Foreign studes on OJT, immersion at ISAT U

The exchange students witness the signing of agreement of ISAT U with partner agency for industry immersion. 

 Five foreign students are on their cross country training and immersion at ISAT U. Four are under the SEAMEO TVET Student Exchange Program while one is a recipient of the American Field Service Scholarship.

The SEAMEO TVET students from Indonesia are Gilang Pangestu and Helmi Taufiq Alhakim who are taking up Informatics Management from Institute Pertanian Bogor University. The other two are Nabila Rozqia Novianda and Aulia Rizky Utami from Politeknik Negeri Sriwijaya who are pursuing their Telecommunications and Mechatronics studies, respectively.

Italian Matilde Rou, on the other hand, is from Liceo Melchiorre Gioia, Italy. She joins the Philippine History and Filipino classes of the Laboratory School for her cultural immersion.

Given the chance to talk during the opening program, Miss Rou emphasized the opportunity to learn with the new students amidst different cultures, “meet them, talk to them and learn from them; share your opinion, ideas and culture.” According to her, communication is also important in bridging culture gaps. “The difference in culture is something we really need to look after. There are no impedes between cultures as long as people talk clearly and directly,” she added.

Trying to speak the native tongue, the Indonesians created an aura of lightness and a happy environment. Greeting the audience with “ Maayong aga,” Mr. Gilang Pangestu shows appreciation of a warm ISAT U accommodation he experiences, “the people in here are nice and kind also.” His expectations also generated smiles and giggles from the audience, “I did not expect the people here are so kind and so attractive; it must be fun to be with you and so much to learn from you and from the University.” Pangestu and Alhakim are assigned at the Management Information Service of ISAT U Miagao Campus.

The Memorandum of Agreement with the Sky Convergence, was also held during the opening program on September 3, 2019. Sky Convergence is the partner agency for Novianda and Utami’s training.

The University also sent two  students to Malaysia and seven to Indonesia recently.  Of the nine students, two are taking up Bachelor of Science in Education, four in BS Fashion Design and Merchandising,  one  in Bachelor in Industrial Technology major in Mechanical Technology and  two in BS Food Technology from Miagao Campus.

Dr. Muyong speaks at ICETECH 2019

Dr. Muyong shared his ideas and ISAT U practices in innovative learning to cope with the demands of the digital era.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong was one of the keynote speakers during the 1st International Conference on Education and Technology (ICETECH) 2019 at Universitas PGRI Madiun, East Java, Indonesia on August 6-9, 2019.

The only Filipino invited as keynote speaker, Dr. Muyong’s discussion aimed to help address the theme: “The Emerging Innovative Learning Across Disciplines in the Digital Era.” The other speakers were Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkanto, Universitas Sebeles Maret Surakarta, Indonesia; Dr. Yazni Abu Bakar, Universiti Kebangsaan, Malaysia and Mohd Mukhiz Abu Bakar, National University of Singapore.

The sub-themes of the conference discussed were: teaching and learning in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), STEM-based classroom management and Technology, robotics and game for Instructional Purposes, Instructional Technology and application for education, training and professional development for STEM teachers, computer-based learning, innovations in instructional training and education, design and implementation of technology-rich learning environment, augmented reality for education, simulation and game for Educational purpose, and virtual reality for education.

The ICETECH 2019 aims at facilitating researches, academic scientists and educators in an attempt to share their knowledge and experience in the education and technology. Being the only science and technology in the region, the activity is an opportunity for ISAT U to further enhance its program in research and development.

Dr. Muyong also strengthened ISAT U’s linkages and cooperation with other higher learning institutions abroad . He signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Universitas PGRI Madiun, Politeknik Elektronika Negiri Surabaya and Universitas Tidar, all from Indonesia. The partnership covers the exchange of students, exchange of faculty and researchers, exchange of academic information and publications, joint research activities and joint organization of international research conference.


Dr. Raul F. Muyong strengthens partnership with higher learning institutions abroad. The agreements with (l-r) Universitas PGRI Madiun Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya and Universitas Tidar were sealed during the 1st ICETECH 2019.

Research project receives patent for invention

The Letters Patent signed by Atty. Lolibeth R. Medrano, Bureau of Patents Director (l) and Dr. Rene L. Celda with the machine.

