CHEd Chair Prospero J. de Vera III administers the oath of office of Prof. Samuel G. Arsulo.
By virtue of his election as president of the Faculty and Employees Federation, Inc. (FEFI), Prof. Samuel G. Arsulo now serves as the new faculty regent of the ISAT U Board of Regents (BOR), the university’s governing body. He took his oath of office during the BOR second quarterly meeting held at Seda Hotel, Iloilo City on June 26, 2019.
Upon assumption of office, his key areas of concern are the retirement (Pabaon) package for the FEFI members and the revisit to the Collective Negotiation Agreement (CNA). Also in the priority list of Prof. Arsulo is the review of Equivalent Teaching Unit (ETU) and the exploration of the faculty’s freedom to spend the extra 2 hours of the 8 hours they spend in school, which is beyond the daily actual contact time of 6 hours.
An alumnus of ISAT U, then Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST), Professor Arsulo started his career with the University on September 11, 1991. After 28 years of service, he attained the academic rank of Asst. Professor IV.
The love for electronics technology runs in Arsulo’s blood. He started his electronics technology education at Don Bosco Technical Institute-Talisay City, Negros Occidental where he spent his high school days. After completing his secondary education, he earned a three-year Technician Diploma in Electronics Engineering Technology at Technological University of the Philippines-Visayas in 1982. Lady luck smiled at him when he found a job at Frabelle Fishing Corporation. One year later, with an ardent desire for a higher education, Prof. Arsulo left his work and enrolled at WVCST.
He graduated with Bachelor of Science in Industrial Education major in Electronics degree in 1987, Magna cum Laude.
His track record of being a consistent honor student started in his elementary days. Because of his intelligence, he was allowed to graduate at Banate Central Elementary School (BCES) at the age of 10. In 1979, Prof. Arsulo finished his secondary education when he was only 14 years old.
He started his teaching career at Banate National High School in 1998. After three years, he returned to ISAT U as an instructor.
His services in the different organization earned him the respect of his co-workers. He was a member of the governing board of the WVCST Alumni Association, Inc., WVCST Laboratory School Parent and Teachers Association (PTA), and the WVCST College PTA. He had been the Board Secretary of ISAT U and Community Multi-purpose Cooperative before elected as Chairman of the Board of Directors.
He is also known to devout his time in different educational and community associations outside of the University. Prof. Arsulo has been President of BCES Alumni Association (2004-present); President, BCES PTA (2004-2013) and member of the Municipal School Board of the Municipality of Banate (2002-2003 and 2005-2012). He was also actively involved as a convenor of the Banate Anti-Coal Coalition in 2003. which caused the rejection of the proposed coal-fired power plant in Banate, Iloilo.