Dr. Muyong talks on quality education and excellence as focus of Philippine Higher Education.
University President Dr. Raul F. Muyong and eleven ISAT U professors attended the 4th International Conference on Education for Sustainable Development (ICESDev) on October 25-27, 2016 at Penang, Malaysia. The theme of the activity was Collaboration and Linkages: “Keys for Global Educational Integration”.
Dr. Muyong, one of the two keynote speakers, highlighted quality education and excellence as major concerns of Philippine Higher Education. His message, “Achieving Quality Education for Global Integration: The Philippine Experience,” stressed on the establishment of Quality Assurance System that constantly checks and develops the institution’s system of improvements, and the role of the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines (AACCUP), Inc. in evaluating the quality of higher education.

Dr. Muyong signs document at the SEAMO-RECSAM Office at Malaysia. Looking on is Professor Jasper L. Pastrano.
In the plenary session, Prof. Jasper L. Pastrano, National President of the Association of Science and Mathematics Coaches of the Philippines (ASMaC Philippines), discussed the role of educational leaders in establishing linkages and initiate activities that will enhance and develop the teaching skills of the teachers . He shared his ideas on the topic: Building Bridges for Sustainable Education: A Four Years of Collaboration.
The conference was organized by (ASMaC Philippines) and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization Regional Center for Education in Science and Mathematics (SEAMEO-RECSAM) Malaysia and provided venue for teachers and professors to present findings of their researches. It also created an opportunity for linkages and collaborations between education ministries, colleges, universities and other institutions around the world and a place for the student to showcase their study.
ISAT U instructors and delegates from other countries shared their respective researches in the parallel sessions.
The following are ISAT U instructors and the research/study they presented in the conference:
See other photos:
- Dr. Raul F. Muyong (center) and Prof. Jasper L. Pastrano meet with SEAMO-RECSAM Director Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan Bin Zakaria.
- ISAT U Profs. Jasper L Pastrano, Naci John Trance and other delegates chat with Director Dr. Hj. Mohd Johan Bin Zakaria.
- Dr. Muyong with other delegates.
- The participants listen to the different presentations.