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Univ observes Int’l Men’s Day

As a way of  celebrating men's  positive contributions  to society, community, family, marriage, child care and to the environment, the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) observed International Men’s Day last Nov.19 with various activities.

The ISAT U male faculty members and employees were treated to a free health check as initial part of the observation of Men's Day.

At 8:30 a.m.,faculty members and employees gathered at the Ed Tech Center for an opening program and lecture about hypertension and diabetes. Dr. Ed Marie Togonon-Cruz, a Diplomate in Family and Occupational Medicine, was the speaker for the said event.

Dr. Cruz discussed the basics of hypertension and oriented the audience with its classification, symptoms and signs that are evident when one is suffering the disease.

For the diabetes topic, the speaker shared an advice to everyone to avoid the said ailment. She encouraged the audience to opt for lifestyle modification. The practice, according to her, required physical activities, avoidance of salt and alcohol and losing weight.

For the afternoon’s activities, free massage, pedicure, manicure and hair cut were offered to  the male faculty members and employess at the Ed Tech Center. Freebies were also given away to everyone who participated and celebrated the event.

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