After years of waiting, the research project of the faculty members of the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) was finally granted  Letters Patent for an Invention by the Bureau of Patents (BOP) 0f the Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines (IPOPHIL).

The TOROID-CORD TUNGSTEN INERT GAS (TIG) AND SHIELDED METAL ARC (SMAW) WELDING MACHINE was granted patent on April 5, 2019, six years after the application was submitted on November 22, 2013.

Dr. Rene L. Celda, the current CIT Dean, said that it took one year for the inventors to conceptualize the project. “ We planned the project and build our own model; it was not modified neither revised, it was original, “ he said. Dr. Celda, Profs. Renato O. Abucion, Enrique E. Elambre, Nemia H. Mabaquiao and Pablo N. Minerva, Jr. are the inventors.

“ We used toroid (doughnut type ) core which is different from the usual E-type, “ added Dr. Celda. The welding machine is with AC and DC shielded Metal Arc (SMAW) function utilizing ambient air as its coolant and is used alternatively for Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) operation. The machine is power efficient and temperature stable which can stand continuous operations for 30 minutes without overheating.

“To make it simple, our invention can run at least 30 minutes of continuous welding, thus, an advantage in performance over the traditional ones. We also have advantage in maintenance and performance over the inverters which are modular and have limited lifespan, ours is easy to maintain and lasts longer, ”explained Dr. Celda

One distinct feature of the invention is the inclusion of the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding using Argon gas. “Traditionally, oxy-acetylene and conventional welding machines are separate, but in our invention, we integrate the two facilities in one machine and utilizes Argon, an inert gas,” said Dr. Celda.

The patent number 1-2013 000350 was assigned to the invention and shall be valid for 20 years from the date of filing.

ISAT U, CPU aim for reg’l innovation and entrepreneurship

Dr. Raul F. Muyong (c) and Dr. Teodoro C. Robles sign the MOU for the partnership of ISAT U and CPU CIRaC for regional innovation and entrepreneurship. Dr. Corazon C. Corbal, Dean of ISAT U College of Engineering and Architecture witnesses the ceremony.

The Iloilo Science and Technology University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Central Philippine University (CPU) in fostering regional innovation and entrepreneurship while strengthening the collaboration between the local government, private sector and the community. The collaboration maybe realized through the Technopreneurship Hub, otherwise known as CPU Center for Ideation Realization and Commercialization Technopreneurship Hub (CPU CIRaC TECHHUB), a project funded by the Commission on Higher Education through the Institutional Development Innovation Grant.

Under the MOU, both institutions collaborate in developing and growing a pipeline of potential technology enterprise to the dissemination of TECHHUB promotional materials and nomination of possible applicants and on progressing existing research project through the TECHHUB’s technology business incubator.

The ISAT U and CPU also agreed to collaborate on the development of Technology Track and other related activities that will contribute to the improvement or success of the program.

The development of Technopreneurship 101 Instructional Materials and Workbooks which is one of the areas of agreement was realized during the PhilDev and CPU technopreneurship workshops on June 7, 2019, the day the MOU was signed. College of Engineering and Architecture Profs. Naci John C. Trance, Tajimi Faith H. Castano , Alfonso C. Abordaje, Freddie M. Gigataras and Philip Lloyd E. Legada joined other engineering professors in Western Visayas and collaborated for the development of instructional materials.

The MOU is based on the principles that ISAT U and CPU CIRaC desires to develop academic exchange and cooperation in entrepreneurship in engineering curriculum between the two institutions.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong, ISAT U President and Dr. Teodoro C. Robles, CPU President, signed the MOU during the Technopreneurship Hub Project Tehnopreneurship Workshop at the CPU.

ISAT U, DOST-PCIEERTRD to establish data science for good governance

DOST 6 Regional Director Rowen R. Gelonga (3rd from left), PCIEETRD Executive Director Enrico C. Paringit (c) and ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong, signifying unity for common goal, hold hands after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the establishment of the  research equipment and facilities portal for Program on Data Science for Good Governance. Witnessing the signing of the MOU are (l-R) Engr. Emelyn P. Flores, DOST 6 ARD for Technical Operation; Dr. Rowena Christina l. Guevara, DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development; Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, ISAT U Vice President for Research and Extension and Engr. Naci John C. Trance, IPMO Director.

