ISATU launches the Kwadra Technology Business Incubator

April 7, 2021 – the Iloilo Science and Technology University launched the Kwadra TBI, a technology business incubator (TBI) aimed at commercializing university research into startups and nurturing deep technology startups.

 Deep technology refers to classification of technologies such as artificial inteligence, robotics, blockchain, advanced material science, photonics and electronics, biotech and quantum computing and other scientific & technology solutions generated through substantial scientific or engineering research & development.

This focus will leverage ISATU’s existing research & development facilities like the Regional Yarn Production and Innovation Center (RYPIC), the DTI Fabrication Laboratory, DOST Satellite Ground Center, and the research on natural products, biotech, physics and robotics.

The TBI was established through the Department of Science and Technology – Philippine Council for Industry, Energy and Emerging Technology Research & Development (DOST-PCIEERD)’s Higher Education Institution Readiness for Innovation and Technopreneurship (HEIRIT).

Kwadra TBI’s services include Venture-Building, where they help scientists, engineers & innovators turn their inventions into enterprises; Business

 Support especially for services like accounting, legal, marketing, IP filing, etc; Technopreneurship & Innovation Training and Coworking and Office spaces for incubatees.

The Kwadra TBI soft launch featured welcome messages from President Raul Muyong, Vice President for Research & Extension, Carmelo Ambut, Russel M. Pili Chief, Research Information and Technology Transfer Division (RITTD), Rebecca Rascon, DTI 6 Regional Director, Rowen Gelonga, DOST 6 Regional Director, and Mario Cuñado, DICT 6 Regional Director.

Representatives from the business & industry sector also gave their remarks like Lea Lara of the Iloilo Business Club, Francis Gentoral of the Iloilo Economic Development Foundation, and Atty. Jobert Peñaflorida of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce Iloilo.

Currently, there are about 15 startups in the pipeline applying for incubation, including university spin-offs and has a team that includes Dr. Karlo S. Sira (Project Leader), Rayjand Gellamucho (General Manager), Noreen Bautista (Marketing & Programs), Michael Llabos (Design & Promotions) and Marie Honesty Amoyan (Admin & Finance).


– Noreen Marian Bautista

Palmares takes oath as ISAT U Regent

Mr. Jessraf S. Palmares took his oath as the new Private Sector Representative to the Board of Regents (BOR) of the University during the 1st Quarter, 211th BOR Regular Meeting (Virtual), held last April 15, 2021.

Regent Palmares is a consummate expert with thirty – five (35) years of experience in the corporate world. Presently, he is the President and CEO of IloBiz Solutions Incorporated that employs around 110 personnel as full time and part time professionals. He was also the Sales Head for Visayas of ABS – CBN Corporation / Digital Terrestrial Television from July 2018 to August 2020.

Apart from being a business savvy, Regent Palmares is also known for his community involvements. He is the Chairman of Iloilo Federation for Information Technology, a tripartite council that focuses on the development of Information Technology – Business Process Management (IT – BPM). He is also the Vice – chair of Iloilo Government and Academe Council, a group that addresses the gaps between government interventions and academic offerings on industry requirements.

Other engagements include membership to the Regional Tripartite Council (DOLE 6), Board Iloilo Utilities Group, Provincial Development Council (Province of Iloilo), Iloilo Provincial Investment and Promotions Board, Red Cross of the Philippines (Passi City Chapter) and Innovate Iloilo among others.

Regent Palmares is the son of former Governor and Assemblyman Rafael Palmares Sr. and Lourdes Sombong. He is married to Janette Patriarca and is blessed with two (2) children. His role as the private sector representative to the BOR is for a term of two years or until April 15, 2023.

University gets nod to offer new programs


The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) approved the offering of Bachelor of Science in Biology (BSBio) and Bachelor of Arts in English Language (AB English Language) of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISATU) effective Academic Year 2021 – 2022.

