Archives for September 2016

FDU meets on programs, projects updates

Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Administration and Finance, and members of the Full Time Delivery Unit examines closely the report submitted during the meeting.

Dr. Nehema K. Misola, VP for Administration and Finance, and members of the Full Time Delivery Unit examine closely the report submitted during the meeting.

             The  University Full-Time Delivery Unit (FDU)  conducted  a normative financing report meeting  on August 23, 2016 at the New Board Room.

            The meeting  was held to assess the programs  and projects’ physical and financial status against its  target  and to give a clear picture of the budget utilization ratio per object of expenditures  for the first and second quarter of the year.

                During the meeting, the full time delivery unit identified  the bottlenecks and problems that cause  the delays of the projects’ implementation and its corresponding solutions.  Strategies were also laid down to obtain  a full and efficient utilization  of funds towards the realization of the scheduled  undertakings.

     Key University officials, Deans of the different Colleges, campus administrators, budget officers and accountants of  the different  campuses attended the meeting.

QAC conducts industrial, dimensional calibration workshop

Engr. Rommel N. Corona discusses the essentials of the industrial calibration equipment.

Engr. Rommel N. Corona discusses the essentials of the industrial calibration equipment.

   In compliance with the ISO 9001:2008 requirement on control of monitoring and measurement equipment, the University Quality Assurance Center (QAC) conducted a two-day Industrial and Dimensional Calibration Seminar-Workshop on August 31 –Sept. 1, 2016 at the New Board Room.

     Participated by the Faculty and the Science/Mechanical Laboratory In-Charge of the Main and External campuses , the seminar enabled the participants to understand and explain the essential calibration principles and practices, identify common errors in calibration and its corresponding corrective measures, and the use, proper handling and maintenance of  different calibration equipment.

       Invited resource persons were Engr. Rommel N. Corona and Eng. Daniel Paul P. Aquino
of Metals Industry Research and Development Center—Department of Science and Technology (MIRDC-DOST).

ISAT U faculty and laboratory in-charge listen attentively to lectures. At the lower right corner of the photo are the instruments that will be used in the actual demonstration of calibration practices.

ISAT U faculty and laboratory in-charge listen attentively to lectures. At the lower right corner of the photo are the instruments that will be used in the actual demonstration in calibration procedures.

ISAT U celebrates 111th foundation anniversary week

      Picture1  Excellence in the student’s academic development and school services is the centerpiece of ISAT U 111th Foundation  Anniversary on September 4– 10,  2016.  The  activities of the week long celebration are attuned to the theme: “ISAT U @111: One Vision, One Mission , and One  Goal…Excellence!”

       The launching of the school’s new  Vision, Mission, Core Values, Institutional Goals and Institutional Outcomes is one of the celebration’s highlights. This will help the faculty and staff rekindle their commitment to provide excellent higher education. It also reflects  the new thrusts in the university’s academic programs  as a result of its university status.

         The school’s online facility, the new and official ISAT U Website-,   will also be  launched to cater to the needs of all the stakeholders and to provide access, linkages and   transparency .  The Student’s Kiosk is one of the web’s features that has particular benefits to the parents and the students. Its accessibility provides easy tracking of the grades, schedule and account balance of the students.  Feedback may also be aired through the Student’s Kiosk. Aside from providing linkages with other higher institutions, researchers and research institutions, the web also provides transparency on the school’s financial records and transactions. All Administrative Orders, Memoranda and Advisories coming from the Office of the University President are also available for viewing.

       The foot parade, community luncheon on Faculty Employee Association Day, Zumba and the dance extravaganza  reflects the school’s advocacy on unity and camaraderie.

    awrdees   The students are also given the opportunity to display their physical, intellectual, cultural and artistic skills through fashion show, academic quiz contest, literary –musical competition, pahampang, Mr. and Ms. ISAT U, skills olympics, the robotics showdown and in the exhibits.

        Retirees and alumni are never left out in the ISAT U system. The induction of ISAT U Retired Teachers and Employees Association and the Alumni Homecoming are infused  in the list of activities.

       To recognize the services rendered and utmost dedication to their work, the Service Loyalty Award will be  given to the deserving employees and faculty members.





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