Archives for September 29, 2018

113th ISAT U Foundation Week – Employees and Alumni Day

Day 6 and 7

Faculty and Employees Day, Search for Miss and Mr. ISAT U and Alumni Day
September 7                                                                                                        

ISAT U faculty and employees from all campuses opened the day with a Zumba Dance session at the Multi-Purpose Hall.


After sweating out in the Zumba, everyone enjoys the Larong Pinoy. Sack race, kadang (stilt walking using coconut shells) , tumbang preso, planting rice, sipa and patentero (below) are participated in by delegates from all campuses.

A simple lunch was shared by faculty and staff at the Multi-purpose Center after the games. It was a way of bonding, recharging and getting away from every day’s normal routine.

In the afternoon, a professional lecture on the Impact of Industry 4.0 to Education was held. Engr.  Erwin U. Que, President of the Alpha Centauri Electrical Services, shared his ideas on the concept of Industry 4.0.

Engr. Erwin U. Que (left)  exchange ideas and answers questions from Dr. Russ Allen B. Napud, Prof. Grace Edmar E. Del Prado and Dr. Bernie F. Piad during the buzz session.

The cool and rainy afternoon turned warm as candidates of the Search for Mr. and Miss ISAT U displayed their charms and wits before the cheering and giggling crowd. Miss Jovi Marie Cordero of the College of Education was crowned as Miss ISAT U 2018 and Mr. Jonathan Palabrica, Jr. of the College of Arts and Science was Mr. ISAT U 2018.


Alumni Day
September 8

The Alumni Day was one of the highlights of the week-long celebration.  It is a way of recognizing the importance of the alumni as one of the pillars of the institution.

The alumni gathered to cherish the memories of their college days at ISAT U. Varied activities were conducted to reminisce the happy moments with their classmates.

Atty. Leo S. Sombero (right) , ISAT U Alumni Association President, and other officers pose for the camera after the oath taking ceremony.  Dr. Raul F. Muyong (left) administered the oath of office of the elected officers. Atty. Sombero in his capacity as Alumni Association President will be one of the members of ISAT U Board of Regents


Alumni from different campuses prepare for the ballgames.


Players from different campuses rub elbows in the basketball games. Aside from basketball, there were also badminton and karaoke singing and a luncheon shared by different batches.








113th ISAT U Foundation Week Pahampang

Day 4 and 5

Pahampang 2018
September 5 and 6

The students released their energies in the Pahampang 2018. Disregarding the rain and the muddy field, athletes from the different colleges competed in the different ball games.


Mr. Cid Garret A. Jalandoni, famed triathlete and chef, was the invited guest speaker in the opening ceremony of Pahampang 2018. According to him being a chef and a triathlete is hard, “balancing work and play is not easy . . . but if there’s a will, there is a way.’

Mr. Cid Garret A. Jalandoni

He shared his outlook to sports when he was a student, “when I was still a student, I do not see the importance of sports.”But when he entered adulthood, which according to him is the real world, it is then he realized the importance of physical activities. “It is not always work, but we must take care of our physical being. And then, you see the importance of sports, “he said. Further, Mr. Jalandoni stressed the lessons out of sports. “As we know it, life is not always about winning. Sometimes we win, sometimes we don’t. And what is important is that we learn. I failed many times but I guess what always matters is how we get up every time we fall. ”

After an exhausting day of physical activities, the Student Republic held the Gig Sa ISAT U. The students recharged by singing and dancing with the beat of the music played by the different group bands.

The College of Engineering and Architecture emerged as Champion in the Pahampang 2018. Trailing behind closely was the College of Industrial Technology. The College of Arts and Sciences and College of Education came in 3rd and 4th places respectively.

113th ISAT U Foundation Week Skills Olympiad and Lit-Mus Contest

Day 3

Skills Olympiad and Literary-Musical Contest
September 4

The third day of the celebration was filled with fun and challenges as the students competed in the different trade areas in the Skills Olympiad and in the Literary-Musical Competition.

(Clockwise) Regents Joel S. Adrias and Christia de la Cruz are amazed by the creativity of the participants in the Skills Olympiad. SEA TVET and SEA Teachers exchange students enjoy viewing the entries and take a pose with Dr. Raul F. Muyong, ISAT U President (lower photo).

Combining their learnings with their innate abilities, the students poured their best in 25 skills test in 10 trade areas of the Skills Olympiad. SEA TVET and SEA Teachers exchange students observing the competition gave some touch of internationalization to the activity.