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U), Department of Science and Technology- Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEETRD) and the Western Visayas Consortium for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (WVCIEETRD) forged an agreement to maintain and develop research equipment and facilities in the area of data science and smart cities.

A smart city harnesses the use of science and technology, and innovation to deliver good governance and services to the public.

Under the agreement, ISAT U can provide the necessary expertise and facilities needed for the collaboration to support the PCIEETRD science and technology sectoral plans and programs on its delineated sector which includes Data Science and Smart Cities.

DOST-PCIEERD Executive Director Enrico C. Paringit explained the concept of the portal for Program on Data Science and Good Governance . “They (ISAT U) will have to train a pool of students and people working at the local governments in order to apply data science techniques.” The program is also in line with ISAT U’s thrust in research and development, and computer studies.

DOST Region VI Director Rowen R. Gelonga added that the purpose of the collaboration between DOST and ISAT U is to create a pool of experts on data science or data analytics. Gelonga also passes on the challenge to ISAT U to probably open degree programs or even post-graduate programs related to data science, which is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge.

He explicitly implied the importance of collaboration in the growth of smart cities like Iloilo City. Gelonga also divulge “Innovate Iloilo” which is a master plan to position Iloilo as an innovation hub by 2030. “This is a broad-based multi-stakeholders effort involving the local government units, the business sector, the government, the academe and the research institutions and other stakeholders’ collaboration of the local government units and other stakeholders, “he said.
The role of scientists and researchers who “present their technologies and research outputs that can potentially solve some of the problems as a growing community or as we continue to grow and prosper is important,” Engr. Gelonga added.

The MOU was signed by Engr. Gelonga, Dir. Paringit and ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong during the ninth anniversary of DOST-PCIEERD held for the first time in Iloilo City on June 13, 2019.

Skills demo highlights int’l youth skills day

ISAT U students and faculty members listen to the global address of Dr. Shyamal Majumdar, Head, UNESCO-UNEVOC International Center.

The University  celebrated the UNESCO-UNEVOC World Youth Skills Day (WYSD) through skills demonstration  on July 15, 2019. The activities aimed to guide the students on the importance and future of vocational education.  ISAT U is one of  the two UNESCO-UNEVOC centers in the Philippines.

A simultaneous activity on Global Cuisine demonstration by renowned chef Mr. Oscar J. Salazar III and the 2D Digital Animation Demonstration were witnessed by the students from different ISAT U campuses. The students also displayed their skills in the TVET Photo Competition 2019 that focused on culture and industry.

In his message, Dr. Raul F. Muyong gave emphasis on the dwindling number of students taking up TVET courses. He also pointed out the opportunities for vocational courses as it grow with Industry 4.0. The message of Dr. Muyong is in line with the concern on underemployment in 3D jobs (dirty, dangerous and difficult) generated by TVET education and training which is one of the focus of the WYSD 2019.

The cooking and 2D animation demo and the entries in the TVET photo contest.

In his global address, Dr. Shyamal Majumdar, Head of UNESCO-UNEVOC International Council expounded the theme “Learning to Learn for Work and Life.” He focused on the changes of the world which has rapid, drastic and serious consequences on the work and life. Dr. Majumdar pointed out that technological changes the way we live, work and learn, and socialize and also a challenge to prepare the future job. “ Rapid changing technology poses a big challenge on how to prepare young people on the job that do not yet exist. ‘ he said

He offered a solution on reports that 60% of the children entering grade school today ends up in jobs that do not exist yet. “Mere technical understanding is not enough for the future world of work,” he said, “there is a need to develop transversal skills which includes adaptability skills, learning to learn skill, entrepreneurial skill and foundation skill to prepare the learner for future job.”

Hon. Lili Nurlaili gives hints and ideas on designing Batik to the participants of the skills day.

Dr Majumdar also emphasized that the World Youth Skills Day display the importance of technical and vocational education and training in providing youth an opportunity to develop their competency. “Preparing the youth with a wide ranging skills prepare them for the job today and emerging occupation of tomorrow, “he said.

Hon. Lili Nurlaili, Culture and Education Attache, Embassy of Republic of Indonesia, also gave an international touch to the occasion. She talked on Batik Basics: The Art of Batik making and its high artistic value. The participants let out their artistry and creativity when they were made to develop Batik designs.

Arsulo is new faculty regent

CHEd Chair Prospero J. de Vera III administers the oath of office of Prof. Samuel G. Arsulo.


