Archives for November 10, 2017

GAD holds fora on gender sensitivity issues

Key university officials listen to Mr. Ongkiko in the first day of GAD fora.

The newly-created Gender and Development (GAD) Focal Point System conducted a series of activities on gender sensitivity issues for university key officials, members of the Committee on Decorum and Investigation (CODI), GAD peer advocates and student services providers.

The activities started with the training on gender-responsive management of university key officials on October 18-20, 2017 through a structured learning exercises led by the resource person, Mr. Joseph Astrophel C. Ongkiko.

On October 24-25, the Committee on Decorum and Investigation members (CODI) underwent the training on sexual harassment cases. Mrs. Teresita V. Menguillo, Administrative Officer V, Civil Service Commission (CSC), delivered a lecture entitled Sexual Harassment: A Silent Foe which dwelt on the historical and legal basis on sexual harassment, what constitute sexual harassment and the Administrative Rules on Sexual Harassment Cases Resolution No. 01-0940. On her lecture on Competence Building of the CODI members, Mrs. Menguillo discussed the preventive and punitive role and responsibility of CODI as well as their attributes. Atty. Cherry G. de la Cruz, Acting Director III, CSC RO6, gave a clear picture on the classification of sexual harassment offenses and penalties and oriented CODI members on the procedure on handling sexual harassment cases.

A two-day gender sensitivity training for GAD peer advocates was conducted on Oct. 26-27. Dr. Rosario H. Asong, retired faculty of the University of the Philippines in the Visayas (UPV) and Ret. Police Supt. Cecilia M. Detablan lectured on various gender sensitive issues which includes the review of the basic gender and development concepts. Other issues discussed were the gender issues in the households, in schools, and in communities; gender socializing factors-cultural and historical; international, national and local situationer; educational interventions; gender-ralated laws and envisioning a gender-fair society.

The last leg of the series which was held on Nov. 8-9 focused on gender sensitivity training for student services providers. Dr. Rosario H. Asong and Dr. Ida M. Siason, former UPV Chancellor, were the invited resource persons. The topics discussed were the four premises of gender training, legal bases for GAD, the development schema, basic gender and development concepts, forces and factors that shape gender, gender issues: international national and local situationer, recent laws and interventions, selected laws and Magna Carta for Women: relevant interventions, educational interventions: gender mainstreaming in the academic institutions and gender-fair use of language.

According to Ms. Emily de la Cruz, ISAT U GAD Focal person, the proposed activities for the coming month will focus on children’s and women’s rights.

2 faculty attend research IEC materials dev’t training

Dr. Raul F. Muyong, the newly-elected WESVAARRDEC Regional Research and Development Coordinating Council chair, delivers a message in the opening day of the workshop

Dr. Olive Joy G. Abing and Dr. Frisian Y. Cuasing attended the training-workshop on strategic communication and development of communication support materials for researchers conducted by the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Agriculture, Aquatic, and Natural Resources Research and Development (DOST-PCAARD) and the Western Visayas Agriculture, Aquatic and Natural Resources Research and Development Consortium (WESVAARRDEC) on October 10-13, 2017 at Amigo Terrace Hotel, Iloilo City.

The workshop was conducted to equip researchers with the skills on Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials development.

The four-day training-workshop also aimed to enable the participants to appreciate the importance of strategic communication planning and development of support communication materials in research output dissemination, learn and institutionalize the strategic communication process in all Research and Development projects and developed IEC materials base on a communication plan for knowledge sharing in print and web content.

The participants of the training workshop pose for the camera after the four-day training.

The invited speakers from Applied Communications Division, DOST-PCAARRD, Los Banos, Laguna were Mr. Joel Joven, Ms. Marina T. de Ramos, Mr. Ricardo Argona and Mr. Laureano Reyes.

Mr. Joel Joven talked on Introduction Behavior Change Communication: Communication Approaches for Development, Introduction to Strategic Communication Planning: Steps in Strategic Communication Planning, Problem Analysis, Strategic Design and Development of Key Messages and Materials. Mr. Argana discussed the points on clear and effective writing while Ms. de Ramos gave some pointers of managing photos and the print production. Mr. Laureano  Reyes, on the other hand, focused on designing the IEC materials.

Mabaquiao joins 2017 China-ASEAN E-Commerce forum

Dr. Mabaquiao in one of the meetings with delegates from other countries.

Dr. Nemia H. Mabaquiao, Director for National and International Affairs, represented ISAT U and UNEVOC Philippines in the Preliminary Meeting of International TVET League of New Commerce Professionals at Nanjing, China on September 11, 2017.

TVET League of New Commerce professional discussed proposal to establish New Commerce Professional with other participants that include Dr. Rupert Maclean, Founding Director of the UNESCO-UNEVOC International Center for TVET; Mr. Lu Chunyang, Deputy Director of National E-commerce Education Teaching Steering Committee; Ms. Xiao Liping, Senior Education Specialist of Bureau of the Department of Human Development of World Bank at Beijing; ASEAN government officials;  and school representatives.

The forum focused on issues such as developing high-quality talents among China-ASEAN countries, building long-term cooperative mechanism, exchanging vocational education experience, providing intellectual support for the China-ASEAN free trade area and implementing the Belt and Road Initiative,

The activity was part of the 2017 China-ASEAN Vocational Education Exhibition and Forum on E-Commerce whose mission is to explore, build, and communicate the concept, methods, resources, and culture of vocational education with Chinese characteristics.

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