This after the Commission issued Certificate of Compliances (COPC) for the new programs March of this year. The COPC’s certify that the University is compliant to all the prescribed requirements based on the pertinent CHED Memorandum Orders (CMO). For BSBio, it’s CMO No. 49, s. 2017 (Policies and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Science in Biology) and CMO No. 20, s. 2013 (General Education Curriculum: Holistic Understanding, Intellectual and Civic Competencies). For AB English Language, it’s CMO No. 24, s. 2017 (Policies and Guidelines for the Bachelor of Arts in English Language Studies) and CMO No. 20, s. 2013 as well.

According to ISAT U President Dr. Raul F. Muyong, “this is another milestone for the University and a welcome development for all the students. We are invested in what we do – educate the young and provide them with the best opportunities.”

Recently, the University also commenced the offering of Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering (BSCE), Bachelor of Human Services (BHM) and Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship. For incoming first year students, the deadline of application for admission was extended until April 30, 2021.

LANDBANK Miagao Branch finds new home

LANDBANK opened its doors anew to residents of Miagao and nearby towns with the blessing and inauguration  of its Miagao branch. The event was attended by the University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV) Chancellor Dr. Clement C. Camposano, Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) President Dr. Raul F. Muyong, Miagao Mayor Macario N. Napulan, MD, First Vice President for West Visayas Branches Group, LANDBANK Ms. Delma O. Bandiola and LBP Miagao Branch Manager Mrs. Rowena Areno.

Land Bank of the Philippines (LANDBANK) has relocated its Miagao Branch to its present site as part of its strategic plan to serve more customers. It is a testament of its commitment in bringing a much safer and more convenient banking needs and financial services to business, various government agencies and private clients.

To recall, LANDBANK is a universal bank owned by the Philippine

Government with branches nationwide specializing on serving the needs of farmers and fisher folks.

Featuring a modern design, a comfortable working space and a good ambiance, LANDBANK Miagao Branch is now strategically located along the national highway beside the main gate of ISAT University Miagao Campus.



– Niño Legaspi – PIO, ISATU Miagao Campus

DA approves ISATU’s multiplier farm project

The proposed Multiplier Farm for Native Pigs and Goats in Iloilo Science and Technology University, Leon Campus was approved for funding by the Department of Agriculture (DA) – National Livestock Program.

​The said project can provide venue for hands-on trainings for the university’s stakeholders through practicum, research, extension, production and exposure/training activities, at the same time providing them with quality stocks produced from the farm.

The Multiplier Farm for Native Pigs and Goats is situated at ISAT U Leon Campus Agroforestry Demo Farm with an area of 5, 580 sq. meters, of which 2, 000 sq. meters will be allotted for the native pigs and 3, 350 sq. meters for the production of native goats.

Prior to this venture, vermicomposting, swine production and dispersal projects were also implemented by the University in

partnership with the Department of Agriculture, RFO VI and Rotary Club of Iloilo. On the other hand, the Clonal Nursery Complex and facility was realized in partnership with the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) while several other agriculture projects were implemented in partnership with

other NGA’s,  NGO’s and CSO’s.

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) to this effect was signed today, March 9, 2021 at ISAT University. The event was attended by Dr. Raul F. Muyong – University President, Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut – VP for Research and Extension, Dr. Peter Sobrevega and company from the Department of Agriculture.


Keith Guantero – PIO, ISAT U Leon Campus

ISAT U Partners with NIT Sasebo College Japan


Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) at 115 brings its internationalization plans a step further by partnering with the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Sasebo College Japan. The partnership has been formalized on March 3, 2021 at 3:00 PM Japan time.

The virtual signing of Memorandum of Understanding was attended by the respective presidents of both schools and a number of key officials: Dr. Raul F. Muyong – ISAT U President, Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal – Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. – Vice President for Administration and Finance, Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut – Vice President for Research and Extension, ISAT U External Campus Administrators, Deans and the External Affairs Executive Committee Members, Dr. Kenji Higashida – NIT Sasebo College Japan President, Dr. Kazuhiko Mitsuhashi – NIT Sasebo College Japan Executive Officer of External Affairs, Ms. Ernie Aficionado Kakehasi – Appointed Associate Professor, NIT Sasebo College Japan, Dr. Yoshihito

Yagyu – Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Both schools look forward to international cooperation in Education and a mutually cooperative relationship through meaningful science and technology programs, activities and collaborations that can create an impact in various communities in the Philippines and Japan especially during this time of the pandemic through science and technology.The two institutions resolve to exercise reasonable efforts to promote the exchange of students through scholarships and internships, exchange of faculty researchers, exchange of academic

information and publications, joint research projects and activities, joint organizers of international research conferences, credit transfer program, visiting professors and lecturers, team teaching and other exchanges of academic and cultural in nature agreed upon by both parties.

