2014.

                WVCST students came to participate in the hope that they could also be a part of the amazing event. The Middle Way Institute needs 10,000 volunteers to work with the team and 100,000 participants to join in the said event – an attempt to set a new Guinness World Record. The people -behind the Middle Way Institute believe that through inner peace, World Peace can be achieved.

                Volunteers for the event will have the chance to work with different organizations including the International Media. Aside from the experience, they will also receive a certificate of appreciation and a t-shirt. Meanwhile, for the participants they have to get a ticket for Php200.00 in order to join the said event.

                The activity on April 14 will involve a 30 minute-meditation which will be followed by the lighting of the largest flaming image that will depict the Light of Peace event’s logo and motto “World Peace through Inner Peace”, with the Philippine map. A memorial service for the victims of Typhoon Yolanda will also be held.

                In support to the Light of Peace in the Philippines 2014, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed by 7 organizations on December 22, 2013. The 7 core organizers of the Light of Peace (LOP) 2014 include Thailand based Middle Way Meditation Institute (MMI), Villar SIPAG (Social Institute for Poverty Alleviation and Governance), the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Jaro, the Province of Iloilo, the City of Iloilo, the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Department of Education.

                For those who wish to join the event, the Middle Way Meditation Institute Iloilo can be reached through  or You can also call through their mobile number 09071517931.

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College Conducts Briefing for Regional SCUAA

                In preparation for the Regional SCUAA 2013-2014, Western Visayas College of Science and Technology conducted a briefing to its coaches and athletes today, February 12, 2014.

                With one goal, that is to win, the participants were gathered and given an orientation on what to do by the different committee heads who want to make sure that they will be provided with their needs accordingly during the five (5) day event.

                Engr. Christian D. Misola briefed the athletes on the guidelines, security and communication while Mr. Bonnie Arenal discussed the billeting , facilities and IT’s operation. For the Food Committee, Prof. Madeline Subosa and Dr. Alma C. Palabrica are assigned. Prof. Benito Juarez and Mr. Sammy Casamayor who are in charge of the Transportation gave their cellphone numbers for a faster and convenient access to transportation facilities. Meanwhile, the Medical Team headed by Dr. Zenaida Java reminded the athletes that they can provide medical service until 9pm only.

                On the other hand, Prof. Andres Ortega, Jr. announced that as part of the team building exercises, an activity awaits the athletes this afternoon and asked them to prepare intermission numbers to establish a better rapport and camaraderie among themselves. Lastly, Prof. Eliseo Cachero , gave the general information and reminders.

                The Regional SCUAA will run for 5 days, from February 15-19, 2014. It is set to have its opening program on Saturday, February 15, 2014 at 2:00 pm at the Iloilo Sports Complex.

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WVCSTEA Holds Election – Arenal Still President

                The WVCST Employees Association held its Election of Officers last, February 7, 2014.  The election which was in a form of secret balloting started from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and was then counted at 2pm by the Electoral committee composed of Mrs. Eva C. Sonza, Mrs. Ninfa G. Geloryao and Mr. Rey Mel C. Emolaga.

                With 90 votes, Mr. Bonnie S. Arenal remains as President of the association. Since there were no other candidates for most of the positions, the same set of officers won. They will serve as officers for the year 2014 – 2015.

                Here’s the final official result of the ballot counting of the Electoral board:


President            :               Arenal, Bonnie S.                             90          

                Vice Pres             :               Justalero, Nie M.                             94

                Secretary             :               Bautista, Hazel S.                             97

                Treasurer            :               Samis, Maria Celina C.                   95

                Auditor                 :               Sotito, Elbe J.                                    83

                                                                Ligad, Andrea Pama                        16*

                Bus. Mgr.             :               Talite, Joel F.                                     87

                PRO                       :               Espora, Alma C.                                                    75      

                                                                Reyes, Mary Jane F.                        17*


                There are 141 members of the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology Employees’ Association but only 101 participated in the election.

