Archives for June 2020

COVID-19 stranded students reunite with families

The stranded students boarding a chartered plane at the Ninoy Aquino International Airport.

Thirty-seven students caught in lock down in the Provinces of Laguna and Cavite and Valenzuela City, Metro Manila reunited with their families after almost 60 days of separation due to covid 19 pandemic. 

The BS Mechanical Engineering and Bachelor in Industrial Technology major in Automotive Technology students from Iloilo City and Miagao Campus were on on-the-job-training (OJT) when Metro Manila and part of Luzon were placed under quarantine.

After coordinating with the authorities from the City and Province of Iloilo, the ISAT U administration successfully found a way to process their repatriation. Luck was on the side of the students when they chanced on a chartered plane from Metro Manila bound to fetch Overseas Filipino Workers in Iloilo.

With the persistence of the ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong and with the assistance of Representative Julienne L. Baronda,  the University  was able to strike a deal of Php 2,500/head airfare from a high of Php 9,000.

The students were made to comply with the requirements that includes a Php4,500/student RT-PCR test conducted by Red Cross in Metro Manila, medical certificates and certificate of residency.

The first batch of repatriates arrived  Iloilo City on May 31 and the second batch on June 9. A swab test was conducted before the students were brought to GO Hotel as part of the 14 days mandatory quarantine. The University paid the Php 1,400 per room for the daily accommodation of the  37 students at the hotel.

The University also provided the students with nutritious food prepared at the Hotel and Restaurant Technology Service Center by the BSHRT professors. The university spent almost a million pesos for the repatriation of the students.

“We do not look at the figures of how much we spent.  What we are giving importance is the safety of our students, “said Dr. Muyong.

Industry, Linkages and Development Office (ILDO) Director Remia L. Doctora also expressed her appreciation to the donors who sustained the food of the students prior to their going home. “We really appreciate the help of the donors for sustaining the food of the students before they were brought home, “ Dr. Doctora said, “we have gathered Php 188, 500. “  Dr. Doctora is in-charge for the welfare and repatriation of stranded students

Among the donors were ISAT U-CCPTA, ISAT-U Multi-purpose Cooperative, CIT Faculty Contribution, CEA Faculty Contribution, Philippine Society of Mechanical Engineers,  Organization of Industrial Technology Students, PTA Miagao Campus,  Faculty-Miagao Campus, PTA Miagao Campus, Student Republic,  University Guidance Center, HRT Faculty. 

The faculty led by Dr. Raul F.Muyong likewise pooled their resources to augment the students’ needs. Those who helped were Dr. Pedro H. Fonatanalgo, Dr. Remia L. Doctora,  Dr. Alma Palabrica, Dr. Tracy Tacuban, Dr. Belinda Go, Dr. Rene Celda, Prof. Zumel Cadenas, Dr. Carlo Sira, Dr. Erman Gange, Dr. Pacifico N. Senador, Dr. Dominico Sergie O. Valencia, Prof. Femy Estecomen, Prof. Laroza,  Dr . Carlito P. Porras, Prof. Romulo D. Candoliza, Dr. Christian Lemarjo A. Caipang, Prof. Ana V. Ancheta, Dr. Jeanneth F. Darroca, Dr. Ernie Daitao, Dr.  Sammy Daitao,  Prof. Junry Ubag,  Prof. Zeum Abaygar, 

ISAT U conducts webinars for flexible learning

Dr. Raul F. Muyong gives the salient points in the online trainers’ training on the use of Facebook social learning platform..

To sustain quality education through flexible learning for Academic Year 2020-2021, a series of webinars were conducted and attended by the faculty and staff.

A webinar on social learning concept, a trainer’s training on the use of Facebook social learning platform and a forum entitled “Empowering Oneself Toward Embracing the New Normal,” were initiated by the University’s administration. The participants in the trainers’ training also shared their learning in their respective colleges and campuses.

On the other hand, the Gender and Development (GAD) hosted the webinar entitled, “Gender Perspective and Psychological Support and Well Being” and “Appreciative Resilience in Times of Crisis.” The online sessions were delivered by Prof. Finaflor F. Taylan and Dr. Emily D. Decolen of the UP Los Banos. More than 350 participants from the different ISAT U campuses, Ivisan National High School, Guimaras State College, Central Philippine State University, West Visayas State University, Hercor College, Inzo Arnaldo Village Integrated School, Lutogan Integrated School and Culasi National High School joined the discussions.  The forum aimed to help the participants cope with the challenges brought by the pandemic.