By virtue of his election as president of the Faculty and Employees Federation, Inc. (FEFI), Prof. Samuel G. Arsulo now serves as the new faculty regent of the ISAT U Board of Regents (BOR), the university’s governing body. He took his oath of office during the BOR second quarterly meeting held at Seda Hotel, Iloilo City on June 26, 2019.

Upon assumption of office, his key areas of concern are the retirement (Pabaon) package for the FEFI members and the revisit to the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA). Also in the priority list of Prof. Arsulo is the review of Equivalent Teaching Unit (ETU) and the exploration of the faculty’s freedom to spend the extra 2 hours of the 8 hours they spend in school, which is beyond the daily actual contact time of 6 hours.

An alumnus of ISAT U, then Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST), Professor Arsulo started his career with the University on September 11, 1991. After 28 years of service, he attained the academic rank of Asst. Professor IV.

The love for electronics technology runs in Arsulo’s blood.  He started his electronics technology education at Don Bosco Technical Institute-Talisay City, Negros Occidental where he spent his high school days. After completing his secondary education, he earned a three-year Technician Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology at Technological University of the Philippines-Visayas in 1982. Lady luck smiled at him when he found a job at Frabelle Fishing Corporation. One year later, with an ardent desire for a higher education, Prof. Arsulo left his work and enrolled at WVCST.

He graduated with Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education major in Electronics degree in 1987, Magna cum Laude.

His track record of being a consistent honor student started in his elementary days.   Because of his intelligence, he was allowed to graduate at Banate Central Elementary School (BCES) at the age of 10. In 1979, Prof. Arsulo finished his secondary education when he was only 14 years old.

He started his teaching career at Banate National High School in 1998. After three years, he returned to ISAT U as an instructor.

His services in the different organization earned him the respect of his co-workers. He was a member of the governing board of the WVCST Alumni Association, Inc., WVCST Laboratory School Parent and Teachers Association (PTA), and the WVCST College PTA. He had been the Board Secretary of ISAT U and Community Multi-purpose Cooperative before  elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors.

He is also known to devout his time in different educational and community associations outside of the University.   Prof. Arsulo has been President of BCES Alumni Association (2004-present); President, BCES PTA (2004-2013) and member of the Municipal School Board of the Municipality of Banate (2002-2003 and 2005-2012). He was also actively involved as a convenor of the Banate Anti-Coal Coalition in 2003. which caused the rejection of the proposed coal-fired power plant in Banate, Iloilo.




ISAT U to support DOST’s ground satellite station

Satellite project initiator Prof. Takahashi (center) of  Hokkaido University, Ms. Eriko Momo-ta (left) of Japan Science and Technology  and Mr. Harold Bryan Paler of DOST-ASTI (2nd from left)  pays a courtesy call  at ISAT U Dumangas Campus during the on-site visit.  Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut (back on camera), ISAT U  Vice President  for  Research and Extension welcomes the project initiator and his team.

The Iloilo Science and Technology University will provide technical assistance and other necessary support in the operation and installation of the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) 3.5 meter Automatic Satellite Tracking System in the Municipality of Dumangas, Iloilo.

The ground satellite data receiving station will be used to aid as tool for the project entitled “Development of Extreme Monitoring and Information Sharing System in the Philippines.” The project is an Official Development Assisted project of the DOST-Advanced Science and Technology Institute (DOST-ASTI) with Hokkaido University.

The project is also promoted by Japan International Cooperating Agency under the Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development Program (SATREPS) as Grant –In-Aid Project “Understanding Lightning and Thunderstorms (ULAP)” which aims to improve short term weather forecast in the country.

The ground satellite will enable the download and provide wider coverage of data captured by Filipino-owned Diwata 1 and 2 and other satellite systems that DOST is subscribing to.

Dr. Enrico Paringit, Executive Director of the DOST-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy, and Emerging Technology, Research and Development (PCIEERD), said that a similar facility is installed outside of National Capital Region for better coverage.

The project initiator and his team survey and determine the area for the installation of the 3.5-meter satellite project .

”There has to be a significant wider coverage so that it could cover the greater part of the Philippines. So we thought it would be best to place it somewhere in the center and essentially those are the features where Dumangas is most fitting, ” said Paringit.

The DOST hopes to complete its installation, including the commissioning for a period of one year. It targets to launch the satellite data receiving station early next year.

