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WVCST submits 4 programs for AACUP Level IV Accreditation

The Western Visayas College of Science and Technology (WVCST)-Main, La Paz, Iloilo City, submitted four (4) of its programs for Level IV Accreditation Status by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered Colleges and Universities in the Philippines Incorporated (AACCUP) on August 6-9, 2012. The following programs are Elementary Teacher Education, Secondary Teacher Education, Industrial Teacher Education and Industrial Technology.

During the opening program on August 6, Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., WVCST President, warmly welcomed the accreditors for the AACCUP Survey Visit. Dr. Carmelo V. Ambot, Over-all Local Accreditation Coordinator, introduced the college officials and the Accreditation Task Force of the College of Education and the College of Industrial Technology. Dr. Manuel T. Corpuz, AACCUP Survey Consultant, introduced the AACCUP accreditors to the WVCST Academic Community.

The four WVCST programs were evaluated on the areas of Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives; Faculty; Curriculum and Instruction; Students; Research; Extension and Community Development; Library; Physical Plant and Facilities; Laboratories; and Administration. During the four-day AACUP Level IV Accreditation, the accreditors inspected and analyzed documents, interacted with the WVCST accreditors, conducted ocular inspections of the laboratories, departments, offices, centers, research and extension project sites, and even conducted actual classroom observations and interviews with various stakeholders.

An exit conference was held on August 9 at the TEB Rooms 101 & 102 for the College of Education and Library Viewing Room for the College of Industrial Technology. During the exit conference, the team leaders presented their observations and recommendations to some areas where weak points were observed during the documentary evaluation.

During the closing program, Dr. Brigida A. Roscom, AACCUP Survey Coordinator, presented the general impressions and challenges. Dr. Luis M. Sorolla, Jr., gave his commitment and support and thanked the AACCUP accreditors as well as the accreditation task force for the hard work and cooperation in the endeavor.

The college has been busy acting on the recommendations and awaits for the final visit of the accreditors.

The AACCUP Team of Accreditors was led by Dr. Manuel T. Corpuz, Survey Consultant and Dr. Brigida A. Roscom, MSU-IIT, Coordinator.

The accreditors for the Elementary Teacher Education (4th Level Survey) were: Dr. Helen T. de los Santos-Team Leader, PNU; Dr. Concepcion L. Bederio, DMMMSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib.), CLSU.

For the Secondary Teacher Education (4th Level Survey), the accreditors were: Dr. Zenaida S. Lucero-Team Leader, UEP; Dr. Fe S. Soriano, PSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib.), CLSU.

For Industrial Teacher Education (4th Level Survey), Dr. Lorma M. Valera-Team Leader, MMSU; Dr. Condrado L. Abraham, SLSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib.), CLSU while Dr. Danilo S. Hilario, CLSU was the  Team Leader for the Industrial Technology (4th Level Survey) composed of Dr. Rossini B. Romero, NSU; Dr. Lolita H. Nava, PNU; Dr. Corazon M. Cudia, NVSU; Dr. Zosima A. Panares, CNU; Dr. Gerald L. Perez, NVSU; Prof. Zoraida E. Bartolome (Lib.), CLSU.

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