ISAT U joins the 1st YDP in Thailand

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) joins the 1st Youth Development Program (YDP) hosted by the Association of the Universities of Asia and the Pacific (AUAP) and The Masters Institute Development Academy and Seminary (MIDAS).

The program is held in Bangkok, Chonburi Province, and Pattaya City from November 19–23, 2022. This program aims to promote a healthy environment, a positive mindset, strength building, and self-confidence through lectures and a variety of outdoor activities to engage student leaders in student development projects and provide opportunities to experience the uniqueness of Thai culture.

Outgoing Student Regent (SR), John Joseph L. Tabladillo, and SR President Kristine Joy R. Cenit are the official delegates from ISAT University, along with the Chair of the SR Board of Advisers,  Mr. Jose Abrian D. Casela. They will be joining with other student delegates from other universities in the Philippines, Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, India, Australia, South Africa, and other member countries affiliated with AUAP.


Credits: Student Regent John Joseph Tabladillo



Iloilo Science and Technology University together represented by Dr. Adrienne D. Veloso Chair of PASUC VI-EMC and the other officers of the PASUC IV-EMC REGIONAL EXTENSION gathered for a three-day symposium held at AGM Hall Sunn Hotel, NONESCOST Sagay City, Negros Occidental from November 8-10, 2022.

12 participants from different SUCs extensionists participated in the said activity. The Extension Services Division (ESD) of Iloilo Science and technology have presented their entries in the following categories: Education and Humanities – titled as “Rank-Up: English Proficiency and ICT Training for DepEd Teacher Aspirants”, was presented by Ms. Joan Nacita of ISAT U Miagao Campus. Health and Environment – titled as “Development Plan for Education of Bulabog Pulutian National Park”, presented by Dr. Corazon Corbal and authored by Dr. Corazon Corbal, Engr. Adrian Pillano

and Arch. Jay Lloyd Carnaje of Iloilo Science and Technology University Iloilo Campus. Agriculture/Fishery/Livelihoodtitled as “DUMANGAS BUILDERS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT”, authored and presented by Dr. Roshin B. Quitor of ISAT U Dumangas Campus.

This activity seeks to promote discussion among SUC extensionists and to benefit from one another’s experiences in implementing extension projects. Additionally, it aims to support member state universities and colleges in the development of guidelines and regulations for extension programs and services. Additionally, it intends to develop workable plans and strategies for fostering collaboration between PASUC VI member institutions in operational training initiatives and professional support services.

An award was given to Dr. Corazon Corbal for placing 2nd in Education and Humanities category, the paper entitled as “Development Plan for Ecotourism Program of Bulabog Putian National Park. The award carry cash prize and certificate of recognition.

PASUC has always been the center of coordination between and among State Universities and Colleges with government and private agencies, both local and international. It represented State Universities and Colleges on various meetings, invitations and working committees.


ISAT U prexy highlights HEI contribution in IP welfare


Dr. Raul F. Muyong emphasized the inclusion of IP studies in the curricula as a significant contribution of higher education institutions (HEI) for the welfare of indigenous peoples.

“With the curriculum, the students and educators will be made aware of IP culture and their rights and will be able to understand cultural diversity,” said Dr. Muyong.

The National Commission in Indigenous Peoples Region VI and VII (NCIP) invited Dr. Muyong during the ICCs/ IPs Photo Exhibit dubbed as, ‘PILAK’ at SM CITY Iloilo. The activity is part of the 2022 Indigenous Peoples Month Celebration and the 25th IPRA Commemoration.

The theme for this year is, “25 Years: Fulfilling the Indigenous Peoples Rights and Bridging the Gaps Through ICCs/ IPs Convergence with Partners and Stakeholders to Ensure Economic Sustainability and Security in the Ancestral Domain.”

DILG VI Regional Director Juan Jovian C. Ingeniero, NCIP Officers and IP Communities were also present during the event.

Iloilo Startup Forum sparks technopreneurial spirit in youth

Key players in the innovation space in Iloilo City and their technopreneurship initiatives were showcased to students and academic and local government stakeholders at the recent Iloilo Startup Forum in Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT-U).

