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WVCST Hosts AACCUP Training

The Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Inc. or AACCUP is currently conducting a training-workshop hosted by WVCST at Punta Villa Resort.

This workshop intends to train Senior AACCUP Accreditors in the Accreditation of Advanced Accredited Programs (Level III and Level IV) to further develop their competencies in terms of their knowledge of the program and the accreditation process, skill in applying the process , and their capability in making professional judgments in the accreditation of Advanced Accredited Programs (Level III and Level IV).

The AACCUP Training-Workshop is a series of workshops given to Presidents, Senior and new accreditors, professors and others who are identified and invited by AACCUP. The first in the series of training was conducted in June of this year, followed by the session on July 18 to 20 and another one on July 23 to 25.

At the end of the conference, participants are expected to have identified the strengths and areas needing improvement in the Accreditors’ performance during on-site survey visits, presented good practices of Accreditors in conducting accreditation and have been updated of the recent policies, developments and trends and the visions in SUC accreditation.

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