The technical team that facilitates the webinar of the GAD.

The ISAT U faculty also attended online training organized by other institutions. Among those were the “Certificate Course on Alternative Laboratory-Based” and “Simulation-Driven Learning Certificate Course on Flexible Learning Modalities,“ hosted by the National Teachers College. Dr. Edison A. Fermin conducted the training.

The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) Regional Office 6 also hosted the online forum titled “Seminar on Flexible Learning on Technology/Engineering Education” with Dr. Merlinda Bandelaria.

Through the initiative of ISAT U President Raul F. Muyong, the Regional Association of State Universities and Colleges VI (RASUC VI) hosted the “Webinar on Flexible Learning.” A “Virtual Forum on Updates in Philippine Higher Education in the New Normal”with CHED Chairman J. Prospero E. De Vera, III as resource speaker was also conducted by RASUC VI attended by officials, faculty and staff of  State Universities and Colleges, Private Higher Education Institutions and Local Universities and Colleges in Western Visayas. Dr. Muyong  is also the Chair of RASUC VI.

Aside from seminars, online surveys were also conducted to know the different concerns of the students, faculty and staff. The results of the study will become the basis of the administration to formulate policies and implement programs to address the needs of every sector of the ISAT U academic community.

City dad recognizes ISAT U in covid 19 control

Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Trenas recognized ISAT U’s contribution in the containment of covid 19 in the City of Iloilo.

In a letter sent to the University, Mayor Trenas acknowledged the impact of ISAT U’s support to the front liners by providing personal protective equipment (PPEs).

Since the start of the quarantine period, ISAT U produced and distributed face masks and improvised face shields to the Iloilo City government, the Iloilo City Police Office as well as private and non-governmental organizations. Intubation boxes were also distributed to different hospitals.

The university also partnered with civic groups in the city to produce innovative PPEs and other tools. 

ISAT U and  Iloilo United Hazmat Volunteers joined for the production of protective suits. Currently, the FabLab is also working on the design, prototype, and fabrication  UVC Room Sanitizing Lamp and  UVC N95 Sanitation Box in partnership with JCI Iloilo.

COE, CIT launch health-centered projects

The College of Education (COE) and the College of Industrial Technology (CIT) launched health-centered projects to help control the spread of covid19.

In response to Republic Act 11469 or the Bayanihan Act placing the entire country under the state of emergency and enjoining all government agencies to contribute in addressing the pandemic, the COE launched the Community Kitchen for the front liners at Brgy. Ungka, Pavia, Iloilo during the quarantine period.

The program provided nutritious lunch and extended moral support for the barangay tanods, health workers and volunteers assigned at critical areas of the barangay. Brgy. Ungka is ISAT U’s partner for community and extension services.

The CIT, on the other hand, developed  a foot-operated hand wash facilities in preparation for the opening of classes.

The innovations are designed to minimize hand contact while maximizing the hygiene practice of the students.

The University is currently constructing 10 new hand wash facilities inside the campus while the existing lavatories  will be modified to suit the less contact standards of the newly built facilities. 

BOR approves modification of academic policies

The ISAT U Board of Regents approves the implementation of modified academic policies amidst COVID-19 pandemic during the virtual 1st Quarter Meeting.

In view of  Covid 19 pandemic and in compliance with CHEd-COVID Advisory No. 6, the ISAT U Board of Regents (BOR) approved Board Resolution No. 10-2020 for the Modified Academic Policies for Implementation for the 2nd Semester of Academic Year 2019-2020.

The resolution schedules the last day of classes for the 2nd Semester of AY 2019-2020 on May 29 this year. Faculty members are also directed to conduct work from home arrangement utilizing alternative modes of teaching and assessment while the students remain in their respective homes.

The faculty are also instructed to exercise maximum consideration and leniency in giving grades with modified requirements without compromising the learning outcomes.

See Office Memo No. 089 s.2020

Summer and mid-year classes will not be offered on June-July 2020 both for undergraduate and graduate programs. Regular summer classes for undergraduate programs will be offered during the AY 2020-2021. Pre-requisites maybe considered as co-requisites. Students will also be allowed maximum overload during AY 2020-2021.

