Archives for February 4, 2022

ISAT U gears up for the opening of limited face-to-face classes


A two-day stakeholders’ consultation (parents, students, faculty and staff) was held last January 31 and February 2 via Zoom.

During the consultations, the Crisis Management Committee (CMC) presented the various preparations being made for the eventual holding of the limited face-to-face classes.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong, the University President, discussed the different guidelines mandated by the Inter-agency Task Force (IATF) for HEIs that plan to hold limited face-to-face classes in their respective areas. He gave emphasis on the scope and coverage of the said implementation and the importance of the support and cooperation of all stakeholders.

“Only fully vaccinated students of HEIs located in areas under Alert Levels 1, 2, and 3 shall be allowed to join the limited face-to-face classes. HEIs shall advise fully vaccinated students with significant comorbidities themselves or living with individuals with similar conditions to consider flexible learning and take face-to-face classes in succeeding semesters,” explained the president.

Dr. Robert S. Jacobo, the university physician, also discussed the different health protocols and guidelines to be implemented once the plan is in place. An open forum immediately followed where questions and clarifications of the stakeholders were properly addressed.

The Crisis Management Committee (CMC) is chaired by Dr. Corazon P. Corbal, Vice President for Academic Affairs. The committee is responsible for the compliances and preparations of ISAT U in line with JMC No. 2021 – 001 of the Commission on Higher Education and the Department of Health on the Gradual Reopening of Campuses of Higher Education Institutions for Limited Face-to-Face during COVID – 19 Pandemic.





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