Archives for November 16, 2018

ISAT U prexy joins UNESCO-UNEVOC Asia-Pacific cluster workshop

The delegates of the workshop gather to support global TVET in addressing pressing issues on skills, opportunities and initiatives. 

Dr. Raul F. Muyong  attended the United Nation Education Scientific and Cultural Organization-International Center for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (UNESCO-UNEVOC) 2018 East and Southeast Asia Cluster Network Consolidation Workshop at Seoul, South Korea on October 24-25, 2018.

The UNESCO-UNEVOC and Korea Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training (KRIVET) organized the meeting to create opportunities to strengthen the Asia-Pacific Regional Network. It also aimed to unite the experiences, capacities and potential in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) in the region with the global TVET. The move supports the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Center for TVET’s medium-term strategy (2018-2020) to guide and gather potentials and create opportunities for individual UNEVOC network members to address common issues faced by TVET Institutions.

Among the issues dealt with are the growing concerns of adapting to the multiple demands associated with increased employment and relevance of skills and qualifications to the labor market and technological revolution. Other tackled issues are on sustainable development, technological advancement and the demand for skills.

Dr. Muyong presiding at the group discussion with delegates from other UNESCO-UNEVOC Centers.

In the workshop sessions, Dr. Raul F. Muyong was elected Chairman of the group that handled TVET Attractiveness and Quality, Career Guidance. He led  the discussion and made sure that the issues to be addressed  were identified as well as the potential collaboration projects that the UNEVOC Centers can develop and its modality for collaboration, projected output, capacities built and opportunities created.

Dr. Mabaquaio presents UNESCO-UNEVOC Visayas Center best practices in Greening TVET.

Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao Director for National and International Affairs, also joined the meeting and actively participated in the topic Greening TVET. Dr. Mabaquiao said that ISAT U committed to promote Greening TVET plan for 2019-2021. “For our part, we will submit available teacher standards and share best practices, Training Methodology by TESDA used in teaching TVET and push for a Skills Olympics as part of our commitment to the network, “she said. “ ISAT U is also facing a tough challenge of holding the International Conference 2019 with the Colombo Plan Staff College in July next year. “ Dr. Mabaquaio added.

The ISAT U as UNESCO-UNEVOC Visayas Center was the only UNEVOC Center in the Philippines to participate along with representatives from Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Mongolia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam. KRIVET is the Cluster Coordinating center in the region.

17 profs present papers in Indonesia confab

Professors from different countries gather to explore ideas on teaching science, technology and mathematics. 

Seventeen professors of Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) presented 12 research papers in the 1st Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta (UPY) International Conference on Applied Science and Education (1st UPY-INCASE) & 2018 International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (5th ICESDev) at Yogyakarta, Indonesia on October 24-26, 2018.

The conference was also a venue for networking and partnership among the higher education institutions.  Dr. Manuel A. Sanchez, Jr.,  Vice President for Academic Affairs, signed an agreement for educational collaboration with 22 Indonesian  colleges and universities.

With the theme, “Integrated STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) for Future Education”, the conference was co-sponsored by the Association of Science and Mathematics Coaches of the Philippines (ASMAC Philippines). Dr. Jasper L. Pastrano, ASMAC President and ISAT U professor was the first keynote speaker. He talked on “The Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Education: A Vital Approach to Sustainable Development in the Philippines.”

Delegates from ISAT U shared their studies relevant to the activity’s theme. Below are the different presenters and their respective researches.

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