For Thesis/ Dissertation requirements for undergraduates, the pre-oral defense grade will be the basis in giving the final grade and final defense is no longer a requirement. The Thesis/Dissertation final defense for graduate studies programs is extended until May 29, 2020. Submission of hard bound copies of Thesis/Dissertation prior to graduation is suspended. However hard bound copies will be required for the release of Transcript of Records (TOR), Diploma and Exit Clearance.

For, the internship program, the Student Internship Program (SIP) Coordinator is assigned to assess and evaluate the performance and outputs of student trainees and in computation and submission of their grades. The maximum residency requirement for students is suspended for this semester only.

As to the graduation ceremonies, no in-person Commencement Exercises will be conducted for this Academic Year. Virtual Commencement Exercises across campuses is also considered. Graduating students are also allowed to join the Commencement Exercises during the AY 2020-2021. Academic honors will still be awarded to qualified graduating students.

FabLab prototypes covid 19 prevention tools

Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VPRE (left) and the FabLab personnel develop the prototype of PPEs  for covid 19 pandemic.

The University’s Fabrication Laboratory (FabLab) and the Research Department are currently working on the prototyping of ventilators, ultraviolet (UVC) sterilizers, and swab booth that can be used by medical frontliners in the fight against Covid-19.

“Being the host of the lone Fab Lab in Western Visayas, the university feels that it has a responsibility to help the government fight Covid-19,” ISAT U President Dr. Raul F. Muyong said in a telephone interview with the Philippine News Agency.  “The research department is currently prototyping the ventilators, ultraviolet (UVC) sterilizers, and swab booth for the front-liners,” he added.

“We are requested by Commission on Higher Education(CHED) Chairperson to work on this, being a university with facilities on fabrication laboratory (Fab Lab). Our Fab Lab here at ISAT-U is a shared service facility (SSF) provided by DTI (Department of Trade and Industry),” Dr. Muyong bared.

The UVC sterilizer is very significant for the frontliners who used to dispose used protective suits. The University President pointed out that with the UVC sterilizer, hazardous material suits (hazmat) can be reuse. It also addresses the shortage of protective suits.

Supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DOST) and CHED, the prototyping development spearheaded by the Office of Research and Extension is in full speed and is expected to end in December.

The study takes time, particularly for ventilators, which have to go through testing and analysis, as well as approval of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The researchers also need the input of medical professionals who would be the end-users of the study.
The University also initiated to produce washable face masks, face shields and aerosol boxes when the COVID-19 outbreak was declared in the country.

“We believe that ISAT U has a social responsibility to help our front-liners and health practitioners in fighting COVID-19. As a university of science and technology, we have the capacity to produce washable face masks, face shields, aerosol boxes,” Muyong said.
“We are very much positive that through this research, we can produce something for humanity,” he said. (With reports from the PNA)

Univ takes protective measures against covid 19

University physician Dr. Robert S. Jacobo (back) and Mr. Reich Dexter Famucol demonstrate the use of the thermal scanner to Dr. Raul F. Muyong during the Administrative Council meeting in March 2020. Observing the procedure are (l-r) Ms. Enieda G. Corona, Dr. Gabriel M. Salistre, Jr. and Prof. Samuel G. Arsulo.

Prior to the declaration of the covid 19 as a world pandemic, the University has already taken measures and put in place the internal guidelines to safeguard the ISAT U academic community.

Aside from massive information campaign,  Dr. Muyong also issued memoranda for the suspension of the use of biometric machines and RFID, mass gatherings and flag ceremonies; modified work schedules and modified admission procedures. The Administrative Council also doubled their efforts in formulating policies geared towards the safety of the academic community.

Ten thermal scanners were procured and used for body check in going to the different ISAT U campuses. Alcohol and hand sanitizers,  foot bath and the disinfection of incoming vehicles were some of the precautionary measures taken by the University.

In preparation for the possible opening of classes, the face masks and other PPEs for students, faculty and staff were already distributed to the different campuses.

ISAT U shows bayanihan spirit amidst pandemic

As part of its social responsibility, ISAT U responded  to the call to support the battle against COVID 19 pandemic. The University key officials, faculty and staff showed the spirit of volunteerism and service amidst the threat  of  COVID 19. The University produced aerosol boxes for intubation and personal protective equipment (PPEs).

