Archives for September 26, 2013

COE Holds Send – Off Session for LET Examinees

The WVCST Review Center headed by its director, Dr. John Eric V. Juaneza held a Send – Off Session for its LET (Licensure Examination for Teachers) examinees. The exam which will be conducted on Sunday, September 29, 2013 will be participated in by 200 examinees from the Review Center. The total number of examinees is composed of first timers and retakers.


The said event intended to give encouragement, wishes and inspiring messages to the future teachers as they take the board examination on Sunday.

Dr. Juaneza emphasized that based on the pre board exam result, he believes that all these examinees will pass and assured them that the College of Education and most of all WVCST are very proud of them and looking forward to seeing their names on the top ten passers.

Likewise, Dr. Ma. Asusina Asuncion E. Echaveria, Dean of the College of Education expressed her heartfelt support to the future teachers as she calls them her “best children”. She advised them to “relax, pray, think positively and do your best this coming Sunday. Aim to pass and if possible be on top because setting high goals can be your driving force to work hard for it. Optimism is the springboard for you to bounce back to your most desired success in passing the board exam.” She emphasized that if a person is prepared, the chances of passing the exam is greater.

On his part, the College President, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla,Jr., coveyed that he is happy to see the examinees wearing happy faces as if this is the most exciting moment of their life much more exciting to the boxing fight between Mayweather and Camelo. This he believes is because of the help of the coaches in preparing the examinees as well as their own preparations. “Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words and your faith stronger than your emotions.” Dr. Sorolla also confirmed that it is in the school policy that if there is a top notcher in any board exam, the school allocates Php 30,000 for the passer, which in turn made the examinees more excited and promised to do their best to be on the top 10.

However, the examinees also admitted that they have mixed emotions at this time. Others feel anxious while others are excited. All of these according to Prof. Sotero E. Fajarito, should be submitted to the Divine Providence. “You have already done everything for the coming board exam so all that you need to do is pray, pray and pray.”

Also present during the send off session were some of the coaches like Dr. Catherine Sumaculub, Dr. Carmen L. Cruzata, Dr. Merlinda T. Tucar, Dr. Georgia D. Demavibas and Mr. Jojit Castronuevo.


Social Science Club and SR Hold Voters’ Education Forum

                WVCST Social Science Club together with the Student Republic held a Voters’ Education Forum entitled “Vote Wisely” in relation to the upcoming Baranggay Election in October 2013.

                Students flocked at the covered gym to listen and interact as representatives from MISSION-Iloilo and PPCRV explained important points on why we vote and the rights and responsibilities of each and everyone in choosing our government officials.

                According to Ms. Aurora Hugo, the representative of MISSION (Movement of Imaginals for Sustainable Societies Thru Initiative Organizing and Networking), voting is important in our everyday life. “It is a sacred duty to perform such action for we are all children of our motherland and voting is our moral duty to take care of each other for our common good.” She added that voting does not simply mean choosing the brand of something that we buy or use but also we have to be responsible of what we choose. Ms. Hugo also reminded the audience that in business the power lies in the market while in the governance the power rests in the electorate. “If we want change in this decaying system of our government, we have to be vigilant members of this society.”



                On the other hand, Atty. Pearl Gauzon of PPCRV(Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting – the citizens right arm of the Commission on Elections), emphasized that as adults we can practice our privileges that go with responsibilities especially the responsibility to choose the right people to hold public office. As the “hope of the land”, the youth is expected to practice a clean, honest, accurate, meaningful and peaceful election. PPCRV she said is accredited to educate voters on how to vote the right way. “Through the Voters’ Education Forum, the young generation can help achieve what kind of government officials should be put into office and what kind of government should we have.”

                The Voters’ Education was very interactive as students participated in the open forum where questions were answered by Atty. Gauzon.

                Dr. Susan Marie R. de la Cruz of the Office of the Student Affairs conveyed her appreciation to PPCRV thru Atty. Gauzon and Ms. Aurora Hugo of MISSION as well as the Social Science Club and the Student Republic for holding such event. She believes that this will help the students learn more in understanding their responsibilities in the coming election as well as their responsibilities as citizens of this nation.




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