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Search for ISAT U Private Sector Reps now open

Pursuant to RA 8292/10595, the Board of Regents of Iloilo Science and Technology (ISAT U) fornally and publicly announces that the positions for Two (2) members of the Board of Regents representing the PRIVATE SECTOR are now open.

The nominee/applicant must have the following minimum qualifications:

  1. At least be thirty (30) years of age on the date of his appoinment;
  2. A resident of Iloilo for at least three (3) years prior to his appointment as such;
  3. Morally upright and has no record of criminal, civil or administrative conviction.
  4. The Private Sector Representative nominee shall not in any way be connected with the SUC in any manner, for two years prior to his or her nomination for the PSR position.
  5. Not in any way be presently employed or appointed in any position  with any government (local, national and in government owned and controlled corporations) agency or entity, in manner, be it full time or part time. at the time his or her nomination in the position;
  6. Should be from the industry, business or professions in line with the programs of ISAT U (e.g. Agriculture, Engineering, Industrial Technology, Information Technology, Hotel and Restaurant Management, Education and Science.) 
  7. Should have distinguished record of employment, business, expertise and connection with the private sector. If the PRS nominee previously worked with a government entity or was a consultant in any government  undertaking the proportion of the time the nominee served in the government should not exceed one fourth of the entire time the nominee served in the private sector.


In order to serve these minimum requirements, the nominator or the nominee should provide all the pertinent details of the nominee's past and current employment/service records, connection to the industry, field of expertise, achievement, non-connection with the SUC, no current employment or availability  of the nominee to serve as PSR, in proper nomination form that should be notarized with the pertinent supporting documentation.

The nominee should accept the nomination by signing his/her conforme on the designated portion of the notarized nomination form.

The nomination form may be obtained from the official University Website or Office of the Board Secretary.

All nominations/applications must be accompanied by the applicant's vision and duly accomplished personal data form to include attachments and must be personally submitted or by courier not later than December 10, 2015

These should be submitted to:

Office of the Board Secretary
2nd Floor Administration Building
ISAT U La Paz, Iloilo City

Chairperson, Search Committee
for Private Sector Representatives

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