Iloilo Science and Technology University

ISAT U Partners with NIT Sasebo College Japan


Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) at 115 brings its internationalization plans a step further by partnering with the National Institute of Technology (NIT) Sasebo College Japan. The partnership has been formalized on March 3, 2021 at 3:00 PM Japan time.

The virtual signing of Memorandum of Understanding was attended by the respective presidents of both schools and a number of key officials: Dr. Raul F. Muyong – ISAT U President, Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs, Dr. Corazon C. Corbal – Vice President for Academic Affairs, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. – Vice President for Administration and Finance, Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut – Vice President for Research and Extension, ISAT U External Campus Administrators, Deans and the External Affairs Executive Committee Members, Dr. Kenji Higashida – NIT Sasebo College Japan President, Dr. Kazuhiko Mitsuhashi – NIT Sasebo College Japan Executive Officer of External Affairs, Ms. Ernie Aficionado Kakehasi – Appointed Associate Professor, NIT Sasebo College Japan, Dr. Yoshihito

Yagyu – Associate Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering.

Both schools look forward to international cooperation in Education and a mutually cooperative relationship through meaningful science and technology programs, activities and collaborations that can create an impact in various communities in the Philippines and Japan especially during this time of the pandemic through science and technology.The two institutions resolve to exercise reasonable efforts to promote the exchange of students through scholarships and internships, exchange of faculty researchers, exchange of academic

information and publications, joint research projects and activities, joint organizers of international research conferences, credit transfer program, visiting professors and lecturers, team teaching and other exchanges of academic and cultural in nature agreed upon by both parties.

The memorandum of understanding will remain in full force and effect for five years or until terminated. Both ISAT U and NIT

Sasebo College Japan are now starting to organize mobility programs and activities in science, technology and research that are consistently inclusive and diverse to help develop a community of responsive students who will ultimately become leaders of the world.

The National Institute of Technology Sasebo College Japan is an addition to the 44 international partner schools of ISAT U with MOU, MOA or Framework of Cooperation which include Universitas Mohamadiyah Pontianak – Malayasia, Politeknik Sriwijaya – Indonesia, Universitas PGRI Madiun in Indonesia, STIKI Malang – Indonesia, IPB Bogor -Indonesia, Universitas Tidar in Indonesia, Politekni Elektronika Negeri – Indonesia, Surabaya Indonesia, Universitas PGRI Semarang – Indonesia, , Bina Insani – Indonesia, Piksi Ghanesha

Politeknik – Indonesia, Politeknik Perlis – Indonesia, University of Education Ganesha – Indonesia, SEAMEO Secretariat, UMAP to mention a few.

Internationalization is not just a goal in itself but a means to enhance the quality of education, research and other service functions of ISAT U, thus the Director of the National and International Affairs, Dr. Juniffer Badoles, with the guidance of Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao – Vice President for External Affairs and Dr. Raul F. Muyong – SUC President III, is in constant collaboration with the various heads and coordinators of ISAT U’s international partner institutions to concretize mobility programs and push forward the University’s international relations agenda into fruition. Through collaboration meetings the ISAT U NIA team formulate the best strategies to implement meaningful, significant and impactful international mobility programs toward the realization of ISAT U’s vision as the leading science and technology university in Southeast Asia by 2030.


Written by: Jieza Napone

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