Archives for August 2023

ISAT U celebrates Commencement Exercises 2023

The Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) conducted its Commencement Exercises with the theme “2023 Graduates: Advancing Resilience, Innovation and Excellence” held at Iloilo Convention Center, July 3.

A total of 3835 degrees were conferred to students who successfully finished the Academic Year 2022-2023 requirements.

Of the graduates, 1999 from Iloilo City Campus completed the bachelor’s degree, 338 tradeans from Barotac Nuevo Campus, 242 from Dumangas Campus, Leon and Miag-ao Campus with 297 and 959 graduates, respectively.

In the Advanced Education Program (Graduate School) for Master’s Degree holders, 11 from the College of Education (COE), College of Arts and Sciences with 7 and 5 from the College of Industrial Technology.

For the Doctorate Degree completers, COE and CIT produced 7 and 2, respectively.

The 35 graduates from the Evening Vocational Course were also conferred.

In the morning, Engr. Rowen R. Gelonga, CESO II, Director, Department of Science and Technology, Regional Office VI and Member of the ISAT U Board of Regents was the guest speaker for ISAT U External Campuses.

Dr. Raul C. Alvarez Jr., CESO III, Director, Commission on Higher Education, Regional Office VI was the event’s commencement speaker in the afternoon. In his speech, Director Alvarez embraced the graduate’s two things “First, work and serve with your honesty. Second, love your parents because you are the scholars of the Philippines. Defend your country.”

He also eased the meaning of SUCCESS in the abbreviation of ISAT U. “I- Industry, S- Steadfast, A- Accountability, T- Truthfulness, and U- Unwavering Service.”

The presentation of candidates for graduation was presented by respective Deans and confirmed by Dr. Raul F. Muyong, SUC President III.

The investiture of Hoods and Awarding of Diplomas was assisted by Ms. Hazel S. Bautista, University Registrar together with Dr. Raul F. Muyong, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal (VPAA), Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr. (VPAF), Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut (VPRE), Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao (VPEA) and Deans of respective colleges.

The President Academic Excellence award was given to Stephen T. Soliman BSHM from ISAT U Miagao Campus and The event concluded with the pledge of loyalty led by Mr. Anselmo A. Mediodia III, President, Senior Supreme Council and induction of graduates to the alumni association by Atty. Leo S. Sombiro, President, ISAT U Alumni Association, Inc.

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ISAT U joins Region VI – Western Visayas Brigada Eskwela 2023

The Iloilo Science and Technology University joined the Brigada Eskwela Regional Kick-off Program with the theme, “Bayanihan para sa Matatag na Paaralan” held on August 8, 2023 at Iloilo City National High School.

SSEDMO Director Engr. Christian Misola and ESD Director Dr. Adrienne Veloso represented the University to the said event.

The activity started with a caravan, and it was followed by the messages from the City Mayor, Hon. Jerry P. Treñas, Hon. Arthur R. Defensor, Jr., Hon. Julienne Baronda, and Hon. James Ang, Jr.

The gathering aims to encourage various stakeholders in the community to be aware of the importance of the crucial tasks such as cleaning and repainting of the classrooms, cleaning the school grounds, and repairing the facilities, among others.

Brigada Eskwela is a nationwide initiative that engages volunteers, educators, parents, and stakeholders to prepare the schools for the upcoming school year.

ISAT U firmly believes that collaborating with different agencies such as the academe enhances partnerships and future engagements relevant to Sustainable Development Goal 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.

Prexy Salistre attends the flag raising ceremony and ExeCom meeting, marking his first official day

August 7, 2023 – Dr. Gabriel M. Salisre, Jr., the newly elected and the second University President of ISAT U, attended his first flag ceremony to mark his official day as the new prexy.

During his message he thanked everyone, especially the governing board for the trust and confidence given to him. He also expressed that the task entrusted to him is challenging, but he firmly believes that he is not alone in this great journey as president.

“I am very thankful to all of you for the trust and confidence as I embark on this very challenging endeavor. I am very humbled, and I know that this is not a one-man journey. We need to work together as one ISAT U community. As what Dr. Muyong reminded, there’s no other way for ISAT U but up,” Dr. Salistre said.

The University is anticipating for major activities in the coming days, especially that the opening of classes will commence very soon. With this, Dr. Salistre encouraged everyone to take an active part in all the assigned tasks.

In the afternoon, Dr. Salistre facilitated his first Executive Meeting (ExeCom), together with the different Vice Presidents and campus administrators, deans and invited resource persons. Updates from the different campuses and units, scheduled activities, pre-opening conferences, opening of classes, among others were reported and discussed.

There were 19 attendees during the said conference.

University gives tribute to outgoing Prexy

Iloilo City, Philippines – Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) paid tribute to its outgoing President, Dr. Raul F. Muyong, on Auguat 4, 2023, his last day of service after two successful terms. The surprise program titled “Pasasalamat” (Gratitude), was a testament to Dr. Muyong’s exceptional leadership and transformative impact on the university.

                Key officials and non-teaching personnel organized the heartwarming event, expressing their profound appreciation to Dr. Muyong ‘s dedication and vision. The Vice Presidents for Academic Affairs, Administration and Finance, External Affairs, and Research and Extension delivered moving speeches, highlighting his exemplary work in driving academic excellence, infrastructural development, and a thriving research culture at ISAT U.

                The “Pasasalamat” program featured a touching presentation filled with messages of gratitude and well-wishes from faculty, staff and students across all ISAT U campuses. Dr. Muyong, visibly moved by the outpouring of affection, expressed his own heartfelt thanks to the ISAT U family for their unwavering support throughout his tenure.