The students applied theories they learned in school to the actual performance in the different areas.


The students’ literary and musical abilities were also measured in the Literary-Musical Competition. Dr. Raul F. Muyong said that the competition “aims for the holistic development of the students.” He added that, “we would like to focus not only on your academic development but also on your talents.” The university president also reminded the students to be humble in their victory and accept defeat wholeheartedly.

113th ISAT U Foundation Week Testimonial Dinner and Ball

The Testimonial Dinner and Ball
September 3

The Testimonial Dinner and Ball was one of the highlights of the celebration.

The activity was held to acknowledge the sacrifices, services and loyalty of the faculty and staff to the institution.

The retirees and the loyalty service awardees were given recognition during the program. A posthumous award was also given to Dr. Nehema K. Misola who served for 32 years and 10 months and was the Vice President for External Affairs when she passed away.

The loyalty awardees with key university officials.

The honorees (foreground from left) who spent years and retired from service at ISAT U.  Prof. Godofredo P. Defensor rendered service for 43 years, Ms. Lilian S. Baguio, 32 years; Engr. Christian D. Misola and daughter Khristian Katrina K. Misola who receive the posthumous award of Dr. Nehema K. Misola; and Mr. Esmael P. Tayona who served for 36 years and two months. Other honorees who are not in photo are Dr. Zenaida J. Java  and Prof. Gil S. Libutaque.

The night was also filled with fun and excitement. The university key officials and selected faculty and staff danced the waltz.



Later, the employees filled the dance floor and show their poise and grace.

The Human Resource Department also chose the best dressed employees of the night.

Most Goodlooking:Prof. Heinz Gumaguil; Best Couple of the Night: Engr. Pablo and Lota Minerva; Best Dressed- Dr. Ernie Daitao and Prof. Glenda D. Nakila.

Most Appealing-Ms. Candelaria Diamante and Dr. Ramil Lumauag; Most Bizarre Attire-Prof. Ronnel Dominez and Prof. Grace Edmar Prado; Most Stunning-Dr. Russ Allen B. Napud; Most Glamorous- Ms. Besilda G. Bearneza; Eyecatchers of the Night: Prof. Gina Haresco and Prof. Jose Abrian D. Casela.



113th ISAT U Foundation Week opening day highlights

Day 1 and 2
Sept. 2, 2018

Motorcade, Project Runway and the Opening Program

The university key officials, faculty, staff and students joined in the motorcade along the major streets of the city to signal the start of the celebration. It ended up at SM City Iloilo where the “Project Runway” was held.

Project Runway is a yearly showdown of creations of the Bachelor of Science in Fashion Design and Merchandising (BSFDM) students. This year’s theme based on the school’s celebration is futuristic. Ten groups of students presented 20 collections in the runway.


The Opening Ceremony
September 3

The university focused on the global trend of the fourth industrial revolution in its 113th Foundation Week Celebration on September 2-10, 2018. This year’s theme is “ISAT U @113: Advancing Science and Technology Towards Industry 4.0.”

Dir. Gelonga speaks before the crowd amidst the heavy downpour in the opening program.

In the opening ceremony, Director Rowen R. Gelonga, Department of Science and Technology Regional Office 6, was the invited guest speaker to grace the celebration.   The broad knowledge of Dir. Gelonga on the different scientific advances such as 3D printing, robotics, creation of new materials through technology, the use of internet in manufacturing and the breakthrough in genetics, precision medicines and bio-printing gave a clear picture on the concept and characteristics of Industry 4.0. He elaborated on the stages of industrial revolution from steam engine to digitized manufacturing.

He challenged ISAT U to make changes to embrace this development, “it is also very imperative to review our degree programs, and perhaps close some while opening new degree programs” he said.

Dir. Gelonga also acknowledged the school’s direction to utilize research in changing the society. “I am particularly glad that ISAT U has deepened its focus on research. We have now the Research Hub which houses the different laboratories such as robotics, 3D printing and natural sciences among others.” He also lauded the recently approved textile research project of the school.

“We must start now. Industry 4.0 has come, “was the final challenge of Dir. Gelonga before the academic community of ISAT U.

The heavy downpour did not hamper the flow of the opening program. Dripping wet, students under the Physical Education classes performed a spectacular mob dance that awed the crowd.

The day’s activity continued with the Robotics Showdown, Academics Quiz Contest and opening of exhibits of the different colleges and the external campuses.

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