Archives for February 2025

ISAT U Engineers Clinch Top National Rankings in February 2025 ME Board Examination

Graduates from Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) have earned top rankings in the February 2025 Mechanical Engineer Licensure Examination (MELE), with the university also surpassing the national passing rate.

Engr. Ivan Joey Ablanido Gadot placed second nationwide with a score of 92.50%, while Engr. Francis Vonn Gonzaga Jesura secured sixth place with 89.80%. Both are Magna Cum Laude graduates from the Class of 2024.

“We are incredibly proud of their hard work, dedication, and exceptional performance on the licensure exam,” said ISAT U President Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr. “Their success is a testament to their hard work and the quality of education provided by our Mechanical Engineering program.”

In a media interview, Engr. Gadot expressed that his only desire was to pass and that he is not expecting so much considering the level of difficulty of the board exam questions. Engr. Jesura for his part emphasized the value of focus in preparing for the exams. Both topnotchers hailed from the Province of Guimaras.

ISAT U demonstrated strong overall performance with 44 out of 68 first-time examinees passing, resulting in a 64.71% passing rate for first-time takers. The university’s overall passing rate of 61.97% significantly exceeded the national average of 48.91%.

Photos by Francis Vonn Gonzaga Jesura and Ivan Joey A Gadot on Facebook

CAPSU explores ISAT U’s Engineering and Architecture Programs in Benchmarking Visit

Capiz State University (CAPSU)- College of Engineering, Architecture, and Technology (CEAT) benchmarked the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U)- College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) last February 10, 2025.

The day’s commenced with a courtesy call to the office of ISAT U President, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr., where the CAPSU faculty were warmly welcomed. Dr. Salistre expressed his appreciation for the visit, emphasizing the importance of strengthening academic and industry connections between universities for mutual growth.

The benchmark activity continued with a formal welcome from the Office of the Dean lead by Dr. Evan G. Daza who expressed the significance of such collaborations in advancing educational standards. VPAA Dr. Corazon C. Corbal underscored her message the importance of competence, curriculum, instructions, and leadership, stressing the concept of “one ISAT U” in achieving academic excellence.

Dr. Maria Teresa Carbon, Director of Instruction presented an overview of curriculum and instructional methods employed at ISAT U. Her presentation outlined the steps ISAT U has taken to maintain a cutting-edge curriculum that aligns with the latest trends in engineering and architecture.

Additionally, Engr. Philip Lloyd E. Legada showcased some of  CEA’s best practices, providing a comprehensive understanding of how the college enhances student learning and prepares for real-world challenges.

Following these presentations, the CAPSU faculty members were guided on a tour of the state-of-the-art laboratories in the Electrical, Civil, Mechanical, and Architecture departments. The tour allowed CAPSU faculty members to gain firsthand insight into the advanced resources and facilities available at ISAT U, enhancing their understanding of how practical learning is integrated into the curriculum.

The benchmarking activity highlights the growing cooperation between universities, with a shared goal of improving education through collaborative learning experiences, innovation, and the continued development of both institutions’ curricula.

As ISAT U and CAPSU collaborate to strengthen partnerships, the mutual exchange of knowledge and best practices aims to equip students for success in the constantly evolving fields of engineering and architecture.

The partnerships also aims to elevate support student well-being, ensuring that CAPSU students, like their counterparts at ISAT U, have access to quality resources, practical learning opportunities and holistic academic growth.

By: Adrian L. Pillano
CEA, PICO Coordinator

CAS Sponsors International Forum on Data Science and Job Opportunities

The Computer Department of the College of Arts and Sciences conducted an International Forum on Friday, January 31, 2025, and Saturday, February 1, 2025 respectively at the SSB Hall, Student Services Building, ISAT U New Site.

The forum which was held on Friday with the students of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS),Bachelor of Science in Information Systems (BSIS),  Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSIT), and students of Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, focused on Shaping Future Data Scientists: A Seminar on Data Science and its Job Opportunities. Dr. Henry Ofori, a Part-time faculty of ISAT University from Ajou University, Suwon South Korea, discussed topics such as Data Science and Analytics, job roles of Data Scientist and analyst, and tips on accelerating data science and analysis career, to name a few. The forum was very beneficial to the students considering the era of computer science.

On the other hand, students of Master of Arts in Mathematics and Master of Science in Computer Science also took advantage of the expertise of Dr. Ofori and took time out to attend his discussion on Saturday, February 1. Dr Ofori discussed Advancing Data Science Expertise: A Masterclass for Future Leaders. He emphasized on different research methods using Smart PLS. Also, he emphasized the basics of modelling with SMART PLS and its advantages. According to him, SMART PLS can handle small sample sizes, work with non-normal data distributions, can effectively manage complex models with many constructs, handle both reflective and formative measurements and it is suitable for exploratory and confirmatory researches.

The forum turned out to be very interactive because it was in a classroom set up wherein the participants were free to ask questions during the discussion. It was beneficial on their part and considered this activity as a big opportunity for them especially on their pursuit for a Masters Degree.