Archives for June 16, 2015

University faculty and staff undergo BEST

Twenty-three faculty and staff from the four campuses of the university participated in a three-day Basic English Skills Training (BEST) on June 10 to 12, 2015.

The training, which was conducted at the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) La Paz Campus computer laboratory room a/b, used the Advanced English Pre-employment (AdEPT) software of the IT and Business Process Association Philippines (IBPAP).

The software is used to improve the communication skills of the Filipinos in terms of Pronunciation, Grammar, and Fluency.

The said training focused on the development of the faculty and staff as a part of the company’s aim to improve the four macro-skills. It also integrated a review of College English to prepare graduates for deployment into the service industry.

Mr. Gino N. Caliwagan, the resource speaker, taught the participants steps on how to use the AdEPT software, its effect when used in a classroom and the benefits of practicing with it.

Apart from introducing the functionality of the software, the training also suggested teaching techniques to the participants such as ways on how to do the proper breathing in order to achieve proper voice modulation.

“It’s like bringing our very own speech laboratory,” said Johnna de la Torre, English Instructor of ISAT U- La Paz campus.

Mr. Caliwagan is a master trainer for the Basic English Skills Training (BEST) and AdEPT. He is also a quality analyst for the IBPAP and a part-time instructor at Asia Pacific College.




ISAT U conducts patent drafting, refereed journal publication workshop

To satisfy the requirements of the college’s research function, a four-day Patent Drafting and Refereed Journal Publication Workshop was conducted.

Thirty-four deans, program heads and faculty members from the Iloilo Science and Technology University (ISAT U) campuses participated the workshop conducted on May 25 to 28, 2015 at the conference room of Mambukal Resort, Murcia, Negros Occidental.

Lectures on how to apply for the intellectual property including the detailed requirements when processing such application were conducted.

The speakers also discussed the guidelines and specifications recognized by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED). The participants were clustered into two the groups of patent writers and refereed journal writers.

Day two up to Day four of the workshop were dedicated to editing and finalization of the outputs.

Dr. Carmelo V. Ambut, VP for Research and Extension- ISAT U, Dr. Frisian Causing and Prof. Joselito Trandio Mendoza served as resource speakers.

The seminar-workshop was primarily designed to comply with the requirements for full professor accreditation of the members of the faculty for the National Budget Circular (NBC) 461 6th cycle.

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