Archives for March 10, 2024

Capiz State University Benchmarks ISAT U’s PICO and Library Operations

In a move to gain insights and learn from best practices, Capiz State University conducted a benchmarking activity at ISAT University’s Public Information and Communications Office (PICO) and University Library on March 8, 2024. The activity aimed to observe and understand the innovations, initiatives, and operations of these two key offices.

The benchmarking program took place at the ISAT University Boardroom, where the guests were personally welcomed by ISAT U President Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre. Dr. Heinz B. Gumaquil, PICO Director, and Rovilyn Debalucos Somcio, University Librarian, were present to provide a comprehensive overview of their respective best practices and share their experiences.

During the first part of the program, Dr. Gumaquil and Ms. Somcio delivered presentations highlighting the innovative strategies, initiatives, and operations that have contributed to the success of their offices. They shared insights into their approaches, challenges faced, and the solutions implemented to overcome them.

Following the presentations, the second part of the benchmarking activity involved a tour of the PICO and University Library facilities. This provided the guests with a firsthand experience of the physical environments and an opportunity to observe the practical implementation of the best practices discussed earlier.

The benchmarking activity allowed Capiz State University representatives to gain valuable knowledge and inspiration from ISAT University’s successful models. By observing and learning from these exemplary operations, Capiz State University aims to implement similar strategies and initiatives to enhance their own services and operations.

Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, ISAT U President, expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to share their institution’s best practices and commended Capiz State University’s commitment to continuous improvement. “We are honored to host this benchmarking activity and contribute to the growth and development of our fellow educational institutions,” he stated.

Christian George Francisco Acevedo, PIO Director and Head Librarian led the delegation of information officers and librarians from the said CAPSU.

The benchmarking activity fostered a spirit of collaboration and knowledge-sharing among the participating universities, ultimately benefiting the broader academic community and contributing to the advancement of higher education in the region.

ISAT U – COE teams up with NGO LOOB in English Mentorship Program

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) – College of Education, in collaboration with Alumni Affairs and Relations Office, partners with NGO LOOB (Love Our Own Brethren) in a 5-day English Mentorship Program come March 13.

In an Orientation and Training held today, Mar. 9, at the HRT Center Function Hall, Ms. Angel de la Flor, NGO LOOB program manager, introduced their organization and the primary aim of the program.

NGO LOOB or Love Our Own Brethren is a non-stock, non-profit, non-government organization established in Iloilo City in 2001. The organization aims to promote grassroots intercultural and educational exchange between Japanese and Filipino youths and support for the self-independence of the marginalized sector.

It has 2 general programs: Intercultural and Youth Empowerment and Educational Support and Community Development.

Under the Intercultural and Youth Empowerment is the 5-day English Mentorship Program (Cross Cultural Exchange Program). This basically targets to foster understanding and appreciating cultural differences through communication, compassion, and creative action.

On its second batch of implementation, NGO LOOB collaborates with ISAT U – COE, having its undergraduate students and alumni as mentors to 11 high school Japanese students. These students are from Kitami Fuji High School, a Catholic school in Hokkaido, Japan.

The mentorship program will run from March 13 – 19, with ISAT U as the host school.

Article by Mr. Renante Fernandez, LPT
Photos by Rimar Jude Dalida

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