The Iloilo Startup Forum was part of the QBO x (Cities): Igniting Startup Cities, a roadshow led by the Manila-based incubator QBO Innovation Hub. The roadshow aims to spark the technopreneurial spirit among Filipinos, especially the youth.

Karla Legaspi, Startup Community program lead, presented to the audience various initiatives of QBO, which has recently integrated with IdeaSpace, a major private startup accelerator in the country. She also showed an overview of the startup ecosystem in the Philippines and where it is headed.

Their program associate Auguste Ku, meanwhile, discussed details about what makes a startup, the stages that these ventures go through, and the kinds of support that young founders can get from the private and government sectors, in a session that welcomed interactions from the mostly young audience.

A highlight of the Forum was the chat with “Iloilo Homegrown Heroes,” the key players enabling startup growth and development in Iloilo City.

They were Rayjand Gellamucho, General Manager of ISAT-U Kwadra Technology Business Incubator (KTBI); Krz Pareja, cofounder of workplace well-being platform Welby; Daryl Lasafin, program officer at FyrLab, the first private sector-led accelerator in Western Visayas funded by DOST VI; Ma. Lea Lara from the Iloilo City-Local Investment and Promotions Office and Secretariat of Innovate Iloilo; and Abraham Porcal, science research specialist at the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Region 6.

They shared insights from their experience in the startup and innovation space in the region, including the characteristics that – in their view – will make young Ilonggos succeed in technopreneurship. They also announced the programs they are holding or involved in that support brilliant entrepreneurial ideas from talented founders.

The “Iloilo Homegrown Heroes” and the sectors they represent are part of Innovate Iloilo, a multisectoral movement that aims to make Iloilo a premier innovation hub by 2030.

Dr. Carmelo Ambut, vice president for research and extension of ISAT-U and Head of UMWAD Western Visayas Consortium, announced to the audience the university’s various programs for commerciable research, or “spinoffs,” and accomplishments in the field of technology transfer.

Under Ambut’s office is the ISAT-U Kwadra TBI, one of the dozens of university-hosted TBIs across the country supported by a DOST program on innovation and technopreneurship readiness among higher education institutions.

Noreen Bautista, marketing and programs head at Kwadra TBI and cofounder of sustainable textile sourcing platform Panublix, also spoke about startup life, giving the audience a glimpse of the journey of being a startup founder. Meanwhile, Velma Jane Lao, head of the Iloilo City Local Economic Development and Investment Promotions Office, spoke about the Innovate Iloilo movement.

ISAT U Kwadra TBI and Innovate Iloilo were co-organizers of the Iloilo Startup Forum.


IPMO conducts planning and health break activities

The Office of the Intellectual Property Management (IPMO) travelled to White Sand Beach Buruaga, Aklan on August 24-26, 2022 for a 3-day health break dubbed as, Eat. Pray. Love.

Series of activities and talks were lined-up which included sunrise and sunrise yoga, stress management lecture, innovative ways to be effective at work and team-building games. Ms. Pearl Joy Jimenea from the University Guidance Office served as the lecturer, while Ms. Babelyn Cabalar from the Public Information and Communications Office (PICO) served as the facilitator for the team-building activities.

“This three-day health break aims to promote health and wellness to our IPMO staff and personnel and improve their productivity. This activity serves as a good avenue for IP personnel and the entire office to accomplish yearly targets and at the same time build stronger camaraderie and unity to all,” shared Engr. Naci John Trance, IPMO’s director.

The health break was participated by fifteen (15) staff from the different offices under the care of IPMO, such as the Kwadra TBI, IMPACT, RAISE and UMWAD projects.

The IPMO continuously commits to conducting quality and relevant activities to improve the quality of life of the University’s stakeholders and the entire system.


ISATU celebrates 117th founding anniversary

The Iloilo Science and Technology University celebrated its 117th Founding Anniversary with a line-up of fun and educational activities for all.

The festivity started with a motorcade spearheaded by the University’s very own bike club. A thanksgiving mass was held at the University’s multi-purpose educational center officiated by Rev. Fr. Philip Vincent Sinco and was attended by the students, faculty members, external campuses and other stakeholders.