The memorandum of understanding will remain in full force and effect for five years or until terminated. Both ISAT U and NIT

Sasebo College Japan are now starting to organize mobility programs and activities in science, technology and research that are consistently inclusive and diverse to help develop a community of responsive students who will ultimately become leaders of the world.

The National Institute of Technology Sasebo College Japan is an addition to the 44 international partner schools of ISAT U with MOU, MOA or Framework of Cooperation which include Universitas Mohamadiyah Pontianak – Malayasia, Politeknik Sriwijaya – Indonesia, Universitas PGRI Madiun in Indonesia, STIKI Malang – Indonesia, IPB Bogor -Indonesia, Universitas Tidar in Indonesia, Politekni Elektronika Negeri – Indonesia, Surabaya Indonesia, Universitas PGRI Semarang – Indonesia, , Bina Insani – Indonesia, Piksi Ghanesha

Politeknik – Indonesia, Politeknik Perlis – Indonesia, University of Education Ganesha – Indonesia, SEAMEO Secretariat, UMAP to mention a few.

Internationalization is not just a goal in itself but a means to enhance the quality of education, research and other service functions of ISAT U, thus the Director of the National and International Affairs, Dr. Juniffer Badoles, with the guidance of Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs and Dr. Raul F. Muyong – SUC President III, is in constant collaboration with the various heads and coordinators of ISAT U’s international partner institutions to concretize mobility programs and push forward the University’s international relations agenda into fruition. Through collaboration meetings the ISAT U NIA team formulate the best strategies to implement meaningful, significant and impactful international mobility programs toward the realization of ISAT U’s vision as the leading science and technology university in Southeast Asia by 2030.


Written by: Jieza Napone


February 16, 2021 – A virtual consultative meeting was conducted by ISAT University and its stakeholders in preparation for the fiscal year 2022 budget. Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr., the VP for Administration and Finance, spearheaded the said consultation through the online platform Zoom.

“Our government is continuing the modernization of the national budgeting system to improve the efficiency of the underlying processes like planning, procurement, cash management and payment. These improvements in our public financial management systems are aimed at increasing the volume and enhancing the quality of our public services especially in the SUCs set-up just like ours. This gathering is very important and crucial as we prepare our budget for FY 2022 because we
wanted to involve all our key officials and stakeholders,” Dr. Salistre stated during his opening message.

Dr. Muyong, the university president, gave emphasis on the different achievements and milestones of the University despite the different challenges each department, college, and campus faced during the COVID-19 outbreak. The University continued giving its best especially for the students who are aiming to have quality education in the midst of different threats brought about by the COVID-19.

The meeting proper started with a plenary gathering and right after the messages from Dr. Salistre and Dr. Muyong, the breakout sessions commenced. ADCO members were identified to act as the main facilitators and moderators of the five different pre-assigned group – Faculty, Alumni, Students, Non – Teaching Personnel and Parents.


It all started with just a simple coffee session one chilly morning of December when the idea of organizing a biking group started brewing and came about in the year 2018.

Back in 2015, there’s already an existing bike group but it was not that visible yet and some members are in-active and not connected with the University anymore until after that informal meeting over a cup of steaming brewed coffee.

“It was just a very casual morning when we decided to go to a local coffee shop and hang out for a while since it was a Saturday and most of us does not go to work on that day. Out of the blue, we all agreed to regularize our bonding through biking and even invited our family members and friends to try out this kind of outdoor adventure since Iloilo is known to be the biking capital of the country” Engr. Zumel Cadenas shared their humble beginnings.

For over three years now the ISAT U bikers is continuously growing, expanding and welcoming new potential members who’s up for an outdoor adventure and those who are into taking the road less travelled. In fact, they have over 60 members now and the different colleges in the University is organizing also their own small biking group from beginners to advanced riders and whenever they hear the call for adventure, they simply meet and join the other groups.