Aside from providing technical and operational support, ISAT U will also extend the use of utilities to DOST-ASTI as project implementer. The University will also provide satellite image data from the System upon request for educational purposes.

DOST-ASTI Acting Director Joel S. Mariano, Jr., DOST Region VI Director Rowen R. Gelonga, Municipality of Dumangas Mayor Hon. Rolando Golez and ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong signed the Memorandum of Agreement for the establishment of the ground satellite data receiving station.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong said that the undertakings is a welcome development for ISAT U. The university president is looking into possibilities of opening a program on meteorology.

DOST, ISAT U collaborate for data science program and Smart Cities

DOST 6 Regional Director Rowen R. Gelonga (3rd from left), PCIEETRD Executive Director Enrico C. Paringit (c) and ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong join hands after signing the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the establishment of the  research equipment and facilities portal for Program on Data Science for Good Governance. Witnessing the signing of the MOU are (l-R) Engr. Emelyn P. Flores, DOST 6 ARD  for Technical Operation:  Dr. Rowena Christina L. Guevara, DOST Undersecretary for Research and Development; Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, ISAT U VPRE and Engr. Naci John C. Trance, IPMO Director.

The Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) and the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (DOST-PCIEETRD) and the Department of Science and Technology through Western Visayas Consortium for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research and Development (WVCIEETRD) signed the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to maintain and develop research equipment and facilities in the area of data science and smart cities.

Under the agreement, ISAT U can provide the necessary expertise and facilities needed for the collaboration to complement the PCIEETRD science and technology sectoral plans and programs on its delineated sector which includes Data Science and Smart Cities.

As defined by DOST-PCIEERD Executive Director Enrico C. Paringit, a smart city harnesses the use of science and technology and innovation to deliver good governance and services to be public.

Paringit explained the concept of the portal for Program on Data Science and Good Governance which is also in line with ISAT U’s thrust in research and development, and computer studies. “They (ISAT U) will have to train a pool of students and people working at the local governments in order to apply data science techniques”.

DOST Region VI Director Rowen R. Gelonga added that the purpose of the collaboration between DOST and ISAT U is to create a pool of experts on data science or data analytics.

Gelonga also passed on the challenge to ISAT U to probably open degree programs or even post-graduate programs related to data science, which is a multi-disciplinary field that uses scientific methods, processes, algorithms, and systems to extract knowledge.

He emphasized the importance of collaboration in the growth of smart cities. Gelonga also divulge “Innovate Iloilo” which is a master plan to position Iloilo as an innovation hub by 2030. “This is a broad-based multi-stakeholders effort involving the local government units, the business sector, the government, the academe and the research institutions and other stakeholders’ collaboration of the local government units and other stakeholders,” he said.

The MOU was signed by Engr. Gelonga, Dir. Paringit and ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong was held during the ninth anniversary of DOST-PCIEERD held for the first time in Iloilo City on June 13, 2019.

CHEd recognizes ISAT U’s achievements

The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) Regional Office 6 recognized the  achievements of  Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) during the Commission’s 25th Founding Anniversary on May 18, 2019.

Aside from being recognized as a state university with a Level III status, the University was awarded for having the most number of certificate of program compliance (COPC) and  the most number of accredited programs of  a higher educational institution (HEI) in Western Visayas . The recognition for having the Excellent Environmental Education Program and Excellent Gender and Development Program was also given to ISAT U.

The University was also awarded as the HEI with the 7th Highest Number of Board Passers in Region VI and with Board Topnotchers for the past five years.

The College of Education as a Center of Development was also acknowledged.

As to student services, the University was adjudged as the CHEd-Friendly HEI in the Implementation of STUFAP, UNIFAST and other related programs for tertiary students.

The Commission likewise gave commendation to the State Universities and Colleges Association of Tourism and Hospitality Educators of the Philippines (SUCAHTEP), a national association initiated by ISAT U instructors.

In the Exhibit Contest participated by HEI in Western Visayas, ISAT U displayed the University’s profile, achievements in research and in specialized fields in science and technology. Though declared as second runner-up by the judges, the booth of ISAT U romped off with  the People’s Choice Award. It received the most number of stickers showing the audience’s preferred exhibit. ISUY and an unmanned robot was an attraction that also showed ISAT U’s focus on robotics.

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