                The newly elected officers will be officially proclaimed 3 days after which will be on February 13, 2014.

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ACCO Holds Meeting

                The Academic Council of the WVCST held its regular meeting on February 4 – 5, 2014 headed by its President Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr.

                Important topics were discussed in the said meeting which was also attended by an overwhelming number of faculty members, deans and department heads.

                Dr. Sorolla, during the President’s time expressed his gratitude for the support and cooperation of everyone in the school programs and commitments and at the same time requested for their continued support for the next projects, plans and other endeavors towards the success of the College.

                Topics discussed in the meeting included Candidates for the 2014 graduation, the offering of the AB Guidance and Counseling Course, the curriculum review in all the colleges including the Graduate School and the proposal to offer BS in Food trade Technology Course. They also talked about the policy on Academic Merit Award for the graduating students as well as the Blended Ladderized BS in Engineering Technology.

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WVCST & Jollibee Group Foundation Survey Joint Project

                Western Visayas College of Science and Technology – Extension Office under Director Cora Corbal, together with the Jollibee Group Foundation, started the first survey of their joint project, Special School Feeding Program (SSFP) in one of its 7 municipalities/beneficiaries, last Wednesday, February 5, 2014.

                The SSFP which was launched on January 20, is a project inspired by Busog Lusog Talino Program, intends to feed school children in all grade levels in 7 municipalities in the Province of Iloilo and Capiz  which were greatly affected by Typhoon Yolanda. The feeding program is serving lunch thrice a week – Monday, Wednesday and Friday for a period of 30 days. The Jollibee Group Foundation provides the feeding budget and in kind support to the target schools while WVCST provides the monitoring support. Parents also participate in preparing and cooking the specific meals for the pupils in coordination with the teachers and the LGUs.

                In the survey conducted in the different elementary schools in the Municipality of Lemery, it was found out that despite the physical condition of the classrooms, the pupils are more active in going to school because they are not only provided with knowledge but they also get fed which in one way or another, helps in the financial aspect of their family. Parents also expressed their gratitude to the Jollibee Group Foundation and WVCST for the implementation of the feeding program. School Principals and teachers involved are also very thankful and became more motivated to teach and help their pupils because they see the unfailing effort of everybody, from the sponsors, the LGUs, including the barangay officials to the parents who do their share for this project.

                Though it has not reached half way yet, it is already perceived as a successful project based on the positive responses from the beneficiaries. The Jollibee Group Foundation is also happy of the outcome and is hoping to have more projects in partnership with Western Visayas College of Science and Technology.

                Meanwhile, more elementary schools from other municipalities are also scheduled every other day for the first survey.

                WVCST is handling 7 municipalities in the Province of Iloilo and Capiz with a total of 78 public elementary schools and 27,005 beneficiaries.

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WVCST Faculty Holds Workshop

                WVCST faculty held a workshop on Local and Institutional Evaluation Committee Workshop for NBC 461 6TH Cycle today, February 7, 2013.

                The workshop which was spearheaded by Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension, also involves Department heads from the main and external campuses of the college. It aims to develop an organized and time bound processing /submission of CCE and QCE documents needed for the NBC 6th Cycle Evaluation.

                One important reminder that was given by Dr. Ambut was to encourage each and every faculty member to submit their credentials for the re-evaluation without leaving out anybody behind. He clarified that this is not about monetary concern but it is for the advantage not only for one’s profile but for the College profile as well. It was also emphasized that if someone refuses to participate in the re-evaluation, he or she must sign a waiver.

                Also present in the workshop was Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, OIC VP for Academic Affairs and Campus Administrator, who at the same time discussed about CCE and QCE and Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Admin and Finance, who shed light on some important issues. Mr. Ned Cababasay, Head of the MIS Department was also present to talk about other important topics.

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WVCST Students Attend Journalism Forum

                A forum on “Citizen Journalism Using Social Media” was conducted and attended by WVCST – CAS Students yesterday, February 3, 2013 at the EdTech Center.