“We are actually bringing our family members during our rides and even my wife is my co-rider. This is actually our form of bonding and de-stressing especially in this time of pandemic. If we will just dwell on the negativities of everything that is happening around, our well-being is at stake.  That’s the main reason why we make it a point to go out of town for a ride every weekend, Dr. Rene Celda shared. Dr. Celda is one of the men behind this ISAT U bikers and currently he is the dean of the College of Industrial Technology.

“Actually, this activity does not only help us in maintaining our physical well-being but this is more on strengthening our bond of friendship outside of our work assignments. Sometimes during our ride, tires and breaks have the tendencies to break and mal-function and as a co-rider you have the responsibility to help each other, it is part of our mutual understanding actually…” shared Dr. Pablo Nierva, Jr.

In the future, the group looks forward to organizing a fun ride showing that ISATU is not just everything about aiming of becoming a leading science and technology University in Asia but rather an Institution where relationships, mental health and well-being is nurtured and fostered above all.

ISAT U EDUTOURISM PROJECT receives green light

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) approves the Edutourism project of ISAT University under the Culture, Heritage and Museums (CHIM) category. The initiative is part of the Commission’s Study in PH – Edutourism program categorized further into Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishery (AFF) and Environment and Natural Resources (ENR).

“Grantees were selected in areas identified as priority tourism areas under the National Tourism Development Plan 2016-2022 and Tourism Regional Strategic Action Plan, with a view towards the core principle of globalization of education taking advantage of the existing regional development efforts to integrate local cultural, indigenous, and heritage products and practices within the wider global context” according to CHED. Other grantees from the region include UP Visayas, ISCOF, University of Antique and Guimaras State College.

A three – storey cultural heritage and educational research center will soon rise at the University’s new site as part of the 9 MILLION worth project granted by CHED for its construction. This building will have 3 floors with different key functions such as; ELibrary, Museum, gallery and a roof top café among others. It will be also a one-stop shop that can cater local and foreign guests as well as students who might need to do cultural researches and exposures.


“We are very happy because finally after a series of meetings and presentations, we are set to start the project that will be very beneficial not just for our University but also for the edutourism industry here in the City. With this project, we look forward that it will bring a lot of possible opportunities for our students and different stakeholders. Also, it will be a one-stop shop for the local and international tourists visiting our City” Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao, the project leader shared.

This project is set to start in the first quarter of this year.

ISAT U distributes etablets to students

January 25, 2021 – A total of 5,416 units of electronic tablets were distributed to the various colleges of the university. Students from the CIT, CEA, COE and CAS of Iloilo City Campus were the first ones to get hold of this brand-new gadget pre – installed with learning packets. An additional 493 units will soon be purchased to cover as many students as possible.

The distribution is part of the university’s commitment to bridge the gap for remote learning and to better prepare the students for the roll out of ISATU’s Virtual Learning Environment (ISAT U VLE). Dr. Raul F. Muyong, the University President gave emphasis that every student who received the tablet should take care of it because it is government’s property. Also present were the University key officials and the different deans of the mentioned colleges.

“Despite this very challenging time, the University is trying its best to provide you with the right facilities to make your learning enjoyable. I don’t want to use the word challenging because in as much as possible we wanted you all to have fun and enjoy in this new modality of learning. The tablets that will be provided to you is a big help in your remote learning starting this semester although as of now these units are not enough for everybody but we are trying to raise funds for us to purchase more units” Dr. Muyong during his opening message.

Dr. Ramil Lumauag, Director of the Virtual Learning Environment also gave an orientation on how to properly use and maximize the functions of the ETablets.  All the applications will be installed and it can be accessed by an enrolled student provided that they have their user name and the password and the lectures and other class materials can be downloaded and be opened even offline.

“This tablet will be a big for me because in the previous semester, I was only using my cell phone and the struggle was so real, trying to read notes and other modules in a small screen caused me eyestrains. I am beyond happy and blessed because of this opportunity given to me by the University and of course, I commit to take care and value this because it is clear to me that this is not mine…” shared Khey, a first-year Community Development student.

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