Iloilo Science and Technology University

WVCST Signs Moa with DOST and MIAP – TESDA

            Western Visayas College of Science and Technology together with the Department of Science and Technology – Metals Industry Research and Development Center (MIRDC-DOST) and MIAP – TESDA signed a Memorandum of Agreement today, January 8, 2014, on a training program on CNC Machine Tool Programming and Operation.


The training program is a DOST-GIA (Grants In Aid) project designed for CNC Operators for a sustainable growth and competitiveness of the metal and engineering sector. It also aims to answer the “brain drain” problem that the country is undergoing since a lot of machine operators on metals industries have been going abroad. It has been noted that CNC machine operators are in demand not just abroad but also in the country. With the help of MIAP – TESDA, it targets 800 trainees that will be trained in different batches until the end of 2014.

                DOST has identified regions where trainings can be conducted and Western Visayas College of Science and Technology was chosen to provide some of the facilities like conventional machines and it will augment with other Colleges who do not have these facilities.

                The signing of the MOA was headed by Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, WVCST President, Dr. Dominico Sergie Valenciana, Dean, College of Industrial Techology, Dr. Danilo N. Pilar, MIRDC CNC Training Project Leader, Ms. Ines L. Palermo, Metal Industries Association of the Philippines National Executive Vice President and Engr.Nelson Lopez, MIAP, Vice President for the Visayas. Also present to witness the event were VP for Admin and Finance – Dr. Nehema K. Misola, Engr. Christian Misola of the Environment and Safety Department and Mr. Eugene Guevarra of MIRDC, Manila.

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