Archives for May 2021

National Chin Yi University is ISAT U’s International Partner


Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) has once again gained another international partner and this time from Taichung, Taiwan. National Chin Yi University (NCUT) and ISAT U had a virtual Memorandum of Agreement signing last April 20, 2021.

The event was attended by Dr. Wen-Yuan Chen, President of NCUT Taiwan and Prof. Cheng Chi Wang, Vice Dean- NCUT Office of the International Affairs. Dr. Raul F. Muyong -President of Iloilo Science and Technology University was in attendance and received full support from the Vice Presidents of the University: Dr. Corazon C. Corbal – Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. – Vice President for Administration and Finance, Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut – Vice President for Research and Extension, and Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs whose efforts for securing the partnership with the Taiwan University. The External Campus Administrators from ISAT U Leon, Miagao, Barotac Nuevo and Dumangas were also in attendance with the respective College Deans from the Iloilo City campus.

The National Chin Yi University is in Northeast Asia and ISAT U’s second international partner from that part of the globe. The National Institute of Technology – Sasebo College Japan was the first one to formally sign a Memorandum of Understanding with ISAT U just last March 3, 2021. NCUT is currently ISAT U’s 45th international partner school, an addition to the international collaborators of the University from Northeast and Southeast Asia.

ISAT U and NCUT have agreed to promote the exchange of students through scholarships and internships, exchange of faculty researchers, exchange of academic information and publications, joint research projects and activities, joint organizers of international research conferences, credit transfer program, visiting professors and lecturers, international team teaching and other exchanges of academic and cultural in nature agreed upon by both parties.

As ISAT U celebrates its 6th anniversary as a University this month of May 2021, the External Affairs, headed by Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs and Dr. Juniffer B. Badoles – Director for National and International Affairs, promise greater possibilities of meaningful collaborations among global higher education institutions. These international partnerships are formalized to specifically continue creating an impact in the academic and cultural experiences of students, faculty and staff, alumni and researchers of Iloilo Science and Technology University and its international partners especially during this time of the pandemic. Collaborations through instruction, research, extension, production and internationalization continue as ISAT U moves forward into the future.

-Jieza Napone, LPT

ISAT U celebrates 6TH anniversary


The Iloilo Science and Technology University celebrated its 6th years as a University despite the many threats brought about by the pandemic with the theme, “ISATU: Upholding Quality and Excellence in Higher Education amidst COVID-19 Pandemic”. As part of the anniversary celebration, different infrastructure was inaugurated and blessed.

These projects include the Access Route amounting to P14,959,567.28; Student Services Building worth P47,564,708.80; and the ISAT U Gender Center amounting to P3,078,170.70.

The virtual event was graced by the presence of the University’s Alumni Association President, Atty. Leo S. Sombiro.  Dr. Gabriel Salistre Jr., Vice President for Administration and Finance together with the University President, Dr. Raul F. Muyong. Also present were Mr. Jahleel Arizala, President of the Federated Student Republic from Dumangas campus, Campus Administrators, deans and the VPs of the University.

Right after the inauguration and the blessing, the Eucharistic Celebration followed and it was officiated by Rev. Fr. Marcelino Cortez, Jr and was attended by the different University staff.

The virtual celebration highlighted not just the newly constructed infrastructures but also the President’s State of the University Address wherein Dr. Muyong discussed the different programs and initiatives, achievements, projects, and important University updates. Select students also showcased their talents in music through a virtual intermission number.

The City Mayor, Hon. Jerry Treńas congratulated the entire ISATU community in his video message. Mayor Treńas is considered as the father of the University because he is one great influence why the then WVCST was converted to ISATU today.

Dr. J Prospero De Vera III, CHED’s chairperson joined the celebration virtually as well and he gave emphasis that for six years, ISATU has achieved a lot as a leading Science and Technology University in the region.

“History must have changed your name but the reputation of being innovative par excellence surely remains. I salute you for all your work, achievement and your continuing perseverance to deliver quality education to the students…”






Zero Waste Community Pantry


“The patriotic thing you can do is to take care of the environment and try to live sustainably” –Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

An interview to the SR representative:

Public Information and Communication Office (PICO): Tell us about this zero-waste community pantry initiative and its difference compared to other community pantries going on around the country?

SR: The zero-waste community pantry of the ISAT U Student Republic was recently conducted last April 27 and 28, 2021. The initiative of the Student Republic, despite the pandemic, gave opportunities, as well as giving hope to the public that there are still people in this world who wants to help you and thinking about the environment at the same time.

So why did we push this “Zero Waste Community Pantry”? Of course, this event was to give back to the community and to fulfill our role in the society and to answer the clamors of students who want the Student Republic to help them in times of need. It also gave awareness to the community that we must achieve zero waste because as we all know, due to the pandemic, consumers and as well as factories began mass producing single use plastics in order to avoid or help mitigate the spread of Covid-19.

PICO: For how long have you been preparing for this initiative and how were you able to gather such amount?

SR: As time goes by, many individuals or groups of people have been planning and executing a community pantry, not one has been able to conduct a community pantry, but also take initiative to take care of their environment.

We were able to gather almost 16,000 pesos and almost 6,000 pesos worth of perishable goods. All of these were given by different individuals, private sectors, and as well as students who has extra resources that they can donate to the poor.

PICO: Who were your beneficiaries?

SR: Barangays such as Barangay Burgos-Mabini, Jereos, and San Nicolas, are among the beneficiaries of the Zero Waste Community Pantry. Students and Security guards of the university were also the beneficiaries of this event. The feedbacks of those people were really positive to the point where we plan to have a second part of the community pantry, with the collaboration of the extension office to further achieve and give all people in the vicinity of ISAT U a care package that can help them get by every day.

PICO: What is your message and invitation to your fellow students?

SR: This event would not be possible if it weren’t for the help of the Administration, GAD Center, Office of the Student Affairs and Services, Faculties, Students, and of course, the whole officers and advisers of the Student Republic – Iloilo City Campus. The Student Republic would like to thank all of the people behind this event. Indeed, helping is one way of achieving internal happiness.

To the people who wants to conduct these kinds of event, I say go for it. It is not too late or too early to help your fellow countrymen. Achieve your role in the community and help us mitigate the use of single plastic so that the younger generations would not suffer the consequences brought by the predecessors.

Interviewee: Ian Patrick M. Apin (ISATU – SR) 

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