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Incoming CEA freshmen to undergo math enrichment program

Incoming first year Engineering and Architecture students of the college will undergo a Mathematics Enrichment Program  consisting of lectures on college algebra and trigonometry on May 19-24, 2015.

The  enrichment program aims to equip freshmen students of the Bachelor of Science in Electronics Engineering (BSECE), Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering (BSEE), Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering Major in Major in Autmotive Engineering (BSMEAE), and the Bachelor of Science in Architecture (BSArch) with a better understanding and proper usage of the language, symbols and notation of mathematics. 

The Gender and Development (GAD) program has proposed continuous enrichment and tutorial sessions for the students  because a high number of first year College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA) students fail in their major subjects. 

Since the start of the program in the first semester of the academic year 2013-2014, it has resulted in the decrease of the drop-out rates  of students and a minimal number of students failed in their math subjects.

The schedule of activities are as follows

May 19:
8:00-12:00* – Opening Program
1:00-4:00 – Pre-Test
4:00-5:00* – Guidance c/o Mrs. Emily A. Dela Cruz

May 20 to 23:
8:00-9:00 – Guidance c/o Mrs. Emily A. Dela Cruz
9:00-10:30 – Lectures A
10:30-12:00 – Individual Classes
1:00-2:30 – Lectures B
2:30-4:00 – Individual Classes
4:00-5:00* – Guidance c/o Mrs. Emily A. Dela Cruz

May 24:
:00* – Guidance c/o Mrs. Emily A. Dela Cruz
9:00-12:00 – Post-test
1:00-5:00 – Closing Program

*8:00-9:00 and 4:00- 5:00 slots will be devoted to gender and development and various re-orientation.

The enrichment program is free and the tentative venue will be the CEA-Information and Communication Technology (ICT) building.


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