During the opening program, Honorable Mayor Jerry P. Treńas, gave his video message and congratulatory note to the entire ISATU system. This year’s theme is ISAT U @ 117: Championing Education an d Innovation in Science and Technology Beyond Borders.

“Throughout the years, ISATU has made a reputation as a good performing state University. Thus, let us remain committed to sustaining quality and excellence in our four major functions such as Instruction, Research, Extension and Production.

“This year we are fortunate to be included in the second batch of grantees of fostering world class Philippine University’s project of the Commission on Higher Education. Through this project, we received financial assistance for our application to the QS star University ranking.

With your full support and cooperation in this project, we are hoping and praying that in 2023 ISATU will be included in the QS world University ranking,” Dr. Raul F. Muyong highlighted these points during his opening message.

Series of activities commenced after the opening program such as the open house, robotics display, academic quiz bowl, alternative class, professional lectures, blood-letting activity, students’ day, testimonial dinner, family day, cosplay, alumni homecoming and community luncheon.

During the testimonial dinner held at Grand Xing imperial hotel, various plaque of appreciation and other awards were given to staffs and faculty members who have served the university for 40, 35, 30, 25, 20, 15 and 10 years. The said dinner also honored the retirees who in one way or another made an impact in the life and development of the entire system.

The week – long celebration officially concluded on Monday, September 19 and during the closing program, Dr. Rowena P. Calisara, dean of the College of Engineering and Architecture and also the over-all chairperson of the founding anniversary thanked everyone for their efforts and dedication extended during the preparations and implementation of the various activities.

“To the committee chairs and members, from the planning and meetings, be it virtual or face to face, motorcade down to this closing program, thank you for all the efforts, support, and commitment.  Thank you also to those who in one way or the other gave advice, and guidance. To my CEA family, thank you for your support and cooperation. My deepest thanks also to the external campuses. This activity will not be successful without your help and cooperation.”

ALE topnotcher receives cash from ISAT U

Ar. Marianne Kaye L. Ofianga, the June 2022 Architect Licensure Examination (ALE) topnotcher received a monetary incentive of P100,000.00 from Iloilo Science and Technology University during a testimonial program held at Diversion 21 Hotel, Iloilo.

The news of an ISAT U grad placing first among 4, 766 takers of the board exam came as a ‘breakthrough’ after Dr. Muyong issued a challenge to the faculty members of the College of Engineering and Architecture “to produce topnotchers in their programs” before the end of his term.

In 2018, Ar. Armando Titular Tayoba II also made a mark after placing 10th overall in the same exam. In 2014, Ar. Charlie D. Mamon bested others and placed 7th in the ALE (Middle East). The Architecture program of the University has already produced 217 Architects which is relatively bigger compared to other schools offering the same in the region.

“Thank you, Marianne for raising the bar, and for raising the Gold and Blue banner of the University,” said Dr. Muyong. Ar. Ofianga bears the distinction as the first – ever top 1 that the university has produced in less than a decade of becoming a full- fledged university and in over a hundred years of being an educational institution.

The 30 other passers of the University who took the June 2022 ALE were also recognized during the testimonial program. The event was attended by members of the board of regents, university key officials headed by ISAT U President Dr. Raul F. Muyong, PRC VI Regional Director Dr. Romel B. Balisang and NEDA VI OIC – Regional Director Engr. Arecio A. Casing Jr..

Also in attendance were the friends and family of Ar. Ofianga, faculty and staff of the university, friends from the media, and other professional organizations .

The whole event was streamed live at the ISAT University Public Information Office Facebook page.





ISAT U welcomes incoming freshmen students

The university’s multi-purpose covered gym was jam-packed with eager freshmen during the welcome program organized by the Student Republic (SR) officers. The students were all excited and delighted to finally step inside the campus and meet the men and women governing the institution. They were organized and properly assigned to their respective colleges observing proper safety protocols mandated by the local government unit.

