Iloilo Science and Technology University

ISAT U submits 16 programs for AACCUP evaluation

Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) submitted 16 programs for accreditation  by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities of the Philippines (AACCUP) Inc. last Nov. 9-14.

Of the 16  evaluated programs, eight were from Miagao campus while the other eight from La Paz campus. 

The following programs of Miag-ao campus were evaluated on Nov. 9-11 and La Paz campus on Nov. 12-14: 

aacupThe opening program for La Paz campus was held at the ISAT U Covered Gym  after the AACCUP accreditors' courtesy call on the ISAT U President. During the program, the accreditors and their local counterparts were introduced to the Academic Community. Dr. Raul F. Muyong, the University President, gave his words of encouragement to the Local Accreditation Task Force.

They are here to help us see our strengths, to improve them further and our weaknesses that need to be assessed. Accreditors are here to help us improve our program offerings. Provide them the accommodation they needed.” Said Dr. Muyong in his opening speech.

 A brief meeting between accreditors and their local counterpart was held at the New Board Room after the opening program. This was followed by the submission of files and documents for validation.  

The local task force team assigned in the ten areas were the following:

The second day of the AACCUP Survey Visit consisted of a visitation to the extension site, facilities and interview of stakeholders. The submission of documents resumed after lunch break.

On the last day of the accreditation, the reports required for validation were finalized by the local task force team and the accreditors.

An exit conference was held in the New Board Room. The accreditors gave out their observations and findings on the 10 areas that were evaluated during the three-day survey visit at La Paz campus.

In her general impression during the closing program, Dr.Cecilia Salazar, over-all coordinator of AACCUP survey team, expressed her gratitude for the warm hospitality and accommodation given to her by ISAT U faculty, staff and students.

She described ISAT U as an “institution within an institution.”

Dr. Salazar also mentioned that she had great time during the group interview from the stakeholders. It presented the quality of students that the school is producing.

In her speech she quoted a line she favored from one of the alumni of ISAT U which says, “As we level up, do not forget to uplift the values and morals of the students.”

In his words of commitment, the university president, Dr. Raul F. Muyong, assured that the recommendations given by AACCUP survey team will be implemented.

The University awaits for the result of the AACCUP evaluation










































































































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