 The activity which was spearheaded by the Student Republic under its President Brandon Rivera, intends to heighten the awareness of the students on the basic responsibility in posting pictures, comments and sharing ideas and videos on social media.

Miss Mary Rose Adelle Pacificar, a Journalism teacher from Iloilo National High School discussed the difference between mobile journalism  and citizen journalism, their advantages and disadvantages and the responsibilities that go with them. Moreover, Miss Pacificar emphasized that citizen journalism plays a big role in the society especially in times of calamities and events where communication must be disseminated accurately and fairly. With this, she encouraged the students that with proper training they should not only be using the social media on posting their selfies but also in joining citizen journalism by posting relevant issues that affect the country.

On the other hand, Prof. Hazel Palmares Villa of the College of Ed of WVSU and at the same time a local journalist from Panay News, related her experience with the aftermath of Typhon Yolanda and the founding of Typhoon Yolanda Story Hub Visayas, an example of citizen journalism. According to her, this group was formed after she posted her idea of going to the northern part of the Iloilo Province not just to help but to tell the stories of the people and let Filipinos and people across the world know that it’s to not only Leyte that was affected but also the Northern part of Iloilo as well as Capiz. Through the outrageous response of the netizens to citizen journalism they were able to bring food and water to those affected and made people around world aware of what was happening.

With basic training in writing and in taking pictures and videos, citizen journalism can be a big tool in propagating a much faster and accurate communication in this age of technology which is not only for our use but also to the advantage of our country.

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PACUIT Holds Regular Board Meeting

 The Philippine Association of Colleges and Universities of Industrial Technology (PACUIT) held its regular board meeting at WVCST HRT Center last Thursday, January 30, 2013.

The meeting was hosted by WVCST under the leadership of Dr. Luis M. Sorolla and was presided by PACUIT President Dr. Nora M. Ponce, President, Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College.

Important matters were discussed during the board meeting including the upcoming 12th PACUIT National Conference to be held on April 28 – 30, 2014 in Davao City. This activity is in collaboration with the University of the Philippines- College of Technology.

In this conference, there will be learning sessions and forum that will discuss crucial topics that affect colleges and universities of Industrial Technology such as Industrial Technology Curriculum, Quality Assurance for Technology, ASEAN 2015 Integration and the K – 12 Program. The theme of the national conference is “Technology Development and Transfer: An Economic Intervention for Poverty Reduction”.

The Board Meeting was attended by PACUiT President Dr. Nora Ponce, President, Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College ; VP for Mindanao, Dr. Perfecto A. Alibin, President of the University of Southeastern Philippines; Secretary, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, President, WVCST; Dr. Elpidio T. Magante, Trustee & President of Bohol Island State University; Dr. Esmen M. Cabal (representative of Dr. Cornelio C. Garcia) of Ramon Magsaysay Technological University; Dr. Rolito S. Estrellado (representative of Dr. Maria Imogen T. Quilicot) of Siquijor State College; Dr. Antonio L. Deraja, ( representative of Dr. Renato M. Sorolla) of Carlos Hilado Memorial State College and Dr. Renato V. Alba, PACUIT Executive Director.





Entrance Examination Dates AY 2014-2015

December 7, 2013
January 11, 18, 25, 31, 2014
February 1, 8, 11, 22, 2014
March 8, 15, 22, 2014
April 1 to 7, 2014

Registration is now going on!
Register early to avoid rush!


For Graduating students

  1. Certification from the Pirincipal that the applicant is a candidate fr graduation
  2. Photocopy of 2nd or 3rd grading High School Card
  3. Processing Fee – Php 250.00

For Transferee

  1. Print out of grades certified correct by the Registrar
  2. Processing Fee – Php 250.00

For Students who graduated in Secondary Education

  1. Certificate of Good Moral Character
  2. High School Card
  3. Processing Fee – Php 250.00

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