The whole-day activities kicked-off with a welcome message from the University’s ever-dynamic President, Dr. Raul F. Muyong, challenging the freshmen to do better in their studies and not to give up on whatever dreams they have.

“Study your lessons diligently and submit the requirements or learning materials punctually. Sustain your passion for learning and work hard to make your dreams in life come true. No matter what tomorrow will look like because of the pandemic, keep on learning and never give up.”

The University’s  Administrative Council Officers (ADCO) were also introduced during the program along with the different college deans and coordinators. A short orientation regarding the school’s services also took place towards the end of the morning activities. Designated coordinators briefly discussed the different services the students can avail as part of their privileges they have while enrolled in the University.

“I am really motivated to do well in my studies, and I am truly inspired by what Dr. Muyong said during his opening message. As a government scholar, given this amazing opportunity, I commit to do my best in order to finish my studies for me to give back to the people who helped me in this journey,” said Princess an incoming first year Architectural Drafting student.

Welcome to ISAT University, dear freshmen!









Architect Marianne

It was in July 22 when the news broke and circulated on social media that an alumna from Iloilo Science and

Technology University secured a number one spot in the Architect Licensure Examination. The entire ISAT U community were all very delighted because in the history since the establishment of the institution this glorious moment is one for the books.

Let’s get to know who she is and who are the people who journeyed with her behind the spotlight.

“She is very hard-working and determined to do things that she really wants in life since she was a child. She would always put me and her father on top of everything!” Mrs. Anne Ofianga shared during an interview.


Mr. Marlo and Mrs. Anne Ofianga are the proud parents of the top-notcher and only daughter, Marianne Kaye Ofianga or Kaye as what they fondly call her.

“I was surprised when Kaye told me that she has her own money to spend for the review. I only found out that she’s been saving her daily allowance for her review and other materials needed in preparation for the examination,” Mrs .Ofianga added.

Kaye’s father is an OFW and has been away from them for almost 6 months. When she learned that her father’s request for work extension was declained, she was very happy because she will be able to celebrate her great success with her complete family,  her greatest treasure.

Kaye plans to pursue her further education and she would want her father to quit working so that he will have more time with them.

All the best, Ar. Marianne!

ISAT U and UPM Exchanges Possible Through Erasmus+ Program

Erasmus+ is one of the largest scholarship programs worldwide geared towards the promotion of education and sports to the youth in the European Union (EU). The program has become one of the popular channels through which the EU developed good cooperation and collaboration between countries that promote and support academic mobility for students, faculty and staff. The Erasmus+ program offers stakeholders many opportunities to gain valuable academic, cultural and practical experiences beyond the walls of their school.

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) has signed an inter-institutional agreement with the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) in Spain through the Erasmus+ program for student and faculty exchange. Selected fourth year BS Architecture students from the ISAT U College of Engineering and Architecture, Frexie Jan G. Lorca, Lara A. Taclima, Krisha Angeli P. Raquiz, are in Universidad Politécnica de Madrid in Spain, as of this writing, for their internship from June 1 to July 31, 2022. Architect Regina Falconite – Head of the Architecture Department will be joining the students on July 8, 2022 and will teach in the College of Architecture until her scheduled return to the country on July 31, 2022. Furthermore, Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs and Dr. Juniffer B. Badoles – Director of the National and International Affairs Office have recently arrived from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid from their two-week faculty mobility program.

The students and faculty members of ISAT U received a mobility grant from Erasmus+ which made their travel to Madrid, Spain possible. The selected architecture students have been introduced to some faculty members of the College of Engineering and Architecture of UPM who will serve as their supervisor and overseer for the rest of their stay in the University, while the ISAT U faculty representatives were given a chance to benchmark some of the best practices of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and to establish linkages with other colleges and programs in the University.


For an Erasmus+ grant, the students have to be regular students at a university. Erasmus+ enables students to complete parts of their studies abroad at a university in participating countries. Their study achievements abroad will be credited towards their regular studies if they correspond to the study plan. This student and faculty exchange program between ISAT U and Universidad Politécnica de Madrid is the start of future collaborations made possible by the Erasmus+ program.


-Jieza J. Napone, LPT, MA.Ed.




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