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WVCST teachers attend IBPAP trainings

Twelve faculty members of Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST) attended five training tracks sponsored by the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) and the Information Technology and Business Process Association of the Philippines (IBPAP).

The training for each track was held last October in different dates at the West Visayas State University (WVSU). The four training tracks were on expanded learning on IT services (ELITES), service culture, language, business process outsourcing (BPO), and process- systems thinking.

The five training tracks aimed to equip the teacher-participants with the skills in integrating Information Communication Technology in teaching English, Business Process Outsourcing, Process Systems Thinking, IT services and Service Culture.  It was also designed for teachers to produce globally competitive students in business communications and information technology.

Held on October 27-31, the Culture Training Track zeroed in on the personal and social competencies needed to deliver excellent service. It is also for acquiring the basic knowledge of service excellence practices in organizations and by individual service professionals.

The October 27-31 language training track targeted the integration and use of technology in teaching English using the Basic English Skills Training (BEST) and Advanced English Pre-Employment Training (AdEPT). The participants also made lesson plans, did demo teaching and used e-learning tools.

In the Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) training held on October 20-25 and October 27-30, the basics of BPO industry, how it works, and how the management supervises it were taught to the participants.

The Process Systems Thinking training on October 20-25, 2014 focused on the knowledge and skills of understanding how information is regarded as a whole and their influences to one another. The activities for the participants included reporting, group discussions and lectures.

On the other hand, ELITES concentrated on software development and framework. Hands-on programming, role playing, and project development activities were taught during the training.

A closing ceremony was held after each training track attended by the president of WVSU Dr. Luis Sorolla  Jr., and Dr. Carmelo Ambut, OIC president of WVCST.

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