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COE Conducts Socialization Lecture/Workshop

A lecture/workshop on Personality Development and Social Graces was held by the College
of Education (COE) on February 8 at the Western Visayas College of Science and Technology
(WVCST) Multi-Purpose Covered Gym. The event aimed to train the junior and senior COE
students on the fine points of cultivating one’s personality and good manners in different social

Participants dressed in formal evening attire listened to topics given by laudable mentors of the
college such as Dr. John Eric Juaneza (Personality Development), Dr. Frisian Causing (Proper
Table Etiquette) and Ms. Dyna Remeneses (Social Graces). Workshops followed the discussions
to give the participants a chance to practice what they have learned from the guest speakers.

Special awards were also given out at the end of the program. The winners are Alfred Justo
(BEED 4A) and Shernie Swannie Gustilo (BEED3C) as Darlings of the Crowd, Jessa Jallorina
(BEED 4A) and Jancer Tacayon (BSED 3C) as Dancing Queen and King, and Raffy Monteclaro
(BEED 3A) and Venus Kristel Bayona (BEED 4B) as Faces of the Night.

The lecture/workshop on Personality Development and Social Graces is a joint venture of the
Senior Council led by Alfred Justo and the Junior Council led by Jemylyn Plagata.

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