Iloilo Science and Technology University

College of ED and Guidance Center Holds Forum for Students

            A lecture on coping strategies and awareness on learning deficiencies was conducted today by the College of Education and the Guidance Center to help the students improve their performance in class, to cope up with their different problems in their studies and to avoid having failing grades, INC OR dropped subjects.

                Mrs. Bernadette F. de la Cruz, COE Guidance Counselor clarified before the lecture and forum started that as the Guidance Counselor of the College, she is just concerned about the grades of the students  and they were called to know their problems about their subjects and not to condemn them for getting Incomplete or failing grades. She wanted to help them before it becomes too late for them to  resolve or improved their performance in class.

                The College Registrar, Dr. Leah P. Montinola emphasized that the administration is very vigilant in monitoring the class standing of the students considering that WVCST is a government school and it caters to competent, unfortunate but deserving students. She reminded the students that the College had its curriculum review, giving a list of subjects which are necessary for the students’ courses and at the same time a schedule that is suited for everybody. Therefore she believes that there is no reason for anyone to get a failing grade.

                Dr. Ma. Asusina Asuncion E. Echaveria added that her office is always open should there be any questions or problems regarding their grades.  The Dean said that they should be more aware of the status of their grades because it might be the cause of delay in their practice teaching. She advised them to coordinate with her office when they have problems with their professors especially if the professors are not from their College. In addition she appealed to them to try their best to finish, comply and enroll the subjects in which they have failing grades, failures or even subjects that they dropped. She expects everyone to finish their courses in 4 years with no incomplete grade nor a 5.0 grade.

                On the other hand, Dr. John Eric Juaneza, Head of the TLE Dept. asked the students as well as their parents about the problems they encountered which were considered the reasons for getting failing grades and INC.  He pointed out that it is important for the parents to know their children’s problem in school so that they can also assist their needs. It is also expected that the students tell their parents of the same. The school including the professors, have high hopes that before graduation the students have already resolved all of these grades-problem.

                Also present in the lecture was Dr. Susan Marie R. de la Cruz, Director, Office of the Student Affairs and Dr. Merlinda T. Tucar, Head H.E. Department.

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