                While Dr. Muyong’s departure marks the end of an era, his legacy of leadership and dedication continues to inspire the ISAT U community. His vision for the university’s future serves as a roadmap for continued growth and prosperity, ensuring that his impact will resonate for generations to come.

As a visionary leader, Dr. Muyong is known for being disciplined, perfectionist and his quest for quality and excellent education, which gave ISAT University a respectable name not just on craftsmanship, research and extension but most of all on academics. New buildings started to rise both in the old and new site of ISAT U and new programs were also approved by the Commission on Higher Education, and are now offered by the university. As he constantly motivated the faculty and students to perform at their best, the University started to have notable achievements especially in different licensure examinations. ISAT U was placed in the limelight in June 2022 when its alumna Ar. Marianne Kaye L. Ofianga topped the board exam in Architecture. On the same year, two other topnotchers were added on the list:  Mr. Ivan Omar Nobleza, top 10 for Licensure Exam for Teachers held in October 2022 and Mr. Jefferson T. Orr of ISAT U Leon Campus, ranked 7 for Licensure Examination for Agriculturist on November 2022. These achievements in licensure exams did not end here. It was then followed in February 2023 when Engr. Niko P. Martirizar ranked 4 in the Mechanical Engineering Licensure Examination. Two months later, all eyes were glued again at ISAT U as two alumni, Engr. Joshua Aniken Acusta and Engr. Dante Robles got the top posts for Electronics Engineering Licensure Exam – top 1 for Electronics Engineering Licensure Exam and rank 4 for Electronics Technician Licensure Exam respectively. And the list goes on making ISAT U more appealing to incoming freshmen and other institutions that wish to collaborate with the university.

Dr. Muyong hopes that as the new University President steps in, the ISAT U community will continue to work hand in hand for the betterment of the university and its clientele. He promised to bring with him the lessons learned during his term and will treasure the friendship and camaraderie that was made in his 8 years of service as the first ISAT U President. The program ended with Dr. Muyong leading the community song “If We Hold On Together.”

Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr.

ISAT University begins an exciting new chapter this academic year under the leadership of President Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre Jr. Students, faculty and staff welcomed Dr. Salistre last August 5, 2023 with enthusiasm for his vision to guide the university into a thriving future.

Dr. Salistre brings over 28 years of invaluable experience in transforming students’ lives through education. Colleagues praise his enduring Christian faith and integrity, describing him as a compassionate mentor devoted to helping youth achieve their potential.

His prior administrative appointments include Head of the Electrical Department, Dean of the College Engineering and Architecture, Director of the Project Development and Auxiliary Department (PDAS), and VP for Administration & Finance.

Throughout his extensive career, Dr. Salistre has championed creating inclusive environments where all students can thrive. He is often described by friends and colleagues as a visionary leader capable of catalyzing positive change.

Dr. Salistre wasted no time initiating a comprehensive agenda to elevate ISAT U as a global leader in academic excellence, innovation, and inclusive growth. From day one, he immersed himself in listening tours across the university to truly understand perspectives and priorities from faculty, staff, alumni, parents, and students alike.

With his extensive leadership experience, Dr. Salistre has also accelerated ISAT U’s internationalization efforts. A top priority includes finalizing agreements with prestigious international partners for student/faculty exchange programs, joint research initiatives, and pathways to dual degrees. These global linkages will provide ISAT U’s community enriching cross-cultural opportunities and amplify its global reputation.

Perhaps most importantly, Dr. Salistre has prioritized ensuring all departments and campuses have the resources required for sustainable advancement. New labs, smart classrooms, event spaces and research centers are now in development to empower ISAT U for 21st century teaching and learning excellence.

Dr. Salistre envisions the university as a nurturing hub cultivating future leaders who will make positive impacts within the Philippines and globally. His breadth of experience and unwavering commitment to student transformation equips him perfectly to lead ISAT University toward this exciting future.

By bridging innovation with inclusion, Dr. Salistre aims to guide ISAT University in cultivating creative and conscientious changemakers fully equipped to uplift communities near and far.

Muyong Turns Over Presidency to Salistre

After the Commission on Higher Education confirmed the new president and officiated his oath of office, Iloilo Science and Technology University President Dr. Raul F. Muyong turned over the Presidency to Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. on August 4, 2023. This took place after the Board of Regents had spoken in the latest search for the 2nd University President of ISAT U.

The mace, which symbolizes the authority of the university president and the source of his power to administer the university, was handed over by Dr. Muyong to Dr. Salistre. Dr. Muyong whose term ended on that same day, August 4, 2023, was the last College President of WVCST and its first University President when it was converted into a University and became Iloilo Science and Technology University or ISAT U.

Dr. Salistre  became the 2nd University President of ISAT U and will serve a four-year term. In his acceptance speech, the new president put emphasis on upholding Dr. Muyong’s legacy that no campus will be left behind. He also promised that his administration will advocate transparency. Dr. Salistre who is a God-fearing person believes he was put in the position for a purpose. However, he encouraged everyone to work hand in hand with him because the success of the university does not only depend on the university president but as well as with the faculty, the non-teaching personnel, and the whole ISAT U community.

The simple turn-over ceremony was attended by CHED Regional Director Dr. Raul C. Alvarez, Jr., the Board of Regents, family and friends of Dr. Salistre, faculty, non-teaching personnel, barangay officials of Barangay Burgos, La Paz and the rest of ISAT U community.

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