As of press time, thousands of face mask,  improvised face shields and protective suits were already distributed to frontliners through the City and Provincial Government of Iloilo,  the Philippine National Police and other agencies.

Aerosol boxes were also delivered to different hospitals. Don Jose S. Monfort Medical Center Extension Hospital (Barotac Nuevo) and Western Visayas Medical Center got 2 each, Iloilo Mission Hospital OB Delivery Room (1), and Palawan Provincial Hospital (2).
Extension Services Division Dir. Adrienne D. Veloso said that the production of PPEs was in partnership with community partners. She recognized Angel Cris Calaboa Dressmakers Association, Calaboa Dressmakers Association (Leganes, Iloilo) and Oton Dressmakers Association, Inc. in helping in the production of the face masks.

The production of face shields and aerosol boxes, on the other hand, is being undertaken at the FabLab at the University Research Hub.
ISAT U Pres. Dr. Raul F. Muyong said that the distribution and production of protective suits, aerosol boxes, face masks and face shields is ongoing. The University targets to produce 14,000 pieces of face masks, 500 face shields and 150 units of aerosol boxes to augment the needs of front liners handling the COVID 19 pandemic.

Dr. Raul F. Muyong hands over the boxes of face masks to Iloilo Provincial Administrator Atty. Suzette Mamon (l) and the face shields to P/Captain Sheila Mae Sangrines of the Iloilo City Police Office (middle). He also leads the team that turned over the boxes of face masks to the Office of Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Trenas .

ESD holds bloodletting activity

The Extension Services Division (ESD) conducted a blood-letting activity dubbed “Dugo Mo, Buhay Ko” at the New Board Room on February 24, 2020. A total of 21, 150 cc of blood donation was gathered from the the students, faculty and staff.

“Dugo Mo, Buhay Ko” started in 2007  in cooperation with the Philippine Red Cross (PRC). Since then, ISAT U conducts a twice a year bloodletting activity as part of its social responsibility.

The program has already earned recognition from PRC. In 2016, the university received a Platinum Service Awards for sponsoring mass blood donation for five consecutive years with a minimum cumulative total of 500 units donated. A Special Citation-Gold was bestowed on ISAT U on 2017 for conducting not less than five years of continuous blood donation program and has produced not less than 5,000 blood units.

A volunteer receives a blood card and t-shirt as token from ESD Director Adrienne D. Veloso (left). Middle and right photo show medical student volunteers and  Red Cross personnel check on potential donors.

On August 3, 2018, the University also received a Certificate of Meritorious Service from the Philippine Red Cross (PRC) on the 20th blood donors recognition and awarding ceremony, “Dugo sang Dungganon : 20 years of Honoring Ilonggo Blood Donors.”

Recognizing the demand for blood supply, the ESD pushed for the conduct of the activity. “We need more volunteers, so we campaigned to all colleges, the faculty and employees. The outcome is commendable,” said ESD Director Edrienne D. Veloso.

One Billion Rising on Valentine’s Day

The Physical Education instructors lead the students (left) in the One Billion Rising dance at the Dr. Renato V. Alba Football Field.  The students continue their advocacy in the dance competition at the Multi-purpose Educational Center.  One Billion Rising is simultaneous conducted in all ISAT U Campuses.

More 2,000 students filled the Dr. Renato V. Alba Football Field to highlight the One Billion Rising campaign to end violence against women and children (EVAWC) on February 14, 2020.

The traditional celebration of Valentine’s Day was spiced up by students, Physical Education Instructors, Gender and Development (GAD) core group and peer advocates dancing to the tune of ‘Sang Bilyong Babae ang Babangon (One Billion Rising Philippine Theme).

Prof. Emily de La Cruz, GAD focal person , laid down the rationale of the activity. She that the activity wants to sshow the world that women should be free from exploitation. She added that one in three women across the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime. The OBR shows further our determination to create a new kind of consciousness where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable.

The students continued the activity through a dance contest with the theme on campaign for EVAWC and women empowerment.

“We have the biggest number of participants this year compared to previous years, “ Prof. de la Cruz observed.
One Billion Rising was also celebrated simultaneously in all